Imperialismo y medios masivos de comunicación |
1973 |
Les Productions populaires en Espagne, 1850-1920 |
1986 |
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (77th, Atlanta, Georgia, August 10-13, 1994). Part IV: International Media |
1994 |
Turismo y tiempo libre: actividades, métodos y organización |
1995 |
Homenaje a José María Martínez Cachero: investigación y crítica, Vol. 2 |
2000 |
The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality |
2015 |
(charles), Helen |
(Not) Compromising: Inter-Skin Colour Relations |
1995 |
Ann Allen Shockley, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, race/ethnicity, BDSM |
Abartis, Caesarea |
The Ugly-Pretty, Dull-Bright, Weak-Strong Girl in the Gothic Mansion |
1979 |
gothic romance, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Charlotte Brontë, Daphne du Maurier, Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, Claudette Nicole |
Haruna, Alkasim; Abd Aziz, Noor Hashima |
Towards an Understanding of the Efferent Reading Stance of Hausa Popular Romance Novels |
2019 |
Nigeria, Africa, readers |
Haruna, Alkasim; Abd Aziz, Noor Hashima |
Understanding How Novels Shape Identities of Female Readers: A Transactional Reader-Response Approach |
2019 |
readers, Nigeria |
Abdullah-Poulos, Layla |
Muslim Love American Style: Islamic-American Hybrid Culture and Native-Born American Black Muslim Romance |
2016 |
religion/spirituality, African American romance, Islam, Muslim romance |
Abdullah-Poulos, Layla |
The Stable Muslim Love Triangle - Triangular Desire in African American Muslim Romance Fiction |
2018 |
Islam, African American romance, United States of America, religion/spirituality, race/ethnicity, marriage, Muslim romance |
Abdullah-Poulos, Layla |
Sisters, Skanks, and Jezebels: American Muslim Fiction and the Other Woman |
2023 |
United States of America, Islam, religion/spirituality, African American romance |
Abrahamsson, Elin |
Enahanda läsning: En queer tolkning av romancegenren |
2018 |
Fifty Shades, Twilight, Sweden, readers, sex/sexuality, feminism, gender, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Abrahamsson, Elin |
Superwomen, Latte Dads and Feminist Alphas: Negotiations on Feminism in Contemporary Swedish Popular Romance Novels |
2021 |
Sweden, feminism, gender, family, work, national identity, Simona Ahrnstedt, Sofia Fritzson, Christina Schiller, Harlequin Mills & Boon, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, social/economic class |
Abrahamsson, Elin |
Rättvisemärkt romantik: Feelgood, flärd och feminism i samtida svensk romance |
2022 |
feminism, contemporary romance, Sweden, Simona Ahrnstedt, Sofia Fritzson, Fifty Shades, Twilight, Christina Schiller |
Abrahamsson, Elin |
Teaching Feminist Cultural Studies Using Popular Romance |
2025 |
teaching romance, feminism |
Achieng’, Okang’a Nancy |
A Cosmopolitan National Romance: A Study of In Dependence by Sarah Ladipo Manyika |
2017 |
Sarah Ladipo Manyika, Nigeria, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Africa, race/ethnicity, gender |
Ackley, Katherine Anne |
Women and Violence in Literature: An Essay Collection |
1990 |
Acosta, Leonardo |
Penetración cultural imperialista en América Latina: comics y revistas femeninas |
1974 |
Adair, Joshua G.; Levin, Amy K. |
Museums, Sexuality, and Gender Activism |
2020 |
Adair, Joshua G. |
“A Battlefield All Their Own”: Selling Women’s Fictions as Fact at Plantation Museums |
2020 |
race/ethnicity, Christian romance, historical romance, history, Tamera Alexander, social/economic class, readers, gender |
Adamenko, Olga; Klymenko, Olga |
Communicative Behavior via Gender Identity (Based on the English language “Love Stories”) |
2020 |
gender, linguistics, Victoria Gordon, Leigh Greenwood, Madeleine Ker, Gil Sanderson, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Adams, Kathleen Barzun |
Thirty years of change: heroes, heroines, and the popular romance |
2003 |
gender |
Adamu, Yusuf M. |
Hausa Prose-Fiction: A Reader |
2021 |
Adkins, Denice; Esser, Linda; Velasquez, Diane |
Perceptions of Romance Readers: An Analysis of Missouri Librarians |
2004 |
libraries/librarians |
Adkins, Denice; Esser, Linda; Velasquez, Diane |
Relations Between Librarians and Romance Readers: A Missouri Survey |
2006 |
libraries/librarians, readers, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Adkins, Denice; Esser, Linda; Velasquez, Diane; Hill, Heather L. |
Romance novels in American public libraries: A study of collection development practices |
2008 |
libraries/librarians, United States of America |
Esser, Linda; Adkins, Denice; Velasquez, Diane L. |
“The Red Dot District”: Uncommon Ground in Reader Advisory Education and Professional Practice |
2008 |
libraries/librarians, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, readers, pornography |
Adkins, Denice; Esser, Linda; Velasquez, Diane |
Promoting Romance Novels in American Public Libraries |
2010 |
libraries/librarians |
Adkins, Denice; Esser, Linda; Velasquez, Diane L. |
Romance promotion in American public libraries |
2010 |
Cho, Hyerim; Adkins, Denice; da Silva Santos, Diogenes; Long, Alicia K. |
Platform, Visuals, and Sound: Webtoon’s Immersive Romance Reading Engagement |
2024 |
comics/manga, readers |
Ahmed, Kiran Nazir |
Attachment, Articulation and Agency: A Glimpse into the World of Women Digest Writers in Pakistan |
2016 |
romances in magazines and newspapers, Pakistan, authors, readers, friendship, gender, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Aiken Hodge, Jane |
The Private World of Georgette Heyer |
1984 |
Georgette Heyer |
Drayton, Arthur D.; Ajayi-Soyinka, Omofolabo; Ukpokodu, I. Peter |
