Parnell, Jo |
The Bride in the Cultural Imagination: Screen, Stage, and Literary Productions |
2021 |
Parnell, Claire |
Models of Publishing and Opportunities for Change: Representations in Harlequin, Montlake and Self-Published Romance Novels |
2018 |
Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, sex/sexuality, social/economic class |
McAlister, Jodi; Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne |
#RomanceClass: Genre World, Intimate Public, Found Family |
2020 |
Philippines, genre definitions, Publishing, readers, authors, Mina V. Esguerra, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, sex/sexuality |
Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne; McAlister, Jodi |
Hello, Ever After: #RomanceClass and Online-Only Live Literature in the Philippines in 2020 |
2021 |
Philippines |
Parnell, Claire |
Independent Authors’ Dependence on Big Tech: Categorization and Governance of Authors Of Color on Amazon |
2021 |
Publishing, authors, race/ethnicity, African American romance |
Parnell, Claire |
Reading and writing Muslim romance on Wattpad |
2022 |
Muslim romance, Publishing |
Parnell, Claire |
Algospeak and algo-design in platformed book publishing: Revolutionary creative tactics in digital paratext to circumvent content moderation |
2023 |
Publishing, paratext, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, race/ethnicity, pornography |
Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne; McAlister, Jodi |
Live literature in the Philippines: an ethnographic study of #RomanceClass and reading as performance |
2023 |
Philippines, readers, authors, Publishing, Mina V. Esguerra |
McAlister, Jodi; Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne |
Publishing Romance Fiction in the Philippines |
2023 |
Philippines, Publishing, social/economic class, Mina V. Esguerra, wealth/prosperity, Keene Alicante, sex/sexuality, work, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, settings, authors, paratext |
Parra Membrives, Eva |
Trivialidades literarias: Reflexiones en torno a la literatura de entretenimiento |
2013 |
Parrish, Berta; Atwood, Karen |
Enticing Readers: The Teen Romance Craze |
1984 |
YA/teenage romance |
McKay, Jade; Parsons, Elizabeth |
Out of Wedlock: The Consummation and Consumption of Marriage in Contemporary Romance Fiction |
2009 |
marriage, Harlequin Mills & Boon, sex/sexuality, virginity, wealth/prosperity, work, feminism, family |
Parv, Valerie |
Healing Writes: Restorying the Authorial Self through Creative Practice: and Birthright, a speculative fiction novel |
2007 |
authors, psychology, Valerie Parv |
Pastureau, Jean |
Le bel ailleurs, le bon hier |
1998 |
France, Publishing |
Patai, Daphne; Ingram, Angela |
Fantasy and Identity: The Double Life of a Victorian Sexual Radical |
1993 |
gender, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Irene Clyde, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Ingram, Angela; Patai, Daphne |
Rediscovering Forgotten Radicals: British Women Writers 1889-1939 |
1993 |
Patell, Cyrus R. K.; Williams, Deborah Lindsay |
The Oxford History of the Novel in English: Volume 8: American Fiction since 1940 |
2024 |
Pates, Giuliana |
Reading Practices and Gender Politicization: How do Young Argentinean Women Read Romantic Novels |
2023 |
Argentina, YA/teenage romance |
Pattee, Amy S. |
Reading the Adolescent Romance: Sweet Valley High and the Popular Young Adult Romance Novel |
2011 |
YA/teenage romance |
Patterson, Janet |
Consuming Passion |
1981 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, readers |
Patthey-Chavez, G. Genevieve; Clare, Lindsay; Youmans, Madeleine |
Watery Passion: The Struggle between Hegemony and Sexual Liberation in Erotic Fiction for Women |
1996 |
metaphor/symbolism, erotic romance, gender, sex/sexuality, linguistics, Shirlee Busbee, Julie Garwood, Roberta Gellis, Johanna Lindsey, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, Bertrice Small, Rachel Lee/Sue Civil-Brown, Elizabeth Lowell, Emma Merritt, Fayrene Preston, Kasey Stuart, Linda Turner, virginity, food, drink, war/armed forces, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, work |
Zhou, Yanyan; Paul, Bryant; Sherman, Ryland |
Still a Hetero-Gendered World: A Content Analysis of Gender Stereotypes and Romantic Ideals in Chinese Boy Love Stories |
2018 |
m/m romance, gender, China, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Paulvé, Dominique; Guérin, Marie |
Le roman du roman rose |
1994 |
Delly, Max du Veuzit, Berthe Bernage, Magali, pen name of Jeanne Philbert |
Pawling, Christopher |
Popular Fiction and Social Change |
1984 |
Peabody, Rebecca |
Kara Walker: American Romance in Black and White |
2016 |
historical romance, race/ethnicity, sex/sexuality, Barbara Ferry Johnson |
Pearce, Susan C.; Sojka, Eugenia |
Cultural Change in East-Central European and Eurasian Spaces: Post-1989 Revisions and Re-imaginings |
2021 |
Pearce, Lynne; Stacey, Jackie |
Romance Revisited |
1995 |
Stacey, Jackie; Pearce, Lynne |
The Heart of the Matter: Feminists Revisit the Romance |
1995 |
feminism |
Pearce, Lynne; Wisker, Gina |
Fatal Attractions: Rescripting Romance in Contemporary Literature and Film |
1998 |
Pearce, Lynne |
Popular Romance and Its Readers |
2004 |
Jeanette Winterson, food, drink, settings, psychology, Violet Winspear, readers, sex/sexuality |
Pearce, Lynne |
Romance Writing |
2007 |
love, Jane Rule, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Ann Bannon, Margaret Mitchell, Daphne du Maurier, Jeanette Winterson |
Pearce, Lynne |
Romance and Repetition: Testing the Limits of Love |
2011 |
love, psychology, philosophy |
Pearce, Elizabeth Florence |
Reading the Lesbian Romance: Re-imagining Love, Sex, Relationships, and Community |
2004 |
lesbian romance |
Haddon, Jenny; Pearson, Diane |
Fabulous at Fifty: Recollections of the Romantic Novelists' Association 1960-2010 |
