Smith, Janet S. (Shibamoto) |
From Hiren to Happî-endo: Romantic Expression in the Japanese Love Story |
1999 |
Japan, marriage, love, linguistics, family, metaphor/symbolism, emotions |
Trower, Shelley; Tooth Murphy, Amy; Smith, Graham |
‘Me mum likes a book, me dad’s a newspaper man’: Reading, gender and domestic life in ‘100 Families’ |
2019 |
gender, readers |
Smith, Faith |
Beautiful Indians, Troublesome Negroes, and Nice White Men: Caribbean Romances and the Invention of Trinidad |
1999 |
Caribbean, race/ethnicity, Valerie Belgrave, feminism, national identity |
Deller, Ruth A.; Smith, Clarissa |
Reading the BDSM romance: Reader responses to Fifty Shades |
2013 |
Fifty Shades, BDSM, readers, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, sex/sexuality |
Smith, Clarissa; Attwood, Feona; McNair, Brian |
The Routledge Companion to Media, Sex and Sexuality |
2018 |
Snitow, Ann Barr |
Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women is Different |
1979 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, readers, gender, virginity, fashion/clothing, food, drink, sex/sexuality, religion/spirituality, settings, work, pornography, Anne Mather |
Snodgrass, Mary Ellen |
Reading Nora Roberts |
2010 |
Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb |
Snyman, Maritha; Penzhorn, Cecilia |
Leser en Konteks: ’n resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers |
2011 |
readers, South Africa |
Petersson, Sara; Söderberg, Daniel |
En berättelse tar form - en studie i hur geometrisk form på bokomslag indikerar populärlitterär genre |
2014 |
paratext |
Soedibio, Sari M. R. D.; Djundjung, Jenny M. |
The Hypermasculine and Ubersexual Men in the Harlequin Novels of the 1980s and 2000s |
2013 |
gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, Diana Palmer, Penny Jordan/Caroline Courtney, Debbie Macomber, Linda Lael Miller, Robyn Carr |
Pearce, Susan C.; Sojka, Eugenia |
Cultural Change in East-Central European and Eurasian Spaces: Post-1989 Revisions and Re-imaginings |
2021 |
Soler Gallo, Miguel |
La novela romántica falangista femenina de los años cuarenta |
2013 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism |
Soler Gallo, Miguel |
El Bien y el Mal: Modelos de conducta femeninos en la novela rosa de los 40 |
2014 |
fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, Spain, gender |
Soler Gallo, Miguel |
Vencer a Medusa: el modelo de mujer angelical en la primera novela rosa de Carmen de Icaza. Feminidad y tradicionalismo |
2015 |
Carmen de Icaza, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, gender, family |
Soler Gallo, Miguel |
El ideal de la mujer de la Sección Femenina de Falange a través de las ilustraciones de la novela rosa de los años cuarenta |
2016 |
gender, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, Spain, paratext, Carmen de Icaza |
Soler Gallo, Miguel |
Novela rosa y fantasía amorosa en la España de los años Cuarenta: análisis de La rival de Julieta de Josefina de la Torre |
2016 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, Laura de Cominges/Josefina de la Torre, gender |
Soler Gallo, Miguel |
El ideal de masculinidad en la novela romántica falangista: análisis de Una mujer de veinte años de Mercedes Ballesteros |
2017 |
SylviaVisconti/Mercedes Ballesteros Gaibrois, Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, gender, war/armed forces, history, Rosa María Aranda, Elena Puerto/Mercedes Formica |
Soler Gallo, Miguel |
El juego amoroso en la novela rosa española femenina de los años cuarenta |
2017 |
Spain, love, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, gender, family, marriage, history |
Fernández Ulloa, Teresa; Soler Gallo, Miguel |
Aproximaciones a la configuración de la identidad en la cultura y sociedad hispanas e italianas contemporáneas |
2020 |
Holman, Rebecca H.; Solomon, Michael R. |
NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 18 |
1991 |
Latva, Otto; Lähdesmäki, Heta; Sonck-Rautio, Kirsi; Uusitalo, Harri |
Arrivals and Departures: The Human Relationship with Changing Biodiversity |
2024 |
Sonnet, Esther |
'Erotic Fiction by Women for Women': The Pleasures of Post-Feminist Heterosexuality |
1999 |
sex/sexuality, feminism, pornography |
Sonnet, Esther |
What the Woman Reads: Categorising Contemporary Popular Erotica for Women |
2000 |
sex/sexuality, feminism |
Sonnet, Esther |
'"Just a book", she said ...': Refiguring Ethnography for the Female Readers of Sexual Fiction |
2002 |
readers, sex/sexuality |
Iché, Virginie; Sorlin, Sandrine |
The Rhetoric of Literary Communication: From Classical English Novels to Contemporary Digital Fiction |
2022 |
Soubeyroux, Marie-Hélène; Zapata, Mónica |
Miradas sobre una obra polifacética: Homenaje a Jean Louis Guereña |
2016 |
Allan, Jonathan A.; Santos, Cristina; Spahr, Adriana |
Virgin Envy: The Cultural Insignificance of the Hymen |
2016 |
Sparks, Tabitha |
Reading the Women’s Sentimental Novel: A Romance |
2023 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), metafiction, authors, Annie S. Swan, Sarah Doudney, Emily Jolly, Adeline Sergeant |
Spears, Jessica D. |
The Romance Novel Cover |
2018 |
paratext, Publishing, gender, sex/sexuality, pornography |
Chivers, Marian; Speed, Lesley; Tasker, Meg |
The warrior woman in Harlequin’s Bombshell Athena Force series |
2014 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, romantic suspense, war/armed forces, gender |
Reyes, Daisy Verduzco; Speer, Annika C.; Denes, Amanda |
White Women and Latina Readers’ Ambivalence Toward Fifty Shades of Grey |
2021 |
Fifty Shades, erotic romance, pornography, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity, gender, readers, United States of America, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Speese, Erin K. Johns |
Came for the Smut, Stayed by Consent: Desire and Consent in Sarah J. Maas’s Fictional Worlds |
2024 |
Sarah J. Maas, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, sex/sexuality |
Spehner, Norbert |
