Hispanicisms in Romance Fiction: An Annotated Glossary

The Edwin Mellen Press
Publication year

There's a review in the Journal of Popular Romance Studies by Suzanne Mpouli and here's part of the description on the publisher's website:

"Conceived as a contribution to the studies on the role of Spanish as a loan-giver language, this volume offers an inventory of all the Hispanicisms (words and expressions) that occur in 36 English romances published mostly by Harlequin and Mills & Boon between 1955 and 2004."

Table of Contents

1.1 Contextualization
1.2 Previous research and findings
1.3 Structure of the book
1.4 Methodology
References and Abbreviations
2.1 List of primary sources
2.2 List of abreviations
List of Classified Lemmas
3.1 Hispanicisms used in the novels and registered as such in the Oxford English Dictionary
3.2 Words used in the novels which are recognizable in Spanish but registered as borrowings from other languages
3.3 Spanish words used in the novels and their homographs in the Oxford English Dictionary
3.4 Hispanicisms used in the novels but not registered in the Oxford English Dictionary
Annotated Glossary


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