Ganetz, Hillevi; Lövgren, Karin |
Om unga kvinnor: identitet, kultur och livsvillkor |
1991 |
Hall, Stuart; Hobson, Dorothy; Lowe, Andrew; Willis, Paul |
Culture, Media, Language: Working Papers in Cultural Studies, 1972-79 |
1980 |
Lowery, Karalyne |
The Militarized Shapeshifter: Authorized Violence and Military Connections as an Antidote to Monstrosity |
2018 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, war/armed forces, United States of America |
Lozano Sampedro, Mª Teresa |
La réception de Delly en Espagne et en Amérique Latine |
2011 |
Delly, Spain |
Lozano Sampedro, Mª Teresa |
La recepción de Delly en España |
2012 |
Lozano Sampedro, Mª Teresa |
La culture et le travail de la femme. Une approche comparative entre Delly et Corín Tellado |
2014 |
Delly, Corín Tellado, work, marriage, fairytales/folktales, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Lozano Sampedro, Mª Teresa |
Pour une typologie de la marginalité dans les romans de Delly: la fonction de la femme |
2018 |
Delly, religion/spirituality, gender, social/economic class |
Lozano Sampedro, Mª Teresa |
Las clases sociales y el poder económico en la obra de Delly: la mujer y su triunfo sobre la opresión |
2020 |
Delly, social/economic class, wealth/prosperity, gender |
Lugan-Dardigna, Anne-Marie |
Presse du cœur et roman rose: la quête de l'amour vrai ou comment se trouver un maître |
1984 |
gender, religion/spirituality, love |
Lukas, Iwan; Muarifuddin,; Azi, Rahmawati |
Formula Romance dalam Roman Mes Amis Mes Amours Karya Marc Lévy |
2024 |
Marc Levy |
Luneau, Marie-Pier |
« Tant d’amour à donner »: Le biographique, l’œuvre, et la figure de l’auteur Harlequin |
2008 |
authors, Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext, family, work |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe |
Ce que le roman catholique fait au roman sentimental : le cas de la collection « Amour et aventure » |
2019 |
religion/spirituality, Christian romance, race/ethnicity, Canada, Publishing |
Boivin, Karol'Ann; Luneau, Marie-Pier |
Qu’ont en commun Mimi Estival, Roxanne d’Avril et Georgette Mars? Auctorialité et roman sentimental québécois de l’après guerre (1944-1965) |
2021 |
Canada, authors, Publishing, dime novels |
Warren, Jean-Philippe; Luneau, Marie-Pier |
The Best Romance Dime Novels on the (French-Canadian) Market: The Promotional Strategies of Police-Journal, 1944-1963 |
2021 |
Canada, Publishing, paratext, dime novels |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe |
D’amour et d’or pur. Les impératifs matérialistes du bonheur amoureux dans le roman sentimental québécois de l’après-guerre |
2022 |
dime novels, Canada, wealth/prosperity |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe |
L’amour comme un roman. Le roman sentimental au Québec d’hier à aujourd’hui |
2022 |
Canada, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Harlequin Mills & Boon, sociology, love, marriage, sex/sexuality |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe |
Une littérature qui refuse de se laisser parler d’amour ? Les romans québécois et l’expression de la passion avant 1960 |
2022 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Canada, love, dime novels, wealth/prosperity, family |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe; Boivin, Karol'Ann; Bérubé, Harold |
Amour à 10 sous: Le roman sentimental québécois de l'après-guerre |
2023 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Canada, dime novels |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe |
Le temps des fascicules: Entre pratiques périodiques et pratiques livresques |
2023 |
paratext, dime novels, Canada |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe |
Affaires et sentiments : la figure de l’homme d’affaires dans le roman sentimental québécois de l’après-guerre |
2024 |
wealth/prosperity, capitalism/business, Canada |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe |
Love Stories Now and Then: A History of Les romans d'amour |
2024 |
Canada, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), sociology, love, marriage, sex/sexuality, history, Philippe Aubert de Gaspé Jr., Joseph Doutre, metafiction, Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau, social/economic class, religion/spirituality, race/ethnicity, Rosanna Leprohon, Ernest Choquette, family, Virginie Dussault, Albertine Laperle-Bernier, dime novels, Harlequin Mills & Boon, YA/teenage romance, chick lit, Marie-Claude Bussières-Tremblay, Micheline Perron, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Raymond Plante, Bertrand Gauthier, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, chick lit, Suzanne Roy, Chloé Duval, BDSM |