L'Amour, toujours l'amour ...: The Popular Love Story and Romance: A Basic Checklist of Secondary Sources |
1997 |
romance scholarship |
Spencer, Lynda Gichanda |
“Walk like a chameleon”: Reflecting on my teaching journey at a South African university |
2024 |
teaching romance |
Spillman, K. Elizabeth |
The "Managing Female" in the Novels of Georgette Heyer |
2012 |
Georgette Heyer, gender, metafiction, marriage |
Spinazzola, Vittorio |
Pubblico 1977 |
1977 |
Spinazzola, Vittorio |
Qualche ipotesi sulla narrativa “rosa”. Conversazione con Brunella Gasperini |
1977 |
Brunella Gasperini |
Spinazzola, Vittorio |
L'immaginazione divertente. Il giallo, il rosa, il porno e il fumetto |
1995 |
Spraggs, Gillian |
Hell and the Mirror: A Reading of Desert of the Heart |
1992 |
Jane Rule, religion/spirituality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, settings, Radclyffe Hall, psychology |
Pearce, Lynne; Stacey, Jackie |
Romance Revisited |
1995 |
Stacey, Jackie; Pearce, Lynne |
The Heart of the Matter: Feminists Revisit the Romance |
1995 |
feminism |
Blanshard, Alastair J.L.; Stafford, Emma |
The Modern Hercules: Images of the Hero from the Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century |
2020 |
Stapleton, Rachel F.; Viselli, Antonio |
Iconoclasm: The Breaking and Making of Images |
2019 |
Stavropoulou, Marina |
Romance Fiction: At the Frontline of Digital Publishing |
2016 |
Publishing |
Guillén-Nieto, Victoria; Stein, Dieter |
Language as Evidence: Doing Forensic Linguistics |
2022 |
Steiner, Peter; Červenka, Miroslav; Vroon, Ronald |
The Structure of the Literary Process Studies dedicated to the Memory of Felix Vodička |
1982 |
Helgason, Jon; Kärrholm, Sara; Steiner, Ann |
Hype: Bestsellers and Literary Cultures |
2014 |
Hague, Euan; Stenhouse, David |
A Very Interesting Place: Representing Scotland in American Romance Novels |
2007 |
Scotland, Karen Marie Moning, paratext, Sue-Ellen Welfonder, linguistics, readers, historical romance, Diana Gabaldon, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Neuman, Shirley; Stephenson, Glennis |
ReImagining Women: Representations of Women in Culture |
1993 |
Sterk, Helen Mae |
Functioning fictions: the adjustment rhetoric of Silhouette romance novels |
1986 |
readers, gender |
Sterling, Alexandra |
Love in the Ton: Georgette Heyer’s Legacy in Regency Romance World-Building |
2020 |
Georgette Heyer, historical romance, race/ethnicity, history |
Stern, Stephanie C.; Robbins, Brianne; Black, Jessica E.; Barnes, Jennifer L. |
What You Read and What You Believe: Genre Exposure and Beliefs About Relationships |
2019 |
psychology, readers, love, gender |
Stern, Barbara B. |
Two Pornographies: a Feminist View of Sex in Advertising |
1991 |
pornography, feminism, sex/sexuality, gender |
Lynch, Katherine E.; Sternglantz, Ruth E.; Barot, Len |
Queering the Romantic Heroine: Where Her Power Lies |
2012 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, lesbian romance, Radclyffe Hall, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Katherine V. Forrest, Radclyffe/Len Barot, Lea Santos, gender, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Stetson, Suzanne |
Reconciling Reader Response and Feminism in Late Twentieth-Century Erotic Historical Romances |
2022 |
feminism, sex/sexuality |
Sheehan, Sarah E.; Stevens, Jen |
Creating a Popular Romance Collection in an Academic Library |
2015 |
libraries/librarians |
Stewart, Eowyn |
A Hero in Tears: How the Female Gaze Elicits Male Emotional Vulnerability in Romance Novels |
2024 |
gender, emotions, Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Diana Gabaldon, Loretta Chase, J.T. Geissinger, RuNyx, Danielle Lori |
Stieg, Margaret F. |
Indian Romances: Tracts for the Times |
1985 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), India, settings, race/ethnicity, gender, UK |
Still, Julie |
Reading Between the Lines: Librarians as Authors of Fiction |
2005 |
libraries/librarians, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle |
Stille Luse, Marcia L. |
Secondary educators' attitudes and professional assessment of the place for contemporary young adult series romance novels in the low-end and reluctant readers' curriculum |
1991 |
YA/teenage romance, teaching romance |
Stinson, Emmett; Mannion, Aaron |
The Return of Print?: Contemporary Australian Publishing |
2016 |
Stobaugh, Rebecca |
Halfway-Sexual: Exploring Demisexuality in American Literature |
2023 |
sex/sexuality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Fifty Shades, Jack Byrne |
Stollenwerk, Katie Elisabeth |
“I’m a Nurse, Not a Woman”: The Historical Significance of the UWM Nurse Romance Novel Collection |
2020 |
libraries/librarians, history, health/medical, United States of America, work, gender, Publishing, romance scholarship, teaching romance, paratext, Marguerite Mooers Marshall, Ethel Hamill/Jean Francis Webb, war/armed forces, Mary Stolz, Dorothy Dowdell, race/ethnicity, Rose Dana/William Edward Daniel Ross, Rubie Saunders |
Stoneley, Peter |
'Never Love a Cowboy': Romance Fiction and Fantasy Families |
1999 |
United States of America, Ann Major, Lindsay McKenna, Robin Morgan, family, gender |
Stotesbury, John A. |
Language and Mindstyle in Anglophone Popular Romantic Fiction under Apartheid |
1994 |
Africa |
Stotesbury, John A. |
Genre and Islam in Recent Anglophone Romantic Fiction |
2004 |
Islam, Leila Aboulela, Rayda Jacobs, religion/spirituality |
Stowers, Eva |
City of Fantasy: Romance Novels in Las Vegas |
2007 |
settings |
Street, Amy |
Georgette Heyer – guilty pleasures |
2021 |
Georgette Heyer, readers, psychology, race/ethnicity, social/economic class, feminism |
Strehle, Susan; Carden, Mary Paniccia |
Doubled Plots: Romance and History |
2003 |
Strinati, Dominic; Wagg, Stephen |
Come on Down?: Popular Media Culture in Post-War Britain |
1992 |
Struve, Laura |
Sisters of Sorts: Reading Romantic Fiction and the Bonds Among Female Readers |
2011 |
readers, paratext, Publishing, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Suárez Coalla, Paquita; Rivera Valdés, Sonia; Íñigo, Ainoa |