African Literatures at the Millennium |
2007 |
Al Thobaiti, Fatmah |
Afterlife of the Romance Hero: Readers’ Reproduction of Romance |
2019 |
readers, gender, fanfiction, Twilight |
Al-Bataineh, Afaf Badr |
The modern Arabic novel: a literary and linguistic analysis of the genre of popular fiction, with special reference to translation from English |
1998 |
translation, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Alberti, Paola; Fortunati, Vita; Franci, Giovanna; Galateria, Daria; Mangaroni, Rosella; Pozzato, Maria Pia; Sabbadini, Tiziana; Tempera, Mariangela |
Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese |
1986 |
UK, Elinor Glyn, E. M. Hull |
Alberto, Maria |
Original Slash, Romance, and C.S. Pacat’s Captive Prince |
2022 |
C. S. Pacat, fanfiction, Publishing, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, race/ethnicity |
Alberts, J. K. |
The Role of Couples' Conversations in Relational Development: A Content Analysis of Courtship Talk in Harlequin Romance Novels |
1986 |
psychology, linguistics, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Alcala Gonzalez, Antonio; Sederholm, Carl H. |
Lovecraft in the 21st Century: Dead, But Still Dreaming |
2022 |
Alexander, Camille S. |
“The Realness” in Jasmine Guillory’s Sista Lit Rom Com Novels |
2022 |
Jasmine Guillory, African American romance, rom-com romance, race/ethnicity, ageism |
Alexander, Alison |
A Mortal Flame: Marie Bjelke Petersen, Australian Romance Writer 1874-1969 |
1994 |
Marie Bjelke Petersen, Australia |
Alexi, Sarah |
Girl, woman, spinster—‘desire, fear, ridicule’: the feminine and the failed in twentieth-century Australian women’s writing |
2020 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Louise Mack, Australia, national identity, Mabel Forrest |
Alfonso García, María del Carmen |
Sobre novela rosa y condición femenina en la España de posguerra |
2000 |
Spain, history, gender |
Ali, Kecia |
Human in Death: Morality and Mortality in J. D. Robb's Novels |
2017 |
Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, science fiction/futuristic romance, family, community, race/ethnicity, work, gender, romantic suspense, police officers/police forces |
Ali, Kecia |
Troubleshooting Post-9/11 America: Religion, Racism, and Stereotypes in Suzanne Brockmann’s Into the Night and Gone Too Far |
2017 |
Suzanne Brockmann, religion/spirituality, race/ethnicity, United States of America, war/armed forces, Islam, sheikh romance, gender, marriage |
Ali, Kecia |
Romance Fiction in the Archives |
2018 |
authors, romance scholarship, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, race/ethnicity, gender, Publishing, sex/sexuality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Ali, Kecia |
Sacrifices, Sidekicks, and Scapegoats: Black Characters and White Stories in Nora Roberts’s Romances |
2019 |
Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, race/ethnicity, death, romantic suspense, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, police officers/police forces, authors |
Ali, Kecia |
Author studies and popular romance fiction |
2021 |
romance scholarship, authors, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, Georgette Heyer, Marie Bjelke Petersen, Suzanne Brockmann, Jennifer Crusie |
Ali, Kecia |
The End of the World as We Know It: Climate Catastrophe in Nalini Singh's Paranormal Romance Fiction |
2023 |
Nalini Singh, ecocriticism/environmentalism/climate change, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Ya’u, Mohammed Sani; Rashid, Sabariah Md; Ali, Afida Mohamad; Singh, Hardev Kaur Jujar |
Semantic Extensions of Hausa Visual and Auditory Perception Verbs gani and ji in Romance Fiction |
2023 |
linguistics |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Theorising Male Virginity in Popular Romance Novels |
2011 |
sex/sexuality, gender, virginity |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Reading from Behind: A Cultural Analysis of the Anus |
2016 |
m/m romance, Anne Tenino, sex/sexuality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
The Purity of His Maleness: Masculinity in Popular Romance Novels |
2016 |
gender, virginity, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Allan, Jonathan A.; Santos, Cristina; Spahr, Adriana |
Virgin Envy: The Cultural Insignificance of the Hymen |
2016 |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Men, Masculinities, and Popular Romance |
2020 |
gender, sex/sexuality, m/m romance, pornography, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, virginity, Marie Sexton, health/medical |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Mourning and Sentimental Heroism in Maureen Child's Lost in Sensation |
2020 |
Maureen Child, gender, happy ending, death, metaphor/symbolism, emotions |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
“And he absolutely fascinated me”: Masculinity and Virginity in Sherilee Gray’s Breaking Him |
2020 |
Sherilee Gray, gender, virginity, sex/sexuality |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Gender and sexuality |
2021 |
gender, sex/sexuality, pornography, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, lesbian romance, m/m romance |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Healing Toxic Masculinity in Sweatpants Season by Danielle Allen |
2022 |
Danielle Allen, gender, feminism |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Men, Masculinities, and Infertilities |
2022 |
health/medical, family, gender, LaVyrle Spencer, Emilie Richards |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
One Sexy Daddy: Desirable Dad "Bods" and the Popular Romance Novel |
