Reading Infrastructures in the Contemporary City: A Study of Three Public Libraries in Sydney

University of Western Sydney
Publication year

The popular fiction versus literary fiction tension is explored, with a look at the romance genre as a way to examine ideas of power and regulation inherent in discussions of popular fiction in libraries. I suggest that although libraries purport to be open and accessible places for everyone, there are value judgments inherent in library collections and the ways certain books are catalogued and shelved. (14)

Section 5.4.3 is about the "Cataloguing and shelving of romance" (211). It's not very long but it has information about cataloguing and shelving and concludes that:

The different ways libraries treat romance in terms of purchasing, cataloguing and shelving highlight various attitudes librarians hold towards the genre, akin to a physical embodiment of the debates played out in newspaper and online opinion columns regarding the value of romance and chick-lit. (220)