Repercusión de la lectura y otras formas de arte en nuestra vida y nuestra obra: Memorias del VII coloquio de LART, Centro Español de Manhattan, Nueva York, 26-28 de octubre de 2016 |
2018 |
Sujaya, I Made; Suarka, I Nyoman; Sudewa, I Ketut |
Representation of Balinese Exoticism: Analysis of Inter-ethnic Relations Novels in Pre-independence Period |
2021 |
Indonesia |
Sujaya, I Made; Suarka, I Nyoman; Sudewa, I Ketut |
Representation of Balinese Exoticism: Analysis of Inter-ethnic Relations Novels in Pre-independence Period |
2021 |
Indonesia |
Sughi, Laura |
Evasione e conformismo nella narrativa rosa |
1977 |
Liala, pen name of Amalia Liana Cambiasi Negretti Odescalchi |
Sujaya, I Made; Suarka, I Nyoman; Sudewa, I Ketut |
Representation of Balinese Exoticism: Analysis of Inter-ethnic Relations Novels in Pre-independence Period |
2021 |
Indonesia |
Sule, Sani |
Exploring the Benefit and Significance of Reading Hausa Popular Romance Genre: A Thematic Analysis |
2019 |
Nigeria, readers |
Suleiman, Michael W.; Joseph, Suad; Cainkar, Louise |
Arab American Women: Representation and Refusal |
2021 |
Sullivan, Larry E.; Schurman, Lydia Cushman |
Pioneers, Passionate Ladies, and Private Eyes: Dime Novels, Series Books, and Paperbacks |
1996 |
Sullivan, Ceri; White, Barbara |
Writing and Fantasy |
1999 |
Sullivan, Ashleigh Taylor |
From Darcy to Dickheads: Why Do Women Love the Bad Boy? |
2022 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, readers, gothic romance, gender, L. J. Shen, sex/sexuality, BDSM, Penelope Douglas, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Fifty Shades, Jade West, dark romance |
Sutherland, Kathryn |
‘Where History says little, Fiction may say much’ (Anna Barbauld): the historical novel in women’s hands in the mid-twentieth century |
2021 |
history, Sir Walter Scott, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer |
Sutherland, John |
The Longman Companion to Victorian Fiction (Second Edition) |
2009 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Florence Barclay, Charles Garvice, Ouida, Rosa Praed, Annie S. Swan |
DeVries, Susan; Dunlop, Margaret; Goopy, Suzanne; Moyle, Wendy; Sutherland‐Lockhart, Diane |
Discipline and passion: meaning, masochism and mythology in popular medical romances |
1995 |
medical romance, history, work, emotions, sex/sexuality, health/medical, death, family, settings, gender, BDSM, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Sutton, Roger |
Librarians and the Paperback Romance: Trying to Do the Right Thing |
1985 |
libraries/librarians, YA/teenage romance, sex/sexuality, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Sutton, Denise Hardesty |
Marketing Love: Romance Publishers Mills & Boon and Harlequin Enterprises, 1930–1990 |
2022 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, capitalism/business |
Suwanban, Pauline |
From Exhalation to Transformation: The Female Body in the Orientalist Romance |
2018 |
E. M. Hull, gender, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity |
Suwanban, Pauline |
The Oriental Beast: The Sheik and Fairy Tales |
2020 |
E. M. Hull, race/ethnicity, fairytales/folktales, animals, gender |
Swaffield, Audrey-Claire |
Paperbacks Promoting Passion! What Is Harlequin Really Presenting? |
1981 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Swaminathan, Srividhya |
J. D. Robb’s Police Procedurals and the Critique of Modernity |
2016 |
Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, romantic suspense, science fiction/futuristic romance |
Salmon, Catherine; Symons, Donald |
Warrior Lovers: Erotic Fiction, Evolution and Female Sexuality |
2003 |
evolutionary psychology, m/m romance, sex/sexuality |
Søndberg Spaabæk, Anne Sofie |
The “Infernal” Value of the Gothic: A Reading of Gothicness and Romanceness in Cassandra Clare’s The Infernal Devices |
2022 |
gothic romance, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Cassandra Clare, genre definitions |
Holden, Stacy E.; Tabol, Charity |
In Sickness and In Health: Representations of PTSD in Post-9/11 Romance Novels |
2015 |
war/armed forces, health/medical, Harlequin Mills & Boon, United States of America, romance and, or as, activism, Susan Mallery, Karen Templeton, Janice Kay Johnson, disability, psychology |
Taddeo, Julie Anne |
Corsets of Steel: Steampunk's Reimagining of Victorian Femininity |
2013 |
fashion/clothing, steampunk, feminism, gender, history |
Taddeo, Julie Anne; Miller, Cynthia J. |
Steaming Into a Victorian Future: A Steampunk Anthology |
2013 |
Thomas, Patrick; Takayoshi, Pamela |
Literacy in Practice: Writing in Private, Public and Working Lives |
2016 |
Talbot, Mary M. |
Fictions at Work: Language and Social Practice in Fiction |
1995 |
readers, Harlequin Mills & Boon, sex/sexuality, gender, Kate Walker, fashion/clothing, linguistics, metafiction, social/economic class, romances in magazines and newspapers, YA/teenage romance, feminism |
Talbot, Mary M. |
‘An Explosion Deep inside Her’: Women’s Desire and Popular Romance Fiction |
1997 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, sex/sexuality, gender, Robyn Donald, Diana Hamilton, linguistics |
Andrews, Maggie; Talbot, Mary M. |
All the World and Her Husband: Women in Twentieth-Century Consumer Culture |
2000 |
Tang, Yang |
Between Fantasy and Reality: Time-Travel Romance and Media Fandom in Chinese Cyberspace |
2014 |
China, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Tang, Ning |
Reading Online Romance Novels Is Related To Chinese Readers' View of Love |
2022 |
China, readers, love |
Tanner, David |
Literary Success and Popular Romantic Fiction: Ethel M. Dell, a Case Study |
2016 |
Ethel M. Dell, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Publishing, romances in magazines and newspapers, India, settings |
Tanner, David |
Riding The Tosh Horse: Ethel M. Dell, A Written Life |
2024 |
Ethel M. Dell, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Tapper, Olivia |