2022 |
gender, fat, fatness, family |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
‘Impossibly erotic things’: On men’s underwear in Brief Encounters by Suzanne Forster |
2022 |
fashion/clothing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Suzanne Forster, sex/sexuality, gender |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
“A Most Unlikely Hero”: Disability, Masculinity, and Sexuality in Harlequin Superromance Novels |
2022 |
gender, disability, sex/sexuality, Fay Robinson/Carmel Parsons Thomaston, Kay Stockham, readers, romance scholarship |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Softcore romance: on naked heroes and beefcakes in popular romance novels |
2023 |
pornography, sex/sexuality, genre definitions, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Kathleen O’Reilly, Jo Davis, Susan Stephens, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Annabeth Albert, K. C. Wells |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
“Condoms Break. Birth Control Fails.” Heroes in the Procreative Realm and Jessica Scott’s “Anything for You” |
2024 |
health/medical, sex/sexuality, gender, Jessica Scott, United States of America, war/armed forces |
Allan, Jonathan A. |
Forever Amber, Censorship, and Popular Romance Studies |
2024 |
teaching romance, Kathleen Winsor, pornography |
Allan, Jonathan |
Self-improvement as proof of love in The Bromance Book Club |
2022 |
gender, love, Lyssa Kay Adams |
Allan, Janice M. |
The Romantic Reading Process: Towards a New Definition |
1990 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Harlequin Mills & Boon, genre definitions, readers, Sergeanne Golon, Catherine Cookson |
Allen, Margaret; Blackburn, Jean; Johnson, Carol; King, Margaret; Mackinnon, Alison |
All Her Labours: Embroidering the Framework |
1984 |
Rush, Ramona R.; Allen, Donna |
Communications at the Crossroads: The Gender Gap Connection |
1989 |
Allen, Amanda Kirstin |
The Girls’ Guide to Power: Romancing the Cold War |
2010 |
YA/teenage romance, Publishing, psychology, fashion/clothing, paratext, readers, Betty Cavanna, Mary Stolz, Maureen Daly |
Allen, Amanda K. |
The Cinderella-Makers: Postwar Adolescent Girl Fiction as Commodity Tales |
2009 |
YA/teenage romance, Betty Cavanna, Mary Stolz, fashion/clothing, fairytales/folktales, capitalism/business, social/economic class |
Allen, Amanda K. |
Charm the Boys, Win the Girls: Power Struggles in Mary Stolz’s Cold War Adolescent Girl Romance Novels |
2012 |
Mary Stolz, YA/teenage romance, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, gender |
Allen, Amanda K. |
“Dear Miss Daly”: 1940s Fan Letters to Maureen Daly and the Age-Grading and Gendering of Seventeenth Summer |
2016 |
YA/teenage romance, readers, Maureen Daly, gender, libraries/librarians, genre definitions, war/armed forces |
Allen, Amanda K. |
Young adult romance |
2021 |
YA/teenage romance, genre definitions, readers, Samuel Richardson, romance scholarship, Twilight, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Allen, Amanda K. |
Ruling the Court: Reflections on Midcentury Junior Novel Romances |
2024 |
YA/teenage romance |
Allport, Tanya |
Female journeys: the place of Jane Eyre and "Mills and Boon" in the search for women's existential space |
1988 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Ayala Rodríguez, Ida María; Almaral Cereijo, Iraida Thalia |
Deconstructionism of the heroine in the novel The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer |
2022 |
Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer |
Alonso Valero, Encarna |
Cincuenta años de usos amorosos: El amor y la novela rosa |
2011 |
Spain, love, Corín Tellado, history |
Alonso Valero, Encarna |
Corín Tellado y la novela rosa |
2012 |
Corín Tellado, Spain, gender, readers, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Alpalhão, Margarida Santos; Carreto, Carlos F. Clamote; Dias, Isabel de Barros |
O jogo do mundo: ensaios sobre o imaginário lúdico |
2017 |
Altus, Marilyn |
Sugar-coated Pills |
1984 |
Sevilla, Florencio; Alvar, Carlos |
Actas del XIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas: Madrid 1998: IV: Historia y sociedad comparada y otros estudios |
2000 |
Álvarez, Marta; Hekmat, Ida; Lauret-Taft, Sabine |
L’amour. Création et société |
2017 |
Álvarez, Blanca |
Corín Tellado ¿Yo soy así? |
1992 |
Corín Tellado |
Álvarez, Blanca |
Corín Tellado: mantilla y matrimonio |
2000 |
Corín Tellado |
Amaya García, Marcela |
Análisis discursivo de la construcción identitaria femenina y masculina en fotonovelas de Corín Tellado |
2011 |
Corín Tellado, gender, fotonovela |
Ammidown, Steve |
Romance Writers of America Rescind Award for Lakota Genocide Redemption Narrative |
2021 |
authors, race/ethnicity, Christian romance, religion/spirituality, Native American romance |
Amorós, Andrés |
Sociología de una novela rosa |
1968 |
Spain, Corín Tellado, sociology |
Anderson, Rachel |
The Purple Heart Throbs: The Sub-Literature of Love |
1974 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), trash/literary and or intellectual quality, religion/spirituality, Charlotte M. Yonge, Christian romance, Ruth Lamb, Rhoda Broughton, Rita, pen name of Mrs. Eliza Margaret Humphreys, Ouida, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi, Margaret Baillie-Saunders, Evelyn Everett-Green, Elinor Glyn, Florence Barclay, Ethel M. Dell, Marie Corelli, Berta Ruck, Kathlyn Rhodes, Robert Hitchens, E. M. Hull, sheikh romance, Elizabeth Hoy, Violet Winspear, Jennifer Ames, Ruby M. Ayres, Netta Muskett, Annie S. Swan, Margaret Pedler, Maysie Greig, Gilbert Frankau, Joan Butler, pen name of R. W. Alexander, Denise Robins, Ursula Bloom, Sophie Cole, medical romance, Lucilla Andrews, Kate Norway/Olive Norton, Julia Davis, settings, food, drink, fashion/clothing |