2010 |
authors, Lucilla Andrews, Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook, Barbara Cartland, Netta Muskett, Denise Robins, Mary Stewart, Alex Stuart, Sylvia Thorpe, Joanna Trollope, Sheila Walsh, Anne Weale |
Peaty, Gwyneth |
Rock Hard: Gargoyles in Contemporary Gothic Romance |
2015 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, war/armed forces, United States of America, Christine Warren, Lisa Blackwood, Sally Painter, Marjorie M. Liu, Danielle Monsch |
Mazzarella, Sharon R.; Pecora, Norma Odom |
Growing Up Girls: Popular Culture and the Construction of Identity |
1999 |
Pecora, Norma |
Identity by Design: The Corporate Construction of Teen Romance Novels |
1999 |
YA/teenage romance, fashion/clothing, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, food, drink, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, race/ethnicity |
Muram, David; Rosenthal, Ted L.; Tolley, Elizabeth A.; Peeler, Molly M.; Pitts, Bridget |
Teenage Pregnancy: Dating and Sexual Attitudes |
1992 |
readers, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity |
Peinado Rodríguez, Matilde; Anta Félez, José Luis |
Educar para el matrimonio en femenino: modelos y prácticas en la literatura de posguerra |
2013 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, gender, marriage |
Roy, Pierre; Pellegrin-Boucher, Estelle |
Business Model Innovation in Creative and Cultural Industries |
2024 |
Snyman, Maritha; Penzhorn, Cecilia |
Leser en Konteks: ’n resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers |
2011 |
readers, South Africa |
Péquignot, Bruno |
Le rêve ou l'ordure. Du Roman sentimental et de ce qu'en disent certains. |
1988 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Péquignot, Bruno |
Le roman sentimental, un objet pour quelle sociologie? |
1990 |
sociology |
Péquignot, Bruno |
La relation amoureuse: analyse sociologique du roman sentimental moderne |
1991 |
sociology, France, Publishing, love, sex/sexuality, readers |
Péquignot, Bruno |
Les femmes dans le roman sentimental moderne |
1991 |
France, Delly, Harlequin Mills & Boon, religion/spirituality, Barbara Cartland, work, sex/sexuality, marriage, family |
Péquignot, Bruno |
Eau de rose et air du temps |
1993 |
Péquignot, Bruno |
Le sentimental e(s)t le populaire |
1997 |
Percec, Dana |
“The Pink Ghetto”. The Avatars of Romantic Fiction |
2011 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), historical romance, Jane Austen |
Percec, Dana |
Romance: The History of a Genre |
2012 |
Percec, Dana |
Reading the Fantastic Imagination: The Avatars of a Literary Genre |
2014 |
Pereira, Simone Luci; das Neves, Thiago Tavares; Budag, Fernanda Elouise |
Comunicação e Culturas Urbanas: temas, debates e perspectivas |
2021 |
Pérez, María Mercedes |
Es la historia de un amor: la edición de novelas románticas en el mercado de habla hispana |
2009 |
Publishing |
Pérez Casal, Inmaculada |
Love in Times of Crisis: An Approach to Contemporary Romance Novels in Spain |
2016 |
Spain, Publishing, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Pérez Casal, Inmaculada |
Mass-market romance and the question of genre: N. Sparks, E. L. James and D. Gabaldon |
2018 |
Diana Gabaldon, Fifty Shades, Nicholas Sparks, genre definitions, film/movies |
Pérez Casal, Inmaculada |
The Romance Novel as Bildungsroman in the Works of Rosamunde Pilcher and Lisa Kleypas |
2018 |
gender, Rosamunde Pilcher, Lisa Kleypas, historical romance |
Pérez Casal, Inmaculada |
Antecedents and Development of the Contemporary Romance Novel in English: A Study of the Contribution to the Genre by Rosamunde Pilcher and Lisa Kleypas |
2019 |
feminism, Lisa Kleypas, Rosamunde Pilcher |
Pérez Casal, Inmaculada |
“There’s Something Charming about a Man with an Accent, Isn’t There?”: The Representation of Otherness in Three Novels by Lisa Kleypas |
2020 |
Lisa Kleypas, race/ethnicity, historical romance, languages, social/economic class, UK |
Pérez Fernández, Irene; Pérez Ríu, Carmen |
Romantic Escapes: Post-Millennial Trends in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction |
2021 |
Pérez Fernández, Irene; Pérez Ríu, Carmen |
Romantic Escapes in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction |
2021 |
romance scholarship |
Pérez Fernández, Irene; Pérez Ríu, Carmen |
Romantic Escapes: Post-Millennial Trends in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction |
2021 |
Pérez Ríu, Carmen |
Romance Reading as Fandom in the Context of Convergence Culture |
2021 |
readers |
Pérez Fernández, Irene; Pérez Ríu, Carmen |
Romantic Escapes in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction |
2021 |
romance scholarship |
Pérez Ríu, Carmen |
Language, Sexuality and “Necessary” Anachronism in Lorraine Heath’s Neo-Victorian Popular Romance Series Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James |
2024 |
Lorraine Heath, historical romance |
Pérez-Casal, Inmaculada |
Business-like Lords and Gentlemanly Businessmen: The Romance Hero in Lisa Kleypas's Wallflowers Series |
2020 |
Lisa Kleypas, capitalism/business, historical romance, United States of America, UK, national identity, social/economic class |
Pérez-Casal, Inmaculada |
Marketplace Feminism? The Writing and Selling of Lisa Kleypas’s Ravenels Series |
2021 |
Lisa Kleypas, feminism |
Pérez-Casal, Inmaculada |
La novela rosa o romántica: pasado, presente y futuro |
2022 |
genre definitions, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), romance and, or as, activism, romance scholarship |
Pérez-Casal, Inmaculada |
Popular romance novels: past, present and future |
2022 |
genre definitions, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), romance and, or as, activism, romance scholarship |
Pérez-Fernández, Irene |
Black British love matters: Asserting the transformative power of love in Bolu Babalola’s Love in Colour: Mythical Tales Around the World Retold |