Romance and Innovation in Twenty-First Century Publishing |
2014 |
Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Tarulli, Laurel |
Readers' Advisory: Bad Boy Romances: Biker Boys and Mobster Royalty |
2017 |
libraries/librarians |
Chivers, Marian; Speed, Lesley; Tasker, Meg |
The warrior woman in Harlequin’s Bombshell Athena Force series |
2014 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, romantic suspense, war/armed forces, gender |
Raitt, Suzanne; Tate, Trudi |
Women's Fiction and The Great War |
1997 |
Tatlock, Lynne |
German Writing, American Reading: Women and the Import of Fiction, 1866-1917 |
2012 |
Germany, United States of America, translation, gender, work, marriage, fairytales/folktales, family, Publishing, E. Marlitt/Eugenie John, Wilhelmine Heimburg/Bertha Behrens, Fanny Lewald, Wilhelmine von Hillern, Claire von Glümer, Ursula Zöge von Manteuffel, E. Werner/Elisabeth Bürstenbinder, religion/spirituality, Nataly von Eschstruth, metafiction, social/economic class, Charlotte Brontë, E. Juncker, Moritz von Reichenbach/Valeska von Reiswitz, Gräfin von Bethusy-Huc, Golo Raimund/Bertha [Heyn] Frederich, history, national identity, war/armed forces, race/ethnicity, Louisa May Alcott |
Tatlock, Kristen Doris |
Raised on romance: a cultural study of romance fiction |
1986 |
Tatum, James |
The Search for the Ancient Novel |
1994 |
Tatum, Charles |
Lágrimas, risas y amor: Mexico's Most Popular Romance Comic Book |
1980 |
comics/manga, Mexico |
Tavallaie, Marjan |
”It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us.”: The representation of domestic violence in popular romance novel It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover |
2024 |
Colleen Hoover, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Gilbert, Pam; Taylor, Sandra |
Fashioning the Feminine: Girls, Popular Culture, and Schooling |
1991 |
readers, YA/teenage romance |
Gilbert, Pam; Taylor, Sandra |
Reading the Romance |
1993 |
readers, social/economic class, gender |
Taylor, Jessica Anne |
Write the Book of Your Heart: Career, Passion and Publishing in the Romance Writing Community |
2013 |
authors, Publishing, race/ethnicity, social/economic class, gender, love, work |
Taylor, Jessica |
And You Can Be My Sheikh: Gender, Race, and Orientalism in Contemporary Romance Novels |
2007 |
gender, race/ethnicity, sheikh romance, settings, paratext |
Taylor, Jessica |
Romance and the Female Gaze Obscuring Gendered Violence in The Twilight Saga |
2014 |
gender, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Twilight |
Taylor, Jessica |
Love the Market: Discourses of Passion and Professionalism in Romance Writing Communities |
2016 |
authors, work, emotions, Publishing |
Taylor, Jessica |
Animating Creative Selves: Pen Names as Property in the Careers of Canadian and American Romance Writers |
2018 |
authors, Publishing, work |
Taylor, Jessica |
Flexible Nations: Canadian Romance Writers, American Romance, and the Romance of Canada |
2018 |
Canada, authors, national identity, Kate Bridges, settings, Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, race/ethnicity, historical romance, history |
Taylor, Jessica |
Garçon Manqué: A Queer Rereading (of) The Sheik |
2020 |
E. M. Hull, Radclyffe Hall, gender, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, sex/sexuality, readers, fashion/clothing, race/ethnicity |
Taylor, Helen |
Romantic Readers |
1989 |
readers, gender, race/ethnicity, Barbara Taylor Bradford, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, lesbian romance, Margaret Mitchell, social/economic class |
Taylor, Helen |
Why Women Read Fiction: The Stories of Our Lives |
2019 |
readers, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Fifty Shades |
Taylor, Anthea |
‘The urge towards love is an urge towards (un)death’: Romance, masochistic desire and postfeminism in the Twilight novels |
2012 |
YA/teenage romance, Twilight, death, BDSM, gender, sex/sexuality, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, family |
Teague, Anna Sophia Wester |
“If my hubby ever did half the stuff my book boyfriends did… I’d put him six ft in the ground” : narratives of interpersonal and gendered violence as discussed in romance novel review websites |
2015 |
readers, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, psychology, pornography, gender, sex/sexuality |
Tegan, Mary Beth |
Becoming Both Poet and Poem: Feminists Repossess the Romance |
2007 |
feminism, Mary Stewart, Jennifer Crusie, Vicki Lewis Thompson, Georgette Heyer |
Alberti, Paola; Fortunati, Vita; Franci, Giovanna; Galateria, Daria; Mangaroni, Rosella; Pozzato, Maria Pia; Sabbadini, Tiziana; Tempera, Mariangela |
Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese |
1986 |
UK, Elinor Glyn, E. M. Hull |
Fletcher, Lisa; McAlister, Jodi; Temple, Kurt; Williams, Kathleen |
#loveyourshelfie: Mills & Boon books and how to find them |
2019 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, readers, Publishing, Australia |
Tennenhouse, Tracy Shana |
Female Fantasies in Women's Popular Fiction |
1996 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), gender, lesbian romance, erotic romance |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Shanghaied By Sheiks: Orientalism and hybridity in women's romance writing |
1999 |
sheikh romance, race/ethnicity |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
The Romance of White Nations: Imperialism, Popular Culture and National Histories |
2003 |
national identity, race/ethnicity, UK, history, Africa, gender, Mary Gaunt, with John Ridgwell Essex, E. M. Hull, sheikh romance, Harlequin Mills & Boon, United States of America, Native American romance |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Romancing the Raj: Interracial Relations in Anglo-Indian Romance Novels |
2004 |
India, UK, social/economic class, history, race/ethnicity, gender, Flora Annie Steel, Mrs F. E. Penny, Alice Perrin, Maud Diver, Alice Eustace, Juliet Armstrong, Harlequin Mills & Boon, national identity |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Orientalism and Mass Market Romance Novels in the Twentieth Century |