Eickelman, Dale F.; Anderson, Jon W. |
New Media in the Muslim World: The Emerging Public Sphere |
1999 |
Anderson, Jennifer |
Mills and Boon: love and oppression |
1981 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Anderton, Gretchen E. |
Excitement, adventure, indifference: Romance readers' perceptions of how romance reading impacts their sex lives |
2009 |
readers, sex/sexuality |
Andeweg, Agnes |
Recording Now: Dutch Lesbian Cultural Politics in the 1980s |
2024 |
Netherlands, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Andeweg, Agnes; Kurvinen, Heidi |
Transnational Feminism in Non-English Speaking Europe, c.1960-1990 |
2024 |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
Os Livros do Coração: uma análise dos romances sentimentais do Século XX |
2008 |
Delly, Brazil, linguistics, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
A vida em cor de rosa: o romance sentimental e a ditadura militar no Brasil |
2010 |
Corín Tellado, Brazil, history, capitalism/business, love, marriage, gender, readers, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
Corpos que falam: erotismo, amor e paixão no romance sentimental |
2010 |
Elinor Glyn, sex/sexuality |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
A pedagogia social dos romances de amor dos “tempos da vovó” |
2013 |
Brazil, Publishing, readers, gender, social/economic class, Delly, Elinor Glyn, Berta Ruck, Concordia Merrel |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
O Consumo de Romances e o Universo Feminino: As Práticas de Leitura dos Livros do Coração |
2013 |
readers, Brazil |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
O que é o romance ideal? Uma cartografia dos romances mais populares publicados pela Harlequim-Silhouette entre 1977 e 2012 |
2013 |
Brazil, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
Os Romances Sentimentais e suas Comunidades de Leitura |
2014 |
Brazil, readers |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Nascimento, Antonio Marcos Fonseca do; Freitas, Tatiane Lima de |
As representações de masculinidades e feminilidades nos romances de banca de Diana Palmer nos anos de 1990 |
2015 |
Diana Palmer, gender |
Silva, Erotilde Honório; Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de |
Os romances sentimentais e a revolução digital: os processos de criação dos projetos de democratização da leitura nos livros do coração |
2015 |
Publishing, Brazil |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório; Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia |
O casamento em perigo no romance sentimental de Corin Tellado e a imprensa feminina na ditadura militar brasileira |
2017 |
Brazil, Corín Tellado, marriage, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia |
A cultura emotiva das comunidades virtuais de leitura de livros de amor |
2018 |
readers, emotions, Brazil |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia; Silva, Erotilde Honório |
Emoção e moralidade em tempos de ruptura: o estupro nas relações conjugais nos romances sentimentais e suas comunidades de leitura |
2019 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, marriage, readers, Brazil |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Viana, Thiago Mena Barreto; Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia |
Prazer, Emoção e Cotidiano na Leitura de Romances Sentimentais |
2020 |
Brazil, readers |
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de; Silva, Erotilde Honório; Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia; Viana, Thiago Mena Barreto |
Um século de romances de amor: A trajetória da literatura sentimental no Brasil (1920 - 2020) |
2020 |
Brazil |
Andresen, Julie Tetel |
Postmodern Identity (Crisis): Confessions of a Linguistic Historiographer and Romance Writer |
1999 |
linguistics, emotions, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Andreu, Alicia G. |
La obra de Carmen de Icaza en la difusión de un "nuevo" concepto de nación española |
1998 |
Carmen de Icaza, Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, race/ethnicity, national identity |
Andreu, Alicia G. |
Literatura popular española fascista: discurso de la nación |
2000 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, Carmen de Icaza, cross-dressing |
Andreu, Alicia G. |
La Sección Femenina de la Falange en la obra de Carmen Martín Gaite: La popularidad de las novelas rosa en la posguerra española |
2002 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism |
Andreu, Alicia G. |
Difusión y distribución de Corín Tellado en Hispanoamérica |
2009 |
Corín Tellado, Publishing, Latin America |
Andreu, Alicia G. |
La construcción editorial de Corín Tellado |
2010 |
Corín Tellado, Publishing |
Andreu, Alicia G. |
Corín Tellado y el discurso popular: “Peculiares confidencias” |
2011 |
Corín Tellado, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, sex/sexuality |
Andrews, Maggie; Talbot, Mary M. |
All the World and Her Husband: Women in Twentieth-Century Consumer Culture |
2000 |
Ang, Ien |
Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media Audiences for a Postmodern World |
1996 |
readers, feminism, emotions |
Anita,; Nababan, Mangatur Rudolf; Santosa, Riyadi; Wibowo, Agus Hari |
Shift on Functions of Sexual Euphemisms in English-Indonesian Translation of Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James |
2020 |
translation, sex/sexuality, Indonesia, Eloisa James |
Anta Félez, José Luis |
