Reading Mills and Boon in India From the Post-Colonial to the Millennial Experience

Publication year

Here are some quotes from the chapter:

The present chapter contends that the reading of M&B has been part of the process of liberalisation in India which has also translated into greater openness in societal norms by the new millennium where it is now becoming increasingly acceptable for young urban upper class educated women to exercise their choices not only in their careers but also in love and marriage. This chapter examines the raging popularity of M&B amongst Indian women in the 1970s and 80s, the sisterhood that it created, and offer insights into its survival and re-invention in a post-feminist scenario in the new millennium.


To understand the long history of association between the Indian reader and Mills and Boon romances, an online survey was undertaken for the purposes of this research. The objective of this survey was to (i) to assess the continuity of readership for Mills and Boon romances into the new millennium (ii) probe the complex texture of the impact on expectations in conjugal relationships (iii) and evaluate the success of the Indie [sic - I think the author meant "Indian"] books. Of the fifty-four women who participated in the survey eight belong to the youngest age group, that is, 16-29, twenty-one to the age group 30-44, twenty-four to the age group 45-59 and one in the 60 and above category. Several of these respondents were also personally contacted over the phone. Nearly all the respondents, located in urban centres across India, happen to be postgraduates or professionally educated, and only twelve belong to the category of full-time home-makers.