2007 |
sheikh romance, gender, race/ethnicity, sex/sexuality, history, E. M. Hull, UK, United States of America, work, feminism, family |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Historicizing The Sheik: Comparisons of the British Novel and the American Film |
2010 |
E. M. Hull, film/movies, UK, United States of America, race/ethnicity, history, gender, sex/sexuality, war/armed forces, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
"Bertrice teaches you about history, and you don't even mind!": History and Revisionist Historiography in Bertrice Small's The Kadin |
2012 |
history, historical romance, Bertrice Small, gender, feminism, readers |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Desert Passions: Orientalism and Romance Novels |
2012 |
history, sheikh romance, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), race/ethnicity, E. M. Hull, United States of America, historical romance, gender, Islam, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
“We have to learn to love imperially”: Love in Late Colonial and Federation Australian Romance Novels |
2014 |
Australia, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), love, gender, marriage, national identity, Mary Bradford Whiting, UK, race/ethnicity, family, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Broda Reynolds, Mabel Forrest, Marie Bjelke Petersen, Alice Grant Rosman, Rosa Praed, rural romance, settings, work, Ada Cambridge |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Imperial Affairs: The British Empire and the Romantic Novel, 1890-1939 |
2016 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), UK, history, national identity, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Africa, India, E. M. Hull, race/ethnicity, gender, sheikh romance, Nora K. Strange, settings, Rosa Praed, Mary Gaunt, Gertrude Page, Florence Riddell, Flora Annie Steel, Ouida, Marie Corelli, Kathlyn Rhodes, Joan Conquest, Mrs F. E. Penny, Maud Diver, Alice Perrin, Alice Eustace, rural romance |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Orientalism, Freedom, and Feminism in Popular Culture |
2016 |
United States of America, Islam, history, E. M. Hull, historical romance, sheikh romance, sex/sexuality, gender, feminism, work, race/ethnicity, Barbara Faith, Elizabeth Mayne, Dana Marton, romantic suspense, war/armed forces, national identity |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
The Romance Novel |
2016 |
genre definitions, love, Jane Austen, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), E. M. Hull, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Barbara Cartland, Georgette Heyer, historical romance, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, sex/sexuality, gender, wealth/prosperity, capitalism/business |
McAlister, Jodi; Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Love in Australian Romance Novels |
2017 |
national identity, Australia, love, rural romance, gender, sex/sexuality, history, Publishing, genre definitions, race/ethnicity, settings, feminism |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
The Popular Culture of Romantic Love in Australia |
2017 |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
The Contemporary Anglophone Romance Genre |
2018 |
gender, sex/sexuality, Publishing, race/ethnicity |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Cultural Authenticity, the Family, and East Asian American Romance Novels |
2020 |
race/ethnicity, Asia, China, authors, Publishing, United States of America, family, Jade Lee, Jeannie Lin, Onoto Watanna/Winnifred Eaton, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), historical romance, history, love, Elizabeth Lowell, Marie Donovan, Dorien Kelly, Vicki Essex, Camy Tang, Christian romance, Ruby Lang, Jennifer Lewis, Helen Hoang, Courtney Milan |
Kamblé, Jayashree; Selinger, Eric Murphy; Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Introduction |
2021 |
romance scholarship |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Love and romance novels |
2021 |
love, sex/sexuality, history, sociology, feminism, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Samuel Richardson, Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, religion/spirituality, E. M. Hull, Kathlyn Rhodes, Barbara Cartland, Georgette Heyer, Harlequin Mills & Boon, historical romance, Jennifer Crusie, wealth/prosperity |
Kamblé, Jayashree; Selinger, Eric Murphy; Teo, Hsu-Ming |
The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction |
2021 |
romance scholarship |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Transported for life, transported by love: love and the Australian convict romance novel |
2022 |
Australia, historical romance, history, gender, love, Tea Cooper, Lena Dowling, Joanna Lloyd, Candice Proctor |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Love Is Not Enough: Australian Romantic Fiction from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century |
2023 |
Australia, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Rosa Praed, Marie Bjelke Petersen, marriage, love, work |
Teo, Hsu-Ming; Fresno-Calleja, Paloma |
Conflict and Colonialism in 21st Century Romantic Historical Fiction: Repairing the Past, Repurposing History |
2024 |
Teo, Hsu-Ming; Fresno-Calleja, Paloma |
Introduction: Conflict and Colonialism in 21st Century Romantic Historical Fiction: Repairing the Past, Repurposing History |
2024 |
historical romance, history |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
The Australian Convict Prostitute Romance: Narrating Social and Sexual Justice for “Damned Whores” |
2024 |
Lena Dowling, Australia, historical romance, history, gender |
Fresno-Calleja, Paloma; Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Travel and Colonialism in 21st Century Romantic Historical Fiction: Exotic Journeys, Reparative Histories? |
2024 |
Teo, Hsu-Ming |