Para una antropología del amor. La novela rosa y los productos de la cultura de masas |
2009 |
love, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, capitalism/business, social/economic class |
Peinado Rodríguez, Matilde; Anta Félez, José Luis |
Educar para el matrimonio en femenino: modelos y prácticas en la literatura de posguerra |
2013 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, gender, marriage |
Antonel, Emanuela |
Attraverso "il rosa" : un'avventura nel sentimento |
1983 |
Anyiwo, U. Melissa |
Race in the Vampire Narrative |
2015 |
Anzaldúa, Saraliza |
Teratophilia: An Inquiry into Monster Erotica and the Feminine Psyche |
2015 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Mac Flynn, psychology, readers, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Arargüç, M. Fikret |
Empire and Romance: John Masters's Nightrunners of Bengal |
2012 |
India, UK, historical romance, race/ethnicity |
Araujo, Gail |
Living to read romance: The transformative potential of interpretive practice in romance reading |
2009 |
readers |
Aravind, G. S.; Dwivedi, Laxmi Dhar |
The Representation of Female Characters in the Romances of Hawthorne: A Comparison with the Popular Romance Fiction of America in the Twentieth Century |
2021 |
feminism |
Ardis, Ann |
E. M. Hull, Mass Market Romance and the New Woman Novel in the Early Twentieth Century |
1996 |
E. M. Hull, history, gender, sex/sexuality, modernism, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, emotions |
Arimbi, Diah Ariani |
Women in Indonesian Popular Fiction: Romance, Beauty, and Identity Politics in Metropop Novels |
2017 |
Indonesia, settings, languages, gender, fashion/clothing, marriage |
Armstrong, Jane; Byrski, Liz; Merrick, Helen |
Love works: Reading and writing romance in the twenty-first century |
2014 |
readers, authors |
Hinks, John; Armstrong, Catherine |
Book Trade Connections from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Centuries |
2008 |
van der Putten, Jan; Arnez, Monika; Wieringa, Edwin P.; Graf, Arndt |
Traditions Redirecting Contemporary Indonesian Cultural Productions |
2017 |
Arnold, Marilyn |
Pornography, Romance, and the Paradox of Freedom |
1981 |
Arnold-Forster, Agnes; Moulds, Alison |
Medical women in popular fiction |
2018 |
health/medical, history, Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, medical romance |
Arnold-Forster, Agnes |
Racing Pulses: Gender, Professionalism and Health Care in Medical Romance Fiction |
2021 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, medical romance, work, gender, UK, romance and, or as, activism, social/economic class, readers, authors, romances in magazines and newspapers, Elizabeth Gilzean, Alex Stuart, Hilda Pressley, pseudonym of Hilda Nickson, Marguerite Lees, family, marriage, Betty Neels |
Arnold-Forster, Agnes |
Cold, Hard Steel: The Myth of the Modern Surgeon |
2023 |
health/medical, Elizabeth Gilzean, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Aronowitz, Beverly-Lynne |
Women's Fiction and Popular Romance: Student Audience and Teaching Dilemma |
1988 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, teaching romance |
Arriaga Flórez, Mercedes; Cruzado Rodríguez, Ángeles; González de Sande, Estela; González de Sande, Mercedes |
Escritoras y figuras femeninas (literatura en castellano) |
2009 |
Arslan, Antonia |
Vivere in rosa per vivere in casa |
1987 |
Arslan, Antonia; Pozzato, Maria Pia |
Il rosa |
1989 |
Italy |
Arthur, Paul Longley; Bode, Katherine |
Advancing Digital Humanities: Research, Methods, Theories |
2014 |
Arvanitaki, Eirini |
Postmillennial femininities in the popular romance novel |
2017 |
feminism, gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Arvanitaki, Eirini |
Gender in Recent Romance Novels: A Third Wave Feminist Mills and Boon Love Affair? |
2019 |
gender, feminism, love, Jane Porter, Leah Ashton, Kate Hewitt, Natalie Anderson, work, sex/sexuality |
Arvanitaki, Eirini |
Masculinities in Post-Millennial Popular Romance |
2022 |
gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Arvanitaki, Eirini |
Emotionality: Heterosexual Love and Emotional Development in Popular Romance |
2024 |
love, emotions |
Farooqui, Javaria; Ashraf, Rabia |
Reconnaissance of ‘Difference’ in Cognitive Maps: Authenticating Happily Ever After in Julia Quinn’s To Sir Philip with Love |
2019 |
psychology, Julia Quinn, historical romance |
Asor Rosa, Alberto |
Letteratura italiana. Storia e geografia, III, L'età contemporanea |
1989 |
Papargyriou, Eleni; Assinder, Semele; Holton, David |
Greece in British Women’s Literary Imagination, 1913-2013 |
2017 |
Assiter, Alison |
Romance Fiction: Porn for Women? |
1988 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, pornography, feminism, sex/sexuality, gender, psychology |
Assiter, Alison |
Pornography, Feminism and the Individual |
1989 |
pornography, feminism |
Atkinson, Jacqueline M. |
The Psychiatrist, the Hero and the Romance Genre |
1994 |
health/medical, medical romance, psychology, readers |
Smith, Clarissa; Attwood, Feona; McNair, Brian |
The Routledge Companion to Media, Sex and Sexuality |
2018 |
Parrish, Berta; Atwood, Karen |
Enticing Readers: The Teen Romance Craze |
1984 |
YA/teenage romance |
Atzenhoffer, Régine |
Ecrire l'amour kitsch - Approches narratologiques de l'oeuvre romanesque de Hedwig Courths-Mahler (1867-1950) |
2005 |
Hedwig Courths-Mahler |
Austin, Allan W. |
Courting Tragedy: Romance and the Liberal Redemption of Japanese American Mass Incarceration |
2024 |
United States of America, history, historical romance, race/ethnicity, Japan, Danielle Steel |
Ávila, Debbie Maria |
