Grossmann, Francis Gymnich, Marion Siepmann, Dirk (2020) "Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in English and French Novels Since the 1950s: A Corpus-Stylistic Analysis " Phraseology and Style in Subgenres of the Novel: A Synthesis of Corpus and Literary Perspectives 115-150 DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-23744-8_5 Topic food, drink linguistics history gender emotions social/economic class
Gymnich, Marion Dyka, Susanne (2020) "Falling in love with vs. sich verlieben in: a corpus-based analysis of English and German romance novels " Phraséologie et stylistique de la langue littéraire/Phraseology and Stylistics of Literary Language; Approches interdisciplinaires/Interdisciplinary Approaches 177-198 DOI:10.3726/b17628 Topic linguistics love
Diwersy, Sascha Gonon, Laetitia Goossens, Vannina Gymnich, Marion Tutin, Agnès (2020) "Speech Verbs in French and English Novels " Phraseology and Style in Subgenres of the Novel: A Synthesis of Corpus and Literary Perspectives 83-113 DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-23744-8_4 Topic linguistics emotions languages