When a Jew Loves a Nazi: Problems with Repurposing the Holocaust for Reparative Romance |
2024 |
Kate Breslin, Christian romance, history |
Fresno-Calleja, Paloma; Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Introduction. Travel and Colonialism in Twenty-First Century Romantic Historical Fiction: Exotic Journeys, Reparative Histories? * |
2025 |
settings, historical romance, race/ethnicity |
Teo, Hsu-Ming; Schwegler-Castañer, Astrid |
Post/Colonial Nostalgia and Melancholia in Dinah Jefferies' The Tea Planter's Wife and Before the Rains * |
2025 |
India, Sri Lanka, history, historical romance, race/ethnicity, Dinah Jefferies |
Therrien, Kathleen M. |
Trembling at Her Own Response: Resistance and Reconciliation in Mass-Market Romance Novels |
1997 |
Julie Garwood, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, Susan Wiggs, gender, national identity |
Therrien, Kathleen M. |
"One Would Die Rather Than Speak ... about Such Subjects": Exploring Class, Gender, and Hegemony in Anya Seton's Dragonwyck |
2015 |
teaching romance, Anya Seton, gothic romance, social/economic class, gender, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Therrien, Kathleen |
Straight to the Edges: Gay and Lesbian Characters and Cultural Conflict in Popular Romance Fiction |
2012 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Diana Gabaldon, Julie Garwood, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, Susan Wiggs, Emma Holly, social/economic class, gender, BDSM |
Thiel, Christian |
Liebe, Sex, Karriere: die Modernisierung des trivialen Liebesromans |
1991 |
Germany |
Thierauf, Doreen |
Forever After: Desire in the 21st-Century Romance Blockbuster |
2016 |
Jane Austen, sex/sexuality, marriage, gender, feminism, readers, psychology, Twilight, Fifty Shades, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, BDSM |
Thirard, Marie-Agnès |
Les romans "Adoras" ou les nouveaux contes de fées à l’africaine |
2004 |
Africa, fairytales/folktales, paratext |
Thomas, Patrick; Takayoshi, Pamela |
Literacy in Practice: Writing in Private, Public and Working Lives |
2016 |
Thomas, Glen; James, Bridie |
The Romance Industry: A Study of Reading and Writing Romance |
2006 |
authors, readers |
Thomas, Glen |
Romance: The Perfect Creative Industry? A Case Study of Harlequin-Mills and Boon Australia |
2007 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, Australia, readers, authors |
Thomas, Glen |
The Best Australian Romance Novelist: Emma Darcy |
2007 |
Emma Darcy, Helen Bianchin, settings, Australia, sex/sexuality, family, metafiction |
Thomas, Glen |
"And I Deliver": An Interview with Emma Darcy |
2008 |
Emma Darcy, Harlequin Mills & Boon, authors, Australia, sex/sexuality, settings, emotions, Publishing |
Thomas, Glen |
Happy Readers or Sad Ones? Romance Fiction and the Problems of the Media Effects Model |
2012 |
readers, psychology, Anna Campbell, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Thomas, Audrey |
A Fine Romance, My Dear, This Is |
1986 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, readers, pornography, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Charlotte Lamb, work |
Thompson, Marcella; Koski, Patricia; Holyfield, Lori |
Romance and agency: An argument revisited |
1997 |
romance scholarship, readers, feminism |
Koski, Patricia; Holyfield, Lori; Thompson, Marcella |
Romance Novels as Women's Myths |
1997 |
myth, emotions |
Thompson, Jennifer K. |
Romance in the Stacks: The Prevalence of Romance Fiction in Academic Libraries |
2010 |
libraries/librarians |
Thompson, Anne B. |
Rereading Fifties Teen Romance: Reflections on Janet Lambert |
2005 |
Janet Lambert, YA/teenage romance, family, war/armed forces |
Kirkham, Pat; Thoms, David |
War Culture: Social Change and Changing Experience in World War Two Britain |
1995 |
Thurlow, Michelle |
“A Whisper of Satin”: The Infant Dress Leitmotif |
2010 |
Christian romance, Beverly Lewis, religion/spirituality, gender, fashion/clothing, music |
Thurston, Carol M. |
Popular Historical Romances: Agent for Social Change? An Exploration of Methodologies |
1985 |
historical romance, sex/sexuality, gender |
Thurston, Carol |
The Romance Revolution: Erotic Novels for Women and the Quest for a New Sexual Identity |
1987 |
erotic romance, United States of America, readers, historical romance, sex/sexuality, Publishing, feminism, work, Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, pornography, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Rosemary Rogers, virginity, gothic romance, Bertrice Small, LaVyrle Spencer, Kathleen Woodiwiss |
Tidwell, Christy |
“A Little Wildness”: Negotiating Relationships between Human and Nonhuman in Historical Romance |
2016 |
animals, paratext, historical romance, Bertrice Small, Patricia Gaffney, metaphor/symbolism, gender, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, family, sex/sexuality, happy ending |
Tienkamp, Aaf |
New Adult Romance: An Emerging Genre |
2016 |
NA romance, sex/sexuality, genre definitions |
Timson, Beth S. |
The Drug Store Novel: Popular Romantic Fiction and the Mainstream Tradition |
1983 |
gothic romance, Jane Austen, Martha Finley, United States of America, gender |
Tindall, Natalie T. J. |
Black Romance Authors and Community Cultural Wealth: A Case Study of Brenda Jackson’s Career |
2022 |
Brenda Jackson, race/ethnicity, Publishing, authors, readers, community, African American romance |
Tirkkonen-Condit, Sonja; Condit, Stephen |
Empirical Studies in Translation and Linguistics |
1989 |
Fjelkestam, Kristina; Hill, Helena; Tjeder, David |
Kvinnorna gör mannen: maskulinitetskonstruktioner i kvinnors text och bild 1500-2000 |
2013 |
Tobin-McClain, Lee |
Paranormal Romance: Secrets of the Female Fantastic |
2000 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, authors, Susan Carroll, Kathleen Kane, Catherine Mulvany, Susan Plunkett, Emilie Richards, genre definitions, gender, readers |
Jandl, Ingeborg; Knaller, Susanne; Schönfellner, Sabine; Tockner, Gudrun |