The Romance Novel of the 1930s and 1940s in Spain and Portugal: The Cases of Carmen de Icaza and Alice Ogando |
2005 |
Carmen de Icaza, Alice Ogando writing as Mary Love, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, Spain, Portugal, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Ávila, Debbie Maria |
Conflicting Images of Womanhood in the Novels of Alice Ogando |
2014 |
Alice Ogando writing as Mary Love, Portugal, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, gender, marriage, family, love |
Awad, Amal |
Desert dreamings and sheikh-lit |
2021 |
sheikh romance, Jackie Ashenden, Miranda Lee, race/ethnicity |
Ayala Rodríguez, Ida María; Almaral Cereijo, Iraida Thalia |
Deconstructionism of the heroine in the novel The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer |
2022 |
Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer |
Ayres, Brenda |
"A Necessary Madness": PTSD in Mary Balogh's Survivors' Club Novels |
2020 |
Mary Balogh, disability, war/armed forces, death |
Maier, Sarah E.; Ayres, Brenda |
Neo-Victorian Madness: Rediagnosing Nineteenth-Century Mental Illness in Literature and Other Media |
2020 |
Lukas, Iwan; Muarifuddin,; Azi, Rahmawati |
Formula Romance dalam Roman Mes Amis Mes Amours Karya Marc Lévy |
2024 |
Marc Levy |
Azorín Fernández, María Dolores |
La obra novelística de Rafael Pérez y Pérez |
1983 |
Rafael Pérez y Pérez |
Bach, Evelyn |
Sheik Fantasies: Orientalism and Feminine Desire in the Desert Romance |
1997 |
sheikh romance, Sarah Holland, settings, Violet Winspear, E. M. Hull, Sara Wood, gender, race/ethnicity, Margaret Pargeter, Rebecca Stratton |
Bachleitner, Norbert |
Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer: The Many Languages of Comparative Literature |
2020 |
Backman, Nelina Esther |
Evangelism Embarrassed: Christian Literature in a post-Christian Culture |
1999 |
Christian romance, history, sex/sexuality, fashion/clothing, race/ethnicity, wealth/prosperity, religion/spirituality |
Bacon, Simon |
The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire |
2024 |
Badik, Victoria L. |
On Using Genre Fiction in Bibliotherapy |
1997 |
psychology, Pamela Morsi, Mary Jo Putney, Catherine Anderson, Rachel Lee/Sue Civil-Brown, JoAnn Ross, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Eileen Dreyer/Kathleen Korbel |
Bagchi, Jayeeta |
Looking for Reality in Romance |
2000 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, feminism, fairytales/folktales, love, paratext, readers, authors, India, sex/sexuality, family |
Bailie, Helen T. |
Blood Ties: The Vampire Lover in the Popular Romance |
2011 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, emotions, sex/sexuality, family, religion/spirituality |
Balducci, Federica |
A Different Shade of Pink: Literary Thresholds and Cultural Intersections in Italian Chick Lit |
2011 |
Italy |
Balducci, Federica |
Rethinking Romanzo Rosa: The first person narrator and changing gender roles in Brunella Gasperini’s Rosso di sera |
2011 |
Italy, Brunella Gasperini, Publishing, gender, YA/teenage romance, sex/sexuality |
Balducci, Federica |
When chick lit meets romanzo rosa: Intertextual narratives in Stefania Bertola’s romantic fiction |
2011 |
Stefania Bertola, chick lit, Italy, Publishing, Liala, pen name of Amalia Liana Cambiasi Negretti Odescalchi |
Baldus, Kimberly |
Gossip, Liminality, and Erotic Display: Jennifer Crusie’s Links to Eighteenth-Century Amatory Fiction |
2012 |
Jennifer Crusie, sex/sexuality, Delariver Manley, virginity, pornography, settings, community |
Baldys, Emily M. |
Disabled Sexuality, Incorporated: The Compulsions of Popular Romance |
2012 |
disability, sex/sexuality, Pamela Morsi, Billie Green, Peggy Webb, Jennifer Ashley, Colleen McCullough, gender, readers |
Balkan, Stacey; Nandi, Swaralipi |
Oil Fictions: World Literature and Our Contemporary Petrosphere |
2021 |
Rastier, François; Ballabriga, Michel |
Corpus en Lettres et Sciences sociales : des documents numériques à l'interprétation, Actes du colloque international d'Albi, juillet 2006 |
2007 |
Balteskard, Susanna |
Feminism in Romance: How the romance genre has(n't) changed since the 1950s |
2022 |
feminism, Georgette Heyer, Barbara Cartland, Julia Quinn, Peggy Gaddis Dern with many pseudonyms including Perry Lindsay, Charlotte Lamb, Susan Elizabeth Phillips |
Banti, Anna |
Opinioni |
1961 |
Banti, Anna |
Storia e ragioni del romanzo rosa |
1961 |
Italy |
Banzon-Mooney, Isabela |
‘Cinderella,’ ‘Snow White’ and Romance Fiction |
1997 |
fairytales/folktales, gender, marriage |
Barba, Shelley E.; Perrin, Joy M. |
The Ascendance of Harley Quinn: Essays on DC's Enigmatic Villain |
2017 |
Barber, Karin |
Readings in African Popular Culture |
1997 |
Barbour, Catherine; Kardak, Karunika |
Women’s Historical Fiction Across the Globe |
2025 |
Barker, Clare; Murray, Stuart |
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Disability |
2017 |
Barkman, Adam; Sanna, Antonio |
A Critical Companion to Robert Zemeckis |
2020 |
Barletta, Sandra A. |
Cougars, Grannies, Evil Stepmothers, and Menopausal Hot Flashers: Roles, Representations of Age, and the Non-traditional Romance Heroine |
2014 |
ageism, Sandra Antonelli/Sandra A. Barletta |
Barletta, Sandra |
A first kiss is still a first kiss: romancing the mid-life reader and heroine: A basic renovation |
2008 |
ageism, Sandra Antonelli/Sandra A. Barletta |
Stern, Stephanie C.; Robbins, Brianne; Black, Jessica E.; Barnes, Jennifer L. |
What You Read and What You Believe: Genre Exposure and Beliefs About Relationships |
2019 |
psychology, readers, love, gender |
Lynch, Katherine E.; Sternglantz, Ruth E.; Barot, Len |
