Soubeyroux, Marie-Hélène; Zapata, Mónica |
Miradas sobre una obra polifacética: Homenaje a Jean Louis Guereña |
2016 |
Zaragoza Ninet, Gora; Martínez Sierra, Juan José; Cerezo Merchán, Beatriz; Richart Marset, Mabel |
Traducción, género y censura en la literatura y en los medios de comunicación |
2018 |
Kuznets, Lois; Zarin, Eve |
Sweet Dreams for Sleeping Beauties: Pre-Teen Romances |
1982 |
YA/teenage romance, settings |
Zeiger, Melissa F. |
"Less Than Perfect": Negotiating Breast Cancer in Popular Romance Novels |
2013 |
health/medical, feminism |
Coste, Didier; Zéraffa, Michel |
Le récit amoureux: Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle |
1984 |
Zhaboriuk, I. A.; Rukshtel, Yu. A. |
The Artistic Detail in the Novel "The Reluctant Widow" by G. Heyer |
2021 |
Georgette Heyer, linguistics |
Zhang, Chunjie; Krimmer, Elisabeth |
Gender and German Colonialism: Intimacies, Accountabilities, Intersections |
2023 |
Zhou, Yanyan; Paul, Bryant; Sherman, Ryland |
Still a Hetero-Gendered World: A Content Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Romantic Ideals in Chinese Boy Love Stories |
2018 |
m/m romance, gender, China, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Zibrak, Arielle |
Avidly Reads Guilty Pleasures |
2021 |
readers, sex/sexuality, historical romance, gender, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Susan Warner, E. D. E. N. Southworth, Rosemary Rogers, Jill Marie Landis, fairytales/folktales, feminism |
Zidle, Abby |
From Bodice-Ripper to Baby-Sitter: The New Hero in Mass-Market Romance |
1999 |
gender, emotions, psychology, readers, sex/sexuality, wealth/prosperity |
Zille, Tom |
Georgette Heyer and the language of the historical novel |
2021 |
Georgette Heyer, linguistics, history, historical romance |
Zimmermann, Hans Dieter |
Schema-Literatur: ästhetische Norm und literarisches System |
1979 |
genre definitions, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, dime novels, Germany |
Zwar, Jan; Lawson, Airlie |
Success Story - International Rights Sales of Australian- Authored Books: Case Studies |
2021 |
Publishing, Australia, Kylie Scott |
[Sigroha], Suman |
Gendered Migrations and Literary Narratives: Writing Communities in South Asian Diaspora |
2018 |
authors, work, family, gender, Publishing |
Γραφανάκη, Ρωξάνη |
Γυναίκες και ροζ λογοτεχνία: η περίπτωση των εκδόσεων Άρλεκιν |
2019 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, feminism, capitalism/business, gender, sex/sexuality |
Στάμου, Εύα |
Η επέλαση της ροζ λογοτεχνίας. Δοκίμιο για την Ευδοκίμηση μιας Μορφής Αφηγηματικού Λόγου |
2014 |
尾崎, 俊介 |
ハーレクイン対フェミニズム - フォーミュラ・ロマンス批評史をめぐる一考察 - |
2005 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, feminism |