Writing Emotions: Theoretical Concepts and Selected Case Studies in Literature |
2017 |
Tokley, Anne-Marie |
Where is my Happy Ending and Why am I Looking for it? The Romance Myth in Contemporary Popular Australian Women’s Fiction |
2008 |
Australia, love, feminism, gender, romances in magazines and newspapers, national identity, Harlequin Mills & Boon, chick lit, Marion Lennox |
Muram, David; Rosenthal, Ted L.; Tolley, Elizabeth A.; Peeler, Molly M.; Pitts, Bridget |
Teenage Pregnancy: Dating and Sexual Attitudes |
1992 |
readers, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity |
Tomlinson, Alan |
Consumption, Identity, and Style: Marketing, Meanings, and the Packaging of Pleasure |
1990 |
Philips, Deborah; Tomlinson, Alan |
Homeward Bound: Leisure, popular culture and consumer capitalism |
1992 |
capitalism/business, Harlequin Mills & Boon, war/armed forces, work, gender |
Trower, Shelley; Tooth Murphy, Amy; Smith, Graham |
‘Me mum likes a book, me dad’s a newspaper man’: Reading, gender and domestic life in ‘100 Families’ |
2019 |
gender, readers |
Toscano, Angela |
A Parody of Love: the Narrative Uses of Rape in Popular Romance |
2012 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Carolyn Jewel, Anna Campbell, Catherine Coulter, Anne Stuart, Patricia Gaffney, love |
Toscano, Angela |
The Idolatry of the Real: Form, Formula, and Happy Endings in Romance Literature |
2019 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, genre definitions, readers, Jennifer Crusie, happy ending |
Toscano, Angela |
Gothic romance |
2021 |
gothic romance, Mary Stewart |
Toth, Emily |
Who'll Take Romance? |
1984 |
feminism, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Emily Toth |
Toth, Emily |
Labors of Love |
1993 |
feminism, Emily Toth |
Towheed, Shafquat; King, Edmund G. C. |
Reading and the First World War: Readers, Texts, Archives |
2015 |
Trachsel, Mary |
Horse Stories and Romance Fiction: Variants or Alternative Texts of Female Identity? |
1997 |
gender, animals |
Travis, Melissa E. |
Assume the Position: Exploring Discipline Relationships |
2013 |
Treacher, Amal |
What is Life Without My Love?: Desire and Romantic Fiction |
1988 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, psychology, readers, emotions, feminism, love, Doreen Hornsblow as Sally Wentworth, sex/sexuality |
Trevenen, Claire |
Fifty Shades of “Mommy Porn”: A Post-GFC Renegotiation of Paternal Law |
2014 |
Fifty Shades, gender, family, sex/sexuality, BDSM, capitalism/business, race/ethnicity |
McAlister, Jodi; Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne |
#RomanceClass: Genre World, Intimate Public, Found Family |
2020 |
Philippines, genre definitions, Publishing, readers, authors, Mina V. Esguerra, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, sex/sexuality |
Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne; McAlister, Jodi |
Hello, Ever After: #RomanceClass and Online-Only Live Literature in the Philippines in 2020 |
2021 |
Philippines |
Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne; McAlister, Jodi |
Live literature in the Philippines: an ethnographic study of #RomanceClass and reading as performance |
2023 |
Philippines, readers, authors, Publishing, Mina V. Esguerra |
McAlister, Jodi; Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne |
Publishing Romance Fiction in the Philippines |
2023 |
Philippines, Publishing, social/economic class, Mina V. Esguerra, wealth/prosperity, Keene Alicante, sex/sexuality, work, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, settings, authors, paratext |
Brickman, Barbara Jane; Jermyn, Deborah; Trost, Theodore Louis |
Love Across the Atlantic: US-UK Romance in Popular Culture |
2020 |
Trower, Shelley; Tooth Murphy, Amy; Smith, Graham |
‘Me mum likes a book, me dad’s a newspaper man’: Reading, gender and domestic life in ‘100 Families’ |
2019 |
gender, readers |
Bettinotti, Julia; Truel, Marie-Françoise |
Lust and Dust: Desert Fabula in Romances and Media |
1997 |
sheikh romance, E. M. Hull |
Bettinotti, Julia; Truel, Marie-Françoise |
Lust and Dust: voyages de femmes, roman d’amour ou les enjeux d’une fabula |
1997 |
E. M. Hull, sheikh romance |
Bettinotti, Julia; Jeannesson, Gaëlle; Truel, Marie-Françoise |
Séries, suites et redites en culture médiatique |
2002 |
sheikh romance, E. M. Hull, Johanna Lindsey, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Tuñón, Johanna |
A Fine Romance: How to Select Romances for Your Collection |
1995 |
libraries/librarians |
Tuñón, Johanna |
An Appetite for Romance: How to Understand, Buy, Display, and Promote Romance Fiction |
1995 |
libraries/librarians |
Mussell, Kay; Tuñón, Johanna |
North American Romance Writers |
1999 |
authors, United States of America, Judith Arnold, Mary Balogh, Jo Beverley, Loretta Chase, Rachel Lee/Sue Civil-Brown, Judith Ivory/Judy Cuevas, Sharon and Tom Curtis, Justine Davis/Justine Dare, Eileen Dreyer/Kathleen Korbel, Kathleen Eagle, Patricia Gaffney, Jennifer Greene/Jeanne Grant/Jessica Massey/Alison Hart, Lorraine Heath, Tami Hoag, Susan Johnson, Dara Joy, Lynn Kerstan, Sandra Kitt, Susan Krinard, Jill Marie Landis, Pamela Morsi, Maggie Osborne/Margaret St. George, Mary Jo Putney, Alicia Rasley, Emilie Richards, Paula Detmer Riggs, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, Ruth Wind/Barbara Samuel/Barbara O'Neal, Kathleen Gilles Seidel, Jennifer Crusie, romance scholarship |
Turnbull, Sue |
'Nice Dress, Take It Off': Crime, Romance and the Pleasure of the Text |
2002 |
Janet Evanovich, readers |
Turner, Natasha |
Contemporary Erotic Romance: Cunning Linguists or Fifty Shades of Feminist Dismay? |
2015 |
feminism, sex/sexuality, Portia Da Costa, Sylvia Day |
Turner, Katherine |
Daphne Du Maurier's Mary Anne: Rewriting the Regency Romance as Feminist History |
2017 |
history, Daphne du Maurier |
Turner, Graeme |
Nation, Culture, Text: Australian Cultural and Media Studies |
1993 |
Turner, Ellen |
E.M. Hull and the Valentino cult: gender reversal after The sheik |
2011 |
E. M. Hull, gender |
Turner, Ellen |
The Sheik Returns: Imitations and Parodies of the Desert Romance |
2014 |
E. M. Hull, sheikh romance, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, sex/sexuality, Harlequin Mills & Boon, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Turner, Ellen |
E. M. Hull's Camping in the Sahara: desert romance meets desert reality |
2015 |
E. M. Hull |
Turner, Ellen |
The Sheik and Modernism |
2020 |
E. M. Hull, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Turner, Ellen; Wadsö Lecaros, Cecilia |
The desert-governess romance: Regency England meets exotic Arabia |
2022 |
sheikh romance, historical romance, settings, Marguerite Kaye, Laura Martin, Lynne Graham, Kate Hewitt, E. M. Hull, work, genre definitions, Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext |
Diwersy, Sascha; Gonon, Laetitia; Goossens, Vannina; Gymnich, Marion; Tutin, Agnès |
Speech Verbs in French and English Novels |
2020 |
linguistics, emotions, languages |
Opas, Lisa Lena; Tweedie, Fiona |
The Magic Carpet Ride: Reader Involvement in Romantic Fiction |
1999 |
linguistics, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Danielle Steel, historical romance, readers |
Ty, Eleanor |
Desire and Temptation: Dialogism and the Carnivalesque in Category Romances |
1994 |
readers, metafiction, Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, metaphor/symbolism, sex/sexuality, fashion/clothing, disability |
Ty, Eleanor |
Amour, sexe et carnaval: le plaisir du texte Harlequin |
1995 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, sex/sexuality |
Uddin-Khan, Evelyn Angelina |
Gender, Ethnicity and the Romance Novel |
1995 |
readers, gender, race/ethnicity |
Ujma, Alicja |
One Author, Two Pen Names. A Stylometric Analysis of Novels by Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb |
2019 |
linguistics, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, translation |
Jan, Jariah Mohd; Ujum, Diana Abu |
Negotiating Conflicts amongst Muslim Female Characters in Malay Romance Novels: A Narratological Perspective |
2022 |
Malaysia, Muslim romance, gender |
Drayton, Arthur D.; Ajayi-Soyinka, Omofolabo; Ukpokodu, I. Peter |
African Literatures at the Millennium |
2007 |
Uparkar, Shilpa |
Desi love stories: Harlequin Mills & Boon’s Indian enterprise |
2014 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, India, languages |
Uszkurat, Carol Ann |
Mid Twentieth Century Lesbian Romance: Reception and Redress |
1993 |
lesbian romance, Publishing, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), history, feminism, psychology, gender, sex/sexuality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Pöhls, R. L. Victoria; Utudji, Mariane |
Powerful Prose: How Textual Features Impact Readers |
2021 |
Latva, Otto; Lähdesmäki, Heta; Sonck-Rautio, Kirsi; Uusitalo, Harri |
Arrivals and Departures: The Human Relationship with Changing Biodiversity |
2024 |
Valeo, Christina A. |
Crusie and the Con |
2012 |
Jennifer Crusie, metafiction, happy ending, readers |
Valeo, Christina A. |
The Power of Three: Nora Roberts and Serial Magic |
2012 |
Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, religion/spirituality, community, family, love, Paganism/Wicca |
Valovirta, Elina |
No Ordinary Love: The Romantic Formula of Stepsibling Erotica |
2019 |
NA romance, erotic romance, family |
Kuortti, Joel; Ilmonen, Kaisa; Valovirta, Elina; Korkka, Janne |
Thinking with the Familiar in Contemporary Literature and Culture 'Out of the Ordinary' |
2019 |
Valovirta, Elina |
Repeated Pleasure: Reading the Threesome Ménage Romance as Digital Literature |
2021 |
sex/sexuality, readers, NA romance, Marie Carnay, Charlotte Stein, Sierra Sparks, Juliana Conners |
Valovirta, Elina |
The Stuff of Which Fairy Tales Are Made: Royal Romance, Ordinariness, and Affectivity in the Literary Market |
2021 |
Publishing, social/economic class, feminism |
Valovirta, Elina |
Love and Loss: Corals and Cultural Sustainability in Caribbean Popular Romance Novels |
2024 |
settings, ecocriticism/environmentalism/climate change, Caribbean, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, Terry McMillan, Shelby Black, Leigh Morano |
Valverde, Mariana |
Sex, Power and Pleasure |
1985 |
pornography, sex/sexuality, gender, BDSM, wealth/prosperity, lesbian romance, Jane Rule, marriage, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Benge, Alie; O'Brien, Lil; Van Beek, Kathryn |
Otherhood: Essays on being childless, childfree and child-adjacent |
2024 |
van Buuren, Johanna Maria |
De taal van het hart : retorica en receptie van de hedendaagse streekroman |
2005 |
Netherlands, love, family |
Powley, Tammy; Van Camp, April |
Women of Florida Fiction: Essays on 12 Sunshine State Writers |
2015 |
Koolen, Corina; van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; van Cranenburgh, Andreas; Nagelhout, Erica |
Literary quality in the eye of the Dutch reader: The National Reader Survey |
2020 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, gender, Netherlands |
Koolen, Corina; van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; van Cranenburgh, Andreas; Nagelhout, Erica |
Literary quality in the eye of the Dutch reader: The National Reader Survey |
2020 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, gender, Netherlands |
Ivanski, Chantelle; Humphries, Stacey; van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; Mar, Raymond A. |
Do We Judge Fiction by the Author’s Gender? |
2022 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, gender |
van der Putten, Jan; Arnez, Monika; Wieringa, Edwin P.; Graf, Arndt |
Traditions Redirecting Contemporary Indonesian Cultural Productions |
2017 |
van Halteren, Hans |
Automatic Authorship Investigation |
2022 |
linguistics, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Stephanie Howard |
van Hattum, Fatima Y. |
Orientalist Public Pedagogy: Visual Representation of Muslims in Pop Culture and Desert Romance Novels |
2023 |
sheikh romance, paratext, Islam, race/ethnicity |