Queering the Romantic Heroine: Where Her Power Lies |
2012 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, lesbian romance, Radclyffe Hall, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Katherine V. Forrest, Radclyffe/Len Barot, Lea Santos, gender, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Barot, Len |
Queer Romance in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century America: Snapshots of a Revolution |
2016 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, lesbian romance, history, Publishing, Sarah Aldridge, Katherine V. Forrest, Isabel Miller, m/m romance, Wallace Hamilton, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Gordon Merrick, Radclyffe/Len Barot, erotic romance |
Barr, Elizabeth |
“Who the devil wrote that?”: Intertextuality and Authorial Reputation in Georgette Heyer’s Venetia |
2013 |
Georgette Heyer, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Shakespeare, religion/spirituality |
Barra, Andrea Cipriano |
Beyond the Bodice Ripper: Innovation and Change in the Romance Novel Industry |
2014 |
readers, Publishing |
Barreca, Regina |
New Perspectives on Women and Comedy |
1992 |
Barrett, Rebecca Kaye |
Higher Love: What Women Gain from Christian Romance Novels |
2003 |
Christian romance, readers, religion/spirituality |
Barrett, Caroline |
La femme et la société dans la littérature sentimentale populaire québécoise, 1940-1960 |
1979 |
Canada |
Barrett, Caroline |
Qui a peur des petits romans à l’eau de rose? |
1984 |
readers |
Barrett-Fox, Rebecca |
Hope, Faith and Toughness: An Analysis of the Christian Hero |
2007 |
Christian romance, gender, family, religion/spirituality, United States of America, readers |
Barrett-Fox, Rebecca |
Review: When Mercy Rains |
2015 |
Kim Vogel Sawyer, Christian romance, sex/sexuality, religion/spirituality |
Barrett-Fox, Rebecca |
Christian Romance Novels: Inspiring Convention and Challenge |
2016 |
Christian romance, readers, gender, religion/spirituality, marriage, work |
Barrett-Fox, Rebecca; Donnelly, Kristen |
Inspirational Romance |
2021 |
Christian romance, Grace Livingston Hill, religion/spirituality, Janette Oke, Francine Rivers, gender, African American romance, Beverly Jenkins, Angela Benson, Philippines |
Barrios, Joi |
Ang aking Prince Charming at iba pang noveleta ng pag-ibig |
2001 |
Joi Barrios |
Barta, Orsolya |
Surprise Babies, Bad Mothers & Happily Ever Afters: Pregnancy Narratives and the Concept of Motherhood In Eight Contemporary Romance Novels |
2024 |
family, sex/sexuality |
Bartlett, Lexey A. |
Review of Love Between the Covers by Laurie Kahn (Blueberry Hill Productions, 2015) |
2016 |
readers, romance scholarship, teaching romance, Beverly Jenkins, Eloisa James, Radclyffe/Len Barot, Susan Donovan, Celeste Bradley |
Griswold, Wendy; Bastian, Misty |
Continuities and Reconstructions in Cross-cultural Literary Transmission: The Case of the Nigerian Romance Novel |
1987 |
Nigeria, genre definitions, sex/sexuality, gender, Bisi Abejo |
Basu, Soumi Sinha Ray |
The Allure and the Shame of Popular Fiction: An Analysis of Mills & Boon Romances |
2019 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Basu, Balaka; Broad, Katherine R.; Hintz, Carrie |
Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers |
2013 |
Basu, Aparna |
Perspectives on Women: Canada and India |
1995 |
Baticle, Yveline |
Delly: autopsie du roman rose |
1984 |
Delly, social/economic class, settings, linguistics |
Batsleer, Janet |
Pulp in the Pink |
1981 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, feminism, capitalism/business, race/ethnicity, Barbara Cartland, social/economic class, gender |
Batsleer, Janet; Davies, Tony; O'Rourke, Rebecca; Weedon, Chris |
Rewriting English: Cultural Politics of Gender and Class |
1985 |
genre definitions, gender, capitalism/business, feminism, Florence Barclay, E. M. Hull, history, Barbara Cartland, Catherine Cookson, social/economic class, race/ethnicity, UK, sex/sexuality, fashion/clothing |
Båtstrand, Johanne Marie |
Bringing the Male to his Knees - Taming the Dangerous Lover: Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre as the blueprint for love relations in Sarah J. Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses. |
2024 |
Charlotte Brontë, Sarah J. Maas, genre definitions, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Batzke, Ina; Erbacher, Eric C.; Heß, Linda M.; Lenhardt, Corinna |
Exploring the Fantastic: Genre, Ideology, and Popular Culture |
2018 |
Baum, Thomas |
Working the Skies: Changing Representations of Gendered Work in the Airline Industry, 1930-2011 |
2012 |
work, history, gender, Betty Beaty |
Bayer-Berenbaum, Linda |
The Gothic Imagination: Expansion in Gothic Literature and Art |
1982 |
Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, gothic romance |
Bazenga, Aline |
Turismo e Romance na Literatura Popular Cor-de-rosa Tendo por Cenário a Ilha da Madeira |
2019 |
Portugal, languages, Harlequin Mills & Boon, settings |
Bazenga, Aline |
Language Awareness in Four Romances Set on the Island of Madeira |
2020 |
linguistics, languages, Portugal, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bazenga, Aline |
Paisaje sociocultural y lingüístico de la isla de Madeira: Visiones anglocéntricas en una muestra de seis novelas rosa |
2022 |
Portugal, UK, Harlequin Mills & Boon, settings, metaphor/symbolism, linguistics |
Bazenga, Aline |
The sociocultural and linguistic landscape of Madeira: Anglocentric visions in a sample of six romance novels |
2022 |
Portugal, UK, Harlequin Mills & Boon, settings, metaphor/symbolism, linguistics |
Beauman, Nicola |