2024 |
Bolu Babalola, race/ethnicity, UK, myth |
Pérez-Gil, María del Mar |
Exoticism, Ethnocentrism, and Englishness in Popular Romance Fiction: Constructing the European Other |
2018 |
Spain, national identity, UK, race/ethnicity, islands, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Pérez-Gil, María del Mar |
Representations of Nation and Spanish Masculinity in Popular Romance Novels: The Alpha Male as “Other” |
2019 |
Spain, gender, national identity, Harlequin Mills & Boon, UK |
Pérez-Gil, María del Mar |
Britannia’s Daughters: Popular Romance Fiction and the Ideology of National Superiority (1950s–1970s) |
2020 |
national identity, race/ethnicity, UK, history, Violet Winspear, Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway, Kay Thorpe, Greece, Spain, Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie, gender, feminism |
Pérez-Gil, María del Mar |
Imperfect paradise: Madeira in the novels of Margaret Rome, Katrina Britt, and Sally Wentworth |
2022 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, settings, national identity, race/ethnicity, Portugal, UK, Margaret Rome, Ethel Connell as Katrina Britt, Doreen Hornsblow as Sally Wentworth, Sara Wood, gender |
Pérez-Gil, María del Mar |
Mass Tourism, Ecocriticism, and Mills & Boon Romances (1970s-1980s) |
2022 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, settings, history, Doreen Hornsblow as Sally Wentworth, Spain, Greece, Margaret Rome, Elizabeth Hunter, Violet Winspear, rural romance, Ethel Connell as Katrina Britt, Kay Thorpe, Iris Danbury, ecocriticism/environmentalism/climate change |
Pérez-Gil, María del Mar |
Paraísos imperfectos: Madeira en las novelas de Margaret Rome, Katrina Britt y Sally Wentworth |
2022 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, settings, national identity, race/ethnicity, Portugal, UK, Margaret Rome, Ethel Connell as Katrina Britt, Doreen Hornsblow as Sally Wentworth, Sara Wood, gender |
Pérez-Gil, María del Mar |
Tourists not welcome: perceptions of tourism in popular romance novels |
2025 |
settings, ecocriticism/environmentalism/climate change, social/economic class, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Perkins, Lori |
Fifty Writers on Fifty Shades of Grey |
2012 |
Perriam, Geraldine |
The not so silly ass: Freddy Standen, his fictional contemporaries and alternative masculinity |
2021 |
Georgette Heyer, gender |
Barba, Shelley E.; Perrin, Joy M. |
The Ascendance of Harley Quinn: Essays on DC's Enigmatic Villain |
2017 |
Perrin-Naffakh, Anne-Marie |
Amours - toujours : l'écriture clichée dans le roman sentimental |
1998 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Perrot, Jean |
Les métamorphoses du conte |
2004 |
Pesonen, Sini |
Romance Novels and Possibilities in Life : Analyzing Ethical Aspects in Happiness and Happy Place |
2024 |
philosophy, Emily Henry, Danielle Steel, feminism |
Rashid, Hussein; Petersen, Kristian |
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Muslims and Popular Culture |
2023 |
Petersson, Sara; Söderberg, Daniel |
En berättelse tar form - en studie i hur geometrisk form på bokomslag indikerar populärlitterär genre |
2014 |
paratext |
Petrović, Janja |
Breaking the stereotype – romance novel today |
2023 |
genre definitions, gender, Mariana Zapata, Abby Jimenez, Christina Lauren, Emily Henry, Colleen Hoover |
Peukert, Christian; Reimers, Imke |
Digital Disintermediation and Efficiency in the Market for Ideas |
2018 |
Publishing |
Eco, Umberto; Federzoni, Marina; Pezzini, Isabella; Pozzato, Maria Pia |
Carolina Invernizio, Matilde Serao, Liala |
1979 |
Liala, pen name of Amalia Liana Cambiasi Negretti Odescalchi |
Brock, Alexander; Pflaeging, Jana; Schildhauer, Peter |
Genre Emergence: Developments in Print, TV and Digital Media |
2019 |
Philadelphoff-Puren, Nina |
The Mark of Refusal: Sexual Violence and the Politics of Recontextualization |
2004 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Charlotte Lamb |
Philadelphoff-Puren, Nina |
Contextualising Consent: The Problem of Rape and Romance |
2005 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Charlotte Lamb |
Philips, Deborah |
Marketing Moonshine |
1985 |
Philips, Deborah |
Mills and Boon: The Marketing of Moonshine |
1990 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, paratext |
Philips, Deborah; Tomlinson, Alan |
Homeward Bound: Leisure, popular culture and consumer capitalism |
1992 |
capitalism/business, Harlequin Mills & Boon, war/armed forces, work, gender |
Philips, Deborah; Haywood, Ian |
Brave New Causes: Women in British Postwar Fictions |
1998 |
social/economic class, settings, national identity, work, marriage, medical romance, history, UK, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Philips, Deborah |
The Empire of Romance: Love in a Postcolonial Climate |
2011 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, UK, race/ethnicity, Pamela Kent, Juliet Shore/Anne Vinton, Jean Herbert, settings, work, Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway, Africa, medical romance |
Philips, Deborah |
In defence of reading (and watching) trash: Feminists reading the romance |
2020 |
romance scholarship, feminism |
Philips, Deborah |
Fifty Shades of Romance: The intertextualities of Fifty Shades of Grey |
2021 |
Fifty Shades, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Twilight |
Phillips, Kristen |
Women and Erotic Fiction: Critical Essays on Genres, Markets & Readers |
2015 |
Phipps, Catherine |
Sex, race and power: colonial and interracial sexuality in the French Empire in Morocco, 1912-1956 |
2023 |
history, Morocco, sheikh romance, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity |
Phipps, Catherine |
‘The Machine for Showing Desire’: Desert Romance Fiction and Knowing Sexual Desire |
2023 |
sheikh romance, history, race/ethnicity, sex/sexuality, E. M. Hull, Leonard Noel Barker writing as L. Noel |
