Dark fantasy and paranormal romance

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Kaveney begins by stating that "The taxonomy of genres is always a work in progress. It is a way of describing empirical data, facts that may change across time" (214) so I think it might be acceptable to point out that the following comments do not mention the happy ending which is usually considered an essential feature of romance:

What identifies a book as a paranormal romance has to be the extent to which its plot is determined by its erotic dimensions. Charlaine Harris publishes the Sookie Stackhouse novels as paranormal romance, which is right because the mundane world her telepath inhabits is one coping with the existence of vampires and others, and the plots of intrigue take much of their motive force from Sookie’s relationships with supernatural beings. (220)


Most dark fantasy, and in particular most paranormal romance, is to some degree revisionist fantasy. Standard supernatural tropes are presented in ways that humanize them at the very least and in many cases domesticate them. (220)