Davies, Ben; Lupton, Christina; Gormsen Schmidt, Johanne |
Reading Novels During the Covid-19 Pandemic |
2022 |
readers, Sally Rooney |
Luther, Amy Victoria |
Men reading fiction: A study of the relationship between reader, (con)text, consumption and gender identity. |
2010 |
gender, readers, pornography |
Lutz, Deborah |
Heidegger, the Erotics of Ontology, and the Mass-Market Romance |
2003 |
love, death, philosophy |
Lutz, Deborah |
The Dangerous Lover and the Erotics of Failure: Nineteenth-century Byronism and the Contemporary Romance |
2004 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), love, historical romance, death, philosophy |
Lutz, Deborah |
The Dangerous Lover: Gothic Villains, Byronism, and the Nineteenth-Century Seduction Narrative |
2006 |
love, death, philosophy, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), historical romance, Rosemary Rogers, Daphne du Maurier, E. M. Hull, Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, Georgette Heyer, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Samuel Richardson |
Lutz, Deborah |
The Haunted Space of the Mind: The Revival of the Gothic Romance in the Twenty-First Century |
2007 |
gothic romance, settings, Evelyn Rogers |
Lynch, Katherine E.; Sternglantz, Ruth E.; Barot, Len |
Queering the Romantic Heroine: Where Her Power Lies |
2012 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, lesbian romance, Radclyffe Hall, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Katherine V. Forrest, Radclyffe/Len Barot, Lea Santos, gender, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Mabee, Norma Augusta |
La novela rosa de Corín Tellado: Desorden, conflicto y escape de la ectopia |
1993 |
Corín Tellado |
Garciano, Shylyn G.; Cuevas, Gloria Con-ui; Geraldizo-Pabriga, Maria Gemma; Macabodbod, Saira Jay J.; Yu, Jaciah Mae B.; Pinote, Ma. Jezan A. |
Romance-Themed Novels: Influenced on Relationship Satisfaction |
2023 |
readers, psychology |
Macdonald, Andrew; Macdonald, Gina; Sheridan, Mary Ann |
Shape-shifting: Images of Native Americans in Recent Popular Fiction |
2000 |
Native American romance, race/ethnicity |
Macdonald, Andrew; Macdonald, Gina; Sheridan, Mary Ann |
Shape-shifting: Images of Native Americans in Recent Popular Fiction |
2000 |
Native American romance, race/ethnicity |
Allen, Margaret; Blackburn, Jean; Johnson, Carol; King, Margaret; Mackinnon, Alison |
All Her Labours: Embroidering the Framework |
1984 |
Gifford, Douglas; Macmillan, Dorothy |
A History of Scottish Women’s Writing |
1997 |
Magenya, Sheena Gimase |
Reading between the lines: A review of Dark Juices and Afrodisiacs: Erotic Diaries Vol 1 |
2020 |
Africa, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, sex/sexuality, feminism, race/ethnicity |
Maher, Jennifer |
Ripping the Bodice: Eating, Reading, and Revolt |
2001 |
food, drink, romance scholarship, feminism, readers, fat, fatness |
Maier, Sarah E.; Ayres, Brenda |
Neo-Victorian Madness: Rediagnosing Nineteenth-Century Mental Illness in Literature and Other Media |
2020 |
Mäkelä, Veera |
"World Turned Upside Down": The Role of Revolutions in Maya Rodale's Regency-Set Romances |
2020 |
Maya Rodale, United States of America, UK, historical romance, social/economic class, gender, race/ethnicity, emotions, feminism |
Mäkelä, Veera |
Reading Response in Mary Balogh: A Critical Engagement |
2021 |
Mary Balogh, romance scholarship, gender, sex/sexuality |
Makinen, Merja |
Feminist Popular Fiction |
2001 |
feminism, romance scholarship, Susan Napier, work, sex/sexuality, gender, Lisa Shapiro, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, love, family |
Sánchez Calle, Pilar; Malcolm, David; López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús |
Masquerades: Disguise in Literature in English from the Middle Ages to the Present |
2004 |
Malinowska, Anna |
Paternal Structures of the Romance |
2017 |
family, love, gender |
Malinowska, Ania |
Global Popular Culture for Local Infrastructures: Migration of Texts and Problems of Transferability (the Polish Case) |
2021 |
translation, Fifty Shades, Poland |
Wu, Yan; Mallan, Kerry; McGