Critical Awareness: Romance Novels in English for the Asian Market. A Critical Study of Locally Published "Romance Novels" in English

Publication year
Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society

Here's the abstract:

This paper proposes to illustrate what is possible in the classroom to help learners to see texts as problematical; to be critically aware of literacy as a phenomenon and as a consequence for the learner to be assertive in their interaction with text. At the same time it is hoped to show how Information Technology can be used as a tool in the analysis of texts. The study will focus on samples taken from a novel published locally for the English speaking market in Southeast Asia. The choices made by the writer in both lexis and grammar will be critically examined in an attempt to reveal the stereotypical role modelling with its implicit relations of power structures in society.

I think the novel discussed, Coming Home, by Joan Anderson, was published in Singapore by Times Books International in 1992. The article casts doubt on the happy ending:

The novel ends with declarations of both protagonists of being in love really from the very beginning. The reader is left in doubt as to what could be termed a "happy ever after ending." (95)

Lacking more detail about the protagonists' circumstances (other than that they are married to each other at the end of the novel), these two sentences appear to contradict each other. It may be that the author of this article doubts the happy ending due to their critique of the "male dominance [...] inextricably woven into the narrative" (107).