Impossible Love in the Hiccup and the Lily of the Valley Novels and the Social Role of the Women

Publication year
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

The article is written in Turkish but there is an English version of the abstract:

Kerime Nadir is a writer who has a respected place in Turkish Literature, is known for her romance novels, and has deeply influenced Turkish society. So much so that her novels have not only been adapted into films but have been the subject of many academic studies and postgraduate theses. What is the reason for this achieved status in the Turkish Literature of Nadir? Thus Nadir is a contemporary interpreter of the traditional orientation of love affairs. The protagonists in her novels are generally both forbidden and in some cases impossible love figures, such as cousins, half-siblings, and close relatives, who have a kinship and/or age difference between them. The characters of the novels are usually wounded souls who seek true love and encounter many unexpected events on the thorny paths of life. Finally, they have realized that happiness is not in vanity but in simplicity, virtue, patience, sacrifice, and nobility. In Nadir's works, there is also a reference to the freedom of choice, that we can change our destiny if we want, instead of accepting the destiny drawn by society. In this study, a comparison between Nadir's novel The Hiccup and Honoré de Balzac's novel Le Lys dans la vallée will be made, The main characters in Hiccup of Nadir and Le Lys dans la vallée of Balzac have similar attitudes and behaviors being observed. At the same time, it has been revealed how these two women sacrifice themselves and could not make their own choices beyond traditions and social roles.