A Very Great Profession: The Woman’s Novel 1914-39 |
1983 |
Ruby M. Ayres, Ethel M. Dell, Elinor Glyn, E. M. Hull, history |
Kapell, Matthew; Becker, Suzanne |
Patriarchy, the Christian Romance Novel, and the 'Ecosystem of Sex' |
2005 |
Christian romance, sex/sexuality, feminism, religion/spirituality, Janette Oke, Francine Rivers, readers, Jane Almquist |
Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Bettinotti, Julia; Provost, Christiane |
Harlequin: Quand l'amour est une guerre |
1983 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Janet Dailey, Anne Hampson, Charlotte Lamb, Anne Mather, Violet Winspear, gender, love |
Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Provost, Christiane |
"Un subtil parfum de mensonge": essai d'analyse d'un corpus de romans harlequin |
1984 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Gagnon, Jocelyn; Noizet, Pascale; Provost, Christiane |
La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin |
1986 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, gender, settings, marriage, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, paratext, family, Janet Dailey, Charlotte Lamb, sex/sexuality, work |
Beers, Laura |
Feminism and Sexuality in Ellen Wilkinson's Fiction |
2011 |
socialism and/or communism, work, gender, marriage, sex/sexuality, Ellen Wilkinson, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), history |
Befeler, Paige |
LGBTQ(NA), Queer New Adult Fiction: The Emergence of a New Genre and Its Impact on the LGBTQIA+ Community |
2022 |
YA/teenage romance, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Casey McQuiston, Morgan Rogers, race/ethnicity |
Beidler, Peter G. |
The Contemporary Indian Romance: A Review Essay |
1991 |
Native American romance, race/ethnicity, historical romance, United States of America, teaching romance, Madeline Baker, Karen A. Bale, Rosanne Bittner, Kathleen Drymon, Cassie Edwards, Kathleen O’Neal Gear, Kathleen Harrington, Elisabeth Macdonald, Constance O’Banyon, Laura Parker, Patricia Pellicane, Joanne Redd, Nan Ryan, Bronwyn Williams |
Béja, Alice |
La new romance et ses nuances. Marché littéraire, sexualité imaginaire et condition féminine |
2019 |
France, erotic romance, sex/sexuality, Fifty Shades, Publishing, m/m romance, fanfiction, readers |
Belgrave, Valerie |
On Combining Batik Art and Novel Writing |
1990 |
Valerie Belgrave, Caribbean, historical romance, national identity, history, race/ethnicity |
Belgrave, Valerie |
Thoughts on the Choice of Theme and Approach in Writing Ti Marie |
1990 |
Valerie Belgrave, historical romance, race/ethnicity, history |
Belk, Jaime |
Save Our Love |
2022 |
African American romance, Christian romance, Harlequin Mills & Boon, happy ending |
Bell, Kathleen |
Cross-dressing in Wartime: Georgette Heyer's The Corinthian in its 1940 Context |
1995 |
Georgette Heyer, cross-dressing, war/armed forces, food, drink, history, social/economic class, historical romance |
Bell, Carole V. |
I'm Rooting for Everybody Black: Black Solidarity, Black World-Building, and Black Love |
2022 |
United States of America, race/ethnicity, African American romance, romance and, or as, activism, community, Alexandria House, Christina C. Jones, Alyssa Cole, social/economic class, fat, fatness, feminism, gender |
Bellanta, Melissa |
A Masculine Romance: The Sentimental Bloke and Australian Culture in the War-and Early Interwar Years |
2014 |
Australia, gender, love, C. J. Dennis, film/movies |
Belsey, Catherine |
Writing About Desire |
1993 |
love, sex/sexuality |
Belsey, Catherine |
Desire: Love Stories in Western Culture |
1994 |
sex/sexuality, love |
Belsey, Catherine |
Popular Fiction and the Feminine Masquerade |
1998 |
gender, Marion Smith Collins, fashion/clothing, metafiction, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Shakespeare, Daphne du Maurier, marriage |
Benge, Alie; O'Brien, Lil; Van Beek, Kathryn |
Otherhood: Essays on being childless, childfree and child-adjacent |
2024 |
Benito del Valle Eskauriaza, Amelia |
La lectura, una práctica de ocio enfocada al turismo: el caso de la novela rosa Harlequin |
1995 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Benito del Valle Eskauriaza, Amelia |
La reproducción ideológica de la información y el rol social femenino en la novela rosa |
1996 |
gender |
Benjamin, Sarah |
The Theory of 'Identity Dissonance': Mass Communication, Romance Fiction, and the Self-Concept |
1999 |
psychology |
Moussaoui, Abdelghani; Benlamine, Abdellah |
Gender, Identity, and the Politics of Difference in Popular Romance |
2024 |
race/ethnicity, Rebecca Stratton, Morocco, gender |
Moussaoui, Abdelghani; Benlamine, Abdellah |
Race as a 'Sign of Difference' in Romance Discourse |
2024 |
race/ethnicity, Rebecca Stratton |
Bennett, Tony; Emmison, Michael; Frow, John |
Accounting for Tastes: Australian Everyday Cultures |
1999 |
Australia, readers, gender, social/economic class, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Bennett, Susan G.; Kuhn, Alice |
Love and Lust in the Secondary School: Do Formula Romances Have a Place in the Schools? |
1987 |
Bennett-Kapusniak, Renee; McCleer, Adriana |
Love in the Digital Library: A Search for Racial Heterogeneity in E-Books |
2015 |
libraries/librarians, race/ethnicity, African American romance |
Benson, Stephen |
Stories of Love and Death: Reading and Writing the Fairy Tale Romance |
1996 |
genre definitions, fairytales/folktales, myth |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bérard, Sylvie |
Quand Éros flirte avec Thanatos. La perception de la mort dans le roman Harlequin |
1993 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, death |