Phumithammarat, Nanphatchaon |
The Cultural Politics of Chinese-Thai Identities in Ethnic Romance Novels by Female Authors |
2023 |
Thailand, race/ethnicity, China |
Piatti-Farnell, Lorna; Brien, Donna Lee |
New Directions in 21st Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass |
2015 |
Piatti-Farnell, Lorna; Johnson-Hunt, Nancy |
Vampires and Desire: Blood, Sex, and Ritual in Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Fiction |
2023 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Pierini, Francesca |
Olive Skin, Chocolate Eyes: The Legacy of The Sheik on Descriptive Patterns of the Italian Romantic Hero in Harlequin Short Contemporaries |
2020 |
Italy, national identity, Harlequin Mills & Boon, race/ethnicity, gender, E. M. Hull, metaphor/symbolism, animals |
Pierini, Francesca |
“He Looks like He’s Stepped out of a Painting:” The Idealization and Appropriation of Italian Timelessness through the Experience of Romantic Love |
2020 |
Italy, history, Shakespeare, Marina Fiorato, Anne Fortier, work, race/ethnicity |
Pierini, Francesca |
“Sharing the Same Soil:” Sally Rooney’s Normal People and the Coming-of-Age Romance |
2021 |
Sally Rooney, romance scholarship |
Pierini, Francesca |
Critical Approaches to the Modern and Contemporary Anglophone Romance Novel (From A Room with a View to Fifty Shades of Grey) |
2022 |
teaching romance, E. M. Forster, Jennifer Crusie, E. M. Hull, Beverly Jenkins, Alyssa Cole, Fifty Shades, K. J. Charles |
Pierini, Francesca |
Romance and Metagenre: A Response to Burkhard Niederhoff |
2022 |
romance scholarship, E. M. Forster, happy ending |
Pierini, Francesca |
“Roma” spelled backwards: love and heterotopic space in contemporary romance novels set in Italy |
2022 |
Italy, settings |
Pierini, Francesca |
Literary Fiction from the Perspective of Romance: Normal People |
2023 |
Sally Rooney |
Pierini, Francesca |
Towards a Regime of Authenticity. Reading A Room with a View through the Lens of Contemporary Romance Scholarship |
2023 |
E. M. Forster, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Italy, marriage, emotions, happy ending, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Pierre, Zakiya |
Browsing in nuances: Using ethnographic research to design for the experience of browsing. |
2021 |
readers |
Pierre-Robertson, Petronetta |
Literature as an Agent of Change |
2021 |
Caribbean, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Petra Pierre-Robertson, romance and, or as, activism |
Pierre-Robertson, Petronetta |
Librarian as Creator |
2023 |
romance and, or as, activism, libraries/librarians, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Petra Pierre-Robertson, Caribbean |
Pifarré, Alexandra-Flora; Rutigliano-Daspet, Sandrine |
Re- Répéter - Répétitions |
2010 |
Garciano, Shylyn G.; Cuevas, Gloria Con-ui; Geraldizo-Pabriga, Maria Gemma; Macabodbod, Saira Jay J.; Yu, Jaciah Mae B.; Pinote, Ma. Jezan A. |
Romance-Themed Novels: Influenced on Relationship Satisfaction |
2023 |
readers, psychology |
Piper, Andrew; Portelance, Eva |
How Cultural Capital Works: Prizewinning Novels, Bestsellers, and the Time of Reading |
2016 |
linguistics, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Muram, David; Rosenthal, Ted L.; Tolley, Elizabeth A.; Peeler, Molly M.; Pitts, Bridget |
Teenage Pregnancy: Dating and Sexual Attitudes |
1992 |
readers, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity |
Po-Yu, Rick Wei |
“She is a Jade”: A Georgian Gaming Woman Re-imagined in Georgette Heyer’s Faro’s Daughter |
2018 |
Georgette Heyer, history, feminism, historical romance |
Pöhls, R. L. Victoria; Utudji, Mariane |
Powerful Prose: How Textual Features Impact Readers |
2021 |
Legallois, Dominique; Charnois, Thierry; Poibeau, Thierry |
Repérer les clichés dans les romans sentimentaux grâce à la méthode des ‘motifs’ |
2016 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Harlequin Mills & Boon, linguistics |
Poirel, Carole |
The long tail business model in publishing: The case of Hachette's romance division in France |
2024 |
Publishing, France |
Pokrywka, Rafał |
Temperaturen des Begehrens als konventionelle Metaphern im Hard-Core-Liebesroman |
2015 |
metaphor/symbolism, Sylvia Day, Fifty Shades, sex/sexuality |
Pollak, Richard |
What's in a Pseudonym? Romance Slaves of Harlequin |
1992 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, authors |
Rosier, Laurence; Pollet, Marie-Christine |
Les mauvais genres en classe de français?: Retour sur la question. |
2007 |
White, Bonnie; Pope, Johnathan H. |
Spinsters, war widows, and wounded soldiers: the Great War novels of Berta Ruck |
2018 |
Berta Ruck, war/armed forces, gender, disability, marriage |
Popova, Milena |
Rewriting the Romance: Emotion Work and Consent in Arranged Marriage Fanfiction |
2018 |
fanfiction, sex/sexuality, marriage, emotions |
Popova, Milena |
Sexual Consent |
2019 |
sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Pöppel, Hubert |
Las reinas de la novela rosa en España y Alemania: Corín Tellado y Hedwig Courths-Mahler |
2014 |
Germany, Spain, Corín Tellado, Hedwig Courths-Mahler, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Piper, Andrew; Portelance, Eva |
How Cultural Capital Works: Prizewinning Novels, Bestsellers, and the Time of Reading |
2016 |
linguistics, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Porter, J. D.; Eimannsberger, Angelina; English, James; Hathaway, May; Yakoob, Ashna |
Genre Juggernaut: Measuring “Romance” |
2023 |
genre definitions, readers |
Porter, David |
Internet Culture |
1997 |
Portut, Vanessa |
Évolution du roman sentimental contemporain en France: diversité et spécificité des collections chez Harlequin |
2001 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, France |
Nilson, Maria; Posti, Piia K |
Speglingar av feelgood: Genre, etikett eller känsla? |
2022 |
Posti, Piia K |
