Narratives of Fractured Conjugality: Women’s Romance Novels in Kannada, 1950s-1960s

Publication year
Journal of Karnataka Studies

Sadly this is no longer online and the article was not archived. Only the contents page of this issue of the journal have been archived. I found a note about this article in the former Romance Wiki Romance Scholarship Bibliography (to which I contributed and which is now also offline and only available in archived form):

As might be deduced from the title, not all of the novels under discussion are "romances" with happy endings: "As is characteristic of all romance novels, the formation of a couple as constituent of romantic love also figures in the post-50s women‘s novels. However, in contrast to the earlier women‘s novels, what is dramatised in the novels of Indira, Triveni, Vani and Anupama is that they significantly articulate the fracturing of the conjugal space and, except for the novels of Anupama (which I will discuss later), have tragic endings." (9)
