Parcours amoureux et économiques dans le roman sentimental publié par les éditions Édouard Garand

Publication year
Études françaises

The article is written in French but there is an abstract in English:

From 1923 to 1931, the Éditions Édouard Garand published the first collection of popular novels intended for the French-Canadian public. Next to Mrs. A. B. Lacerte, the figurehead of the publishing house’s sentimental genre, six women produce works exploiting this vein in the collection “Le Roman canadien.” Brought out apart from this collection, the novels Autour d’un nom by Mrs. Théry and L’homme à la physionomie macabre by Moïsette Olier must be taken into account in the complete inventory of sentimental literature at Édouard Garand’s. Three main archetypes of sentimental novel heroines emerge from this corpus : the orphan, the French-Canadian daughter and the frivolous socialite. These figures are intimately associated with money, underlining the importance of the economic aspect of the marital unions staged by popular fiction, where love and reason are not opposed, and even appear intrinsically linked.