‘I Get to Exist as a Black Person in the World’: Bridgerton as Speculative Romance and Alternate History on Screen |
2024 |
race/ethnicity, history, historical romance, Julia Quinn |
Postma, Kathlene |
American Women Readers Encounter Turkey in the Shadow of Popular Romance |
1999 |
United States of America, Greece, Turkey, national identity, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Demetra Vaka, race/ethnicity |
Potter, Jane Elizabeth |
Boys in khaki, girls in print: women's literary responses to the great war, 1914-1918 |
1998 |
war/armed forces, national identity |
Potter, Jane |
"A great purifier": The Great War in Women's Romances and Memoirs 1914-1918 |
1997 |
war/armed forces, Berta Ruck, Ruby M. Ayres |
Potter, Jane |
Boys in Khaki, Girls in Print: Women's Literary Responses to the Great War 1914-1918 |
2005 |
war/armed forces, Ruby M. Ayres, Berta Ruck, Mary Ward/Mrs. Humphry Ward, Florence Barclay, disability, gender, social/economic class, paratext, Bessie Marchant, Janet Laing, Marie Belloc Lowndes, religion/spirituality, national identity |
Potter, Jane |
‘Khaki and Kisses’: Reading the Romance Novel in the Great War |
2015 |
war/armed forces, readers, national identity, gender |
Powley, Tammy |
Romance Fiction in Florida: The Crisscross of Jane Austen and Angela Hunt |
2015 |
Angela Hunt, Jane Austen |
Powley, Tammy; Van Camp, April |
Women of Florida Fiction: Essays on 12 Sunshine State Writers |
2015 |
Eco, Umberto; Federzoni, Marina; Pezzini, Isabella; Pozzato, Maria Pia |
Carolina Invernizio, Matilde Serao, Liala |
1979 |
Liala, pen name of Amalia Liana Cambiasi Negretti Odescalchi |
Pozzato, Maria Pia |
Il romanzo rosa |
1982 |
Pozzato, Maria Pia |
Letteratura popolare e livelli di qualità. Un confronto fra Georgette Heyer e Barbara Cartland |
1986 |
Georgette Heyer, Barbara Cartland, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Alberti, Paola; Fortunati, Vita; Franci, Giovanna; Galateria, Daria; Mangaroni, Rosella; Pozzato, Maria Pia; Sabbadini, Tiziana; Tempera, Mariangela |
Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese |
1986 |
UK, Elinor Glyn, E. M. Hull |
Pozzato, Maria Pia |
Il rosa e la regola |
1987 |
Arslan, Antonia; Pozzato, Maria Pia |
Il rosa |
1989 |
Italy |
Pradhan, Anil |
The literary field of queer cultural production in contemporary India: considering popular queer texts via Bourdieu |
2021 |
India, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Prayuana, Ratu; De Ferras, Rayhan Romombe; Ramadhan, Fitra Wahyu |
The Rules of Romance Manifested in the Textual Structure of the Novel Fireside |
2023 |
Susan Wiggs |
Préfontaine, Clémence |
Le roman d’amour à l’école |
1991 |
teaching romance, Harlequin Mills & Boon, love, gender |
Press, Andrea L. |
New Views on the Mass Production of Women's Culture |
1986 |
romance scholarship |
Preston, Cathy Lynn |
Folklore, Literature, and Cultural Theory: Collected Essays |
1995 |
Pritchard, Jamee Nicole |
That 90's Kind of Love: the Rise of African American Romance Novels in Traditional Romance Publishing |
2021 |
African American romance, readers |
Pritchard, Jamee N. |
Reading the Black Romance: Exploring Black Sexual Politics in the Romance Fiction of Rebekah Weatherspoon |
2022 |
Rebekah Weatherspoon, sex/sexuality, African American romance, gender, race/ethnicity, BDSM, erotic romance, feminism, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Ann Allen Shockley |
Priya, S Vishnu; Saravanan, P |
Exploring Gender Roles in Nora Roberts’ Northern Lights: A Critical Analysis |
2025 |
gender, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb |
Priyatna, Aquarini; Wardiani, Sri Rijati |
Naturalization and Romanticization of Violence in Indonesian Teen Lit Jingga Series by Esti Kinasih |
2022 |
Esti Kinasih, Indonesia, YA/teenage romance, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, gender |
Rizkyane Machmuri, Alya; Nurulaen, Yuyun; Priyawan, Pepen |
Romance Formula in Zoulfa Katouh’s Novel As Long As The Lemon Trees Grow |
2025 |
Zoulfa Katouh |
Proctor, Candice |
The Romance Genre Blues or Why We Don't Get No Respect |
2007 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, emotions, gender, pornography |
Provost, Sylvie |
Avez-vous déjà lu IXE-13, Albert Brien, Guy Verchères…? |
1982 |
dime novels, Canada, readers, social/economic class |
Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Bettinotti, Julia; Provost, Christiane |
Harlequin: Quand l'amour est une guerre |
1983 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Janet Dailey, Anne Hampson, Charlotte Lamb, Anne Mather, Violet Winspear, gender, love |
Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Provost, Christiane |
"Un subtil parfum de mensonge": essai d'analyse d'un corpus de romans harlequin |
1984 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Gagnon, Jocelyn; Noizet, Pascale; Provost, Christiane |
La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin |
1986 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, gender, settings, marriage, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, paratext, family, Janet Dailey, Charlotte Lamb, sex/sexuality, work |
Pryde, Jessica P. |
Black Love Matters: Real Talk on Romance, Being Seen, and Happily Ever After |
2022 |
African American romance, race/ethnicity, readers, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Adriana Herrera, Jasmine Guillory, food, drink, Kosoko Jackson, Christina C. Jones, Publishing |
Pupipat, Apisak; Rungkaew, Titirut; Meeparp, Lampoon |
Judging a Book by its Back Cover: Spoken/Informal Register as Found in Happily-Ever-After Women’s Novel Blurbs |
2022 |
linguistics, paratext |
Pupipat, Apisak |
Should a Book Be Judged by its Back Cover? Some Written/Formal Features as Observed in Happily- Ever-After Women’s Novel Blurbs |
2023 |
paratext, linguistics |
Puren, Nina |
Hymeneal Acts: Interrogating the Hegemony of Rape and Romance |
1995 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Charlotte Lamb, race/ethnicity, virginity |
Puri, Jyoti |
Reading Romance Novels in Postcolonial India |
1997 |
India, readers, marriage, sex/sexuality, gender, social/economic class, family |
Pustz, Matthew |
Comic Books and American Cultural History: An Anthology |
2012 |
Pylkkänen, Merita |
Didactic Fulfillment and the Popular Romance: Jude Deveraux’s The Mulberry Tree |
2013 |
Jude Deveraux |
Pyrhönen, Heta |
Love under Threat: The Emotional Valences of the Twilight Saga |
2017 |
Twilight, emotions, love, happy ending |
Quale, Amy E. |
Pursuit of Empowerment: The Evolution of the Romance Novel and Its Readership in Fifty Shades of Grey |
2014 |
Fifty Shades |
Quilliam, Susan |
“He seized her in his manly arms and bent his lips to hers…”. The surprising impact that romantic novels have on our work |
2011 |
sex/sexuality, readers |
Quiroga Fernández de Soto, Alejandro; del Arco Blanco, Miguel Ángel |
Soldados de Dios y apóstoles de la patria: Las derechas españolas en la Europa de entreguerras |
2010 |
Rabanal, Hayley |
Courting convivencia: Hispano-Arab identity and Spanish women’s Orientalism in the Franco regime’s years of “unbearable solitude” (1946–1950) |
2018 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, race/ethnicity, religion/spirituality, sheikh romance, María Adela Durango, Ana Marcela García, María del Pilar Carré, Lía Ramos, E. M. Hull, history, Morocco, Carmen de Icaza, Egypt, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, gender |
Rabine, Leslie W. |
Reading the Romantic Heroine: Text, History, Ideology |
1985 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, work, Charlotte Brontë, emotions, Publishing, authors |
Rabine, Leslie W. |
Romance in the Age of Electronics: Harlequin Enterprises |
1985 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, work, Charlotte Brontë, emotions, Publishing, authors |
Rabinowitz, Paula |
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature |
Slusser, George E.; Rabkin, Eric S. |
Intersections: Fantasy and Science Fiction |
1987 |
Radcliffe, Polly |
Accounting for romance: Women's explanations for reading romance fiction |
1991 |
readers, sociology |
Rader, Kara; Hovick, Shelly R.; Bigsby, Elisabeth |
“Are You Clean?” Encouraging STI Communication in Casual Encounters through Narrative Messages in Romance Novels |
2021 |
sex/sexuality, health/medical, psychology, readers |
Castagna, JoAnn; Radespiel, Robin L. |
Making Rape Romantic: A Study of Rosemary Rogers' "Steve and Ginny" Novels |
1990 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Rosemary Rogers, paratext, historical romance, feminism, sex/sexuality, gender |
Radford, Jean |
Introduction |
1986 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, romance scholarship, genre definitions, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), socialism and/or communism, feminism, readers |
Radford, Jean |
The Progress of Romance: The Politics of Popular Fiction |
1986 |
Radford, Jean |
A Certain Latitude: Romance as Genre |
1992 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), genre definitions, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, romance scholarship, socialism and/or communism, feminism, readers, psychology |
Radhika, P. |
Narratives of Fractured Conjugality: Women’s Romance Novels in Kannada, 1950s-1960s |
2004 |
India |
Radhika, P. |
Inaugurating a (Feminine) Public: Women’s Romances in Kannada, 1950s–1960s |
2014 |
India, psychology |
Radick, Caryn |
Romance Writers’ Use of Archives |
2016 |
libraries/librarians, authors, historical romance, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Radner, Hilary |
Shopping Around: Feminine Culture and the Pursuit of Pleasure |
1995 |
gender, feminism, readers, sex/sexuality, Barbara Delinsky, metafiction, Roumelia Lane, psychology, pornography, BDSM, Kathleen Woodiwiss, historical romance, race/ethnicity, LaVyrle Spencer, settings |
Radstone, Susannah |
Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction |
1988 |
Radway, Janice A. |
The Aesthetic in Mass Culture: Reading the "Popular" Literary Text |
1982 |
gothic romance, Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, fashion/clothing |
Radway, Janice A. |
Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context |
1983 |
readers, psychology, gender |
Radway, Janice A. |
Interpretive Communities And Variable Literacies: The Functions Of Romance Reading |
1984 |
readers, linguistics |
Radway, Janice A. |
Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature |
1984 |
Publishing, feminism, readers, genre definitions, marriage, psychology, gender |
Radway, Janice |
The Utopian Impulse in Popular Literature: Gothic Romances and "Feminist" Protest |
1981 |
gothic romance, readers, genre definitions, Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, United States of America, gender, feminism, Kathleen Woodiwiss, sex/sexuality |
Radway, Janice |
Romance and the Work of Fantasy: Struggles over Feminine Sexuality and Subjectivity at Century's End |
1994 |
authors, feminism, gender, sex/sexuality, romance scholarship, Publishing, work, Jude Deveraux |
Raineri, Rosalia |
Verde bianco e rosa. Il romanzo 'femminile' e l'educazione sentimentale delle italiane (1911-1946) |
2019 |
Annie Vivanti/Annie Vivanti Chartres, Mura, Luciana Peverelli, Italy, national identity, gender, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), linguistics, family |
Raitt, Suzanne; Tate, Trudi |
Women's Fiction and The Great War |
1997 |
Rak, Michele |
Rosa: La letteratura del divertimento amoroso |
1999 |
Prayuana, Ratu; De Ferras, Rayhan Romombe; Ramadhan, Fitra Wahyu |
The Rules of Romance Manifested in the Textual Structure of the Novel Fireside |
2023 |
Susan Wiggs |
Ramos-García, María Teresa |
Definiciones transatlánticas de la raza blanca en las novelas góticas de Louise Bergstrom en Canarias (1971-1972) |
2022 |
Louise Bergstrom, gothic romance, race/ethnicity |
Ramos-García, María Teresa |
Transatlantic definitions of Whiteness in Louise Bergstrom’s Gothic romances in the Canary Islands (1971-1972) |
2022 |
Louise Bergstrom, gothic romance, race/ethnicity |
Ramos-García, María T.; Vivanco, Laura |
Introduction |
2020 |
race/ethnicity |
Ramos-García, María T.; Vivanco, Laura |
Love, Language, Place, and Identity in Popular Culture: Romancing the Other |
2020 |
Ramos-García, María T. |
Representations of Otherness in Paranormal Romance: Race and Wealth in Nalini Singh and J. R. Ward |
2020 |
Nalini Singh, J. R. Ward, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, race/ethnicity, United States of America, capitalism/business |
Ramos-García, María T. |
Paranormal romance and urban fantasy |
2021 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, happy ending, genre definitions, YA/teenage romance, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, steampunk, erotic romance, romance scholarship, Laurell K. Hamilton, Twilight, J. R. Ward, war/armed forces, race/ethnicity, Nalini Singh |
Rampoldi Hnilo, Lynn A. |
The effects of romance in young adult fiction on pre-adolescent African-American females |
1996 |
readers, YA/teenage romance, psychology |
Rampure, Archana |
Doctors in the Darkness: Reading Race, Gender, and History in the Popular Medical Romance |
2005 |
medical romance, race/ethnicity, UK, Olivia Gates, war/armed forces, national identity, Harlequin Mills & Boon, United States of America, feminism, work, Juliet Shore/Anne Vinton, Debbie Macomber, health/medical, history, Lucy Agnes Hancock, Louise Gerard, Helen Dore Boylston, Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway, Charlotte Lamb, Africa, war/armed forces |
Rampure, Archana |
Étude de cas : «Harlequin a bâti un empire» |
2007 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Ramsdell, Kristin |
Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre |
1999 |
libraries/librarians, genre definitions, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, gothic romance, historical romance, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Christian romance, race/ethnicity, romance scholarship |
Wyatt, Neal; Olsen, Georgine; Ramsdell, Kristin; Saricks, Joyce; Welch, Lynne |
Core Collections in Genre Studies: Romance Fiction 101 |
2007 |
libraries/librarians, historical romance, romantic suspense, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, genre definitions |
Ramsdell, Kristin |
Encyclopedia of Romance Fiction |
2018 |
Publishing, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, comics/manga, Christian romance, marriage, Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Barbara Cartland, Janet Dailey, Daphne du Maurier, Ethel M. Dell, erotic romance, feminism, science fiction/futuristic romance, Elinor Glyn, Margaret Mitchell, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Georgette Heyer, Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, historical romance, E. M. Hull, romance scholarship, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, libraries/librarians, romantic suspense, Samuel Richardson, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, Bertrice Small, Mary Stewart, translation, Patricia Veryan, Phyllis A. Whitney, Kathleen Winsor, Kathleen Woodiwiss, race/ethnicity |
Ramsdell, Kristin |
Libraries and popular romance fiction |
2021 |
libraries/librarians |
Ramstad, Tessa |
Tall, Dark, and Ideal: #Bookboyfriends in six contemporary romance novels |
2024 |
Elle Kennedy, Colleen Hoover, Krista and Becca Ritchie, Ali Hazelwood, Ana Huang, readers, gender, sex/sexuality |
Randell, Karen; Weedon, Alexis |
Atlantic Liners, It Girls and Old Europe in Elinor Glyn’s Romantic Adventures |
2020 |
Elinor Glyn, social/economic class, wealth/prosperity, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), marriage, United States of America, history |
Rani, Mohd. Zariat Abdul |
Islam, Romance and Popular Taste in Indonesia: A textual analysis of Ayat ayat cinta by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy and Syahadat cinta by Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy |
2012 |
Indonesia, Habiburrahman El-Shirazy, Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy, Islam, religion/spirituality, paratext, film/movies, Publishing, marriage, Muslim romance |
Rani, Mohd. Zariat Abdul |
The Conflict of Love and Islam: The Main Ingredients in the Popular Islamic Novels of Malaysia |
2014 |
Malaysia, Islam, religion/spirituality, Zaid Akhtar, Ilham Hamdani, paratext, Publishing, Muslim romance |
Rannaud, Adrien |
Désirs d’amour, magazine et culture moyenne chez Gabrielle Roy. Autour de trois nouvelles sentimentales publiées dans La Revue moderne en 1940 |
2022 |
romances in magazines and newspapers, Gabrielle Roy |
Morrison, Kevin A.; Rantala, Pälvi |
Historical Research, Creative Writing, and the Past: Methods of Knowing |
2023 |
Rao, Sathya |
Genres populaires et «érographiques» en Afrique francophone: le cas des romans de la collection Adoras |
2009 |
Africa, Publishing, settings |
Rapp, Adrian; Dodgen, Lynda; Kaler, Anne K. |
A Romance Writer Gets Away with Murder |
2000 |
Sandra Brown, romantic suspense, death |
Ya’u, Mohammed Sani; Rashid, Sabariah Md; Ali, Afida Mohamad; Singh, Hardev Kaur Jujar |
Semantic Extensions of Hausa Visual and Auditory Perception Verbs gani and ji in Romance Fiction |
2023 |
linguistics |
Rashid, Hussein; Petersen, Kristian |
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Muslims and Popular Culture |
2023 |
Rastier, François; Ballabriga, Michel |
Corpus en Lettres et Sciences sociales : des documents numériques à l'interprétation, Actes du colloque international d'Albi, juillet 2006 |
2007 |
Rata, Georgeta |
Linguistic Studies of Human Language |
2013 |
Rattanamathuwong, Bancha |
Time Is on Our Side?: Homo Economicus in Time-Travel Romance |
2023 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, capitalism/business, Jude Deveraux, Rompaeng, Thomyantri, Thailand, Audrey Niffenegger |
Raub, Patricia |
Issues of Passion and Power in E. M. Hull's The Sheik |
1992 |
E. M. Hull, sex/sexuality, United States of America, history, gender, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Elinor Glyn, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Raub, Patricia |
Yesterday's Stories: Popular Women's Novels of the Twenties and Thirties |
1994 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Temple Bailey, Kathleen Thompson Norris, E. M. Hull, Gene Stratton-Porter, Viña Delmar, sex/sexuality, marriage, family, work, Dorothy Canfield, United States of America, history, Faith Baldwin, fashion/clothing, Daphne du Maurier, Margaret Mitchell, gender |
Raw, Laurence |
The Silk Road of Adaptation: Transformations across Disciplines and Cultures |
2013 |
Raymundo, Sarah Jane S. |
In the Concrete Now: Investigating Feminist Challenges to Popular Romance Production |
2004 |
Philippines, feminism, gender, Joi Barrios, Lualhati Bautista |
Rayner, Samantha J.; Wilkins, Kim |
Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction |
2021 |
Georgette Heyer |
Rayner, Samantha J.; Wilkins, Kim |
Introduction: the persistence of Georgette Heyer |
2021 |
Georgette Heyer |
Larson, Christine; Ready, Elspeth |
Networking down: Networks, innovation, and relational labor in digital book publishing |
2022 |
authors, Publishing |
Reed, Eleanor |
Domestic Culture in Woman's Weekly, 1918-1958 |
2018 |
history, social/economic class, romances in magazines and newspapers, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), UK |
Reed, Eleanor |
Romance in Woman’s Weekly and Woman’s Weekly as Romance, 1918–39 |
2020 |
romances in magazines and newspapers, social/economic class, UK, readers, work |
Reed, Eleanor |
Woman's Weekly and Lower-Middle-Class Domestic Culture in Britain, 1918-1958: Making Homemakers |
2023 |
romances in magazines and newspapers, UK, readers, social/economic class |
Reep, Diana |
The Rescue And Romance: Popular Novels Before World War I |
1982 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), United States of America, gender, race/ethnicity, social/economic class |
Reese, Tracy H.Z. |
Beyond the Pale: Genre, Race, and Intersectional Feminist Tensions in Bridgerton |
2024 |
Julia Quinn, race/ethnicity, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Reeves, Anne R. |
Adolescents Talk about Reading: Exploring Resistance to and Engagement with Text |
2004 |
readers |
Regan, Lisa |
Women and the 'War Machine' in the Desert Romances of E. M. Hull and Rosita Forbes |
2017 |
E. M. Hull, UK, war/armed forces, national identity |
Regis, Pamela |
Complicating Romances and their Readers: Barrier and Point of Ritual Death in Nora Roberts's Category Fiction |
1997 |
Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, romance scholarship, genre definitions |
Regis, Pamela |
A Natural History of the Romance Novel |
2003 |
genre definitions, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Samuel Richardson, Jane Austen, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Charlotte Brontë, Anthony Trollope, E. M. Forster, Georgette Heyer, Mary Stewart, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Janet Dailey, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, E. M. Hull |
Regis, Pamela |
Female genre fiction in the twentieth century |
2011 |
genre definitions, Samuel Richardson, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), E. D. E. N. Southworth, religion/spirituality, Kathleen Thompson Norris, Faith Baldwin, Claire Morgan/Patricia Highsmith, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Jennifer Crusie, Beverly Jenkins, Ann Herendeen, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, marriage |
Regis, Pamela |
What Do Critics Owe the Romance? Keynote Address at the Second Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Popular Romance |
2011 |
feminism, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, pornography, readers, emotions, romance scholarship |
Regis, Pamela |
Pamela Crosses the Atlantic; or, Pamela Andrews's Story Inaugurates the American Romance Novel |
2016 |
Samuel Richardson, United States of America |
Regis, Pamela |
The evolution of the American romance novel |
2021 |
United States of America, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), romance scholarship, Charles Brockden Brown, Sukey Vickery, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Lydia Maria Child, E. D. E. N. Southworth, Louisa May Alcott, Frances Watkins Harper, race/ethnicity, Onoto Watanna/Winnifred Eaton, Jean Webster, Kathleen Thompson Norris, Viña Delmar, family, Claire Morgan/Patricia Highsmith, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Reid, Charlotte |
A Cursory Visit of Inspection to Annie S. Swan |
1990 |
Annie S. Swan |
Reid Boyd, Elizabeth |
Romancing feminism: From women’s studies to women’s fiction |
2014 |
feminism, love, readers, Elizabeth Reid Boyd (pen name Eliza Redgold) |
Dudek, Debra; Reid Boyd, Elizabeth; Grobbelaar, Madalena; Williams, Rose |
Tingles and Shivers: First Kisses and Intimate Civility in Eliza Redgold’s Historical Harlequin Romances Pre–and Post-#MeToo |
2022 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, sex/sexuality, Elizabeth Reid Boyd (pen name Eliza Redgold), psychology, feminism |
Grobbelaar, Madalena; Reid Boyd, Elizabeth; Dudek, Debra |
Contemporary Love Studies in the Arts and Humanities: What's Love Got To Do With It? |
2023 |
Reid-Walsh, Jacqueline |
Adolescent Girls' Romance Fiction: Contemporary Conduct Books? |
1993 |
YA/teenage romance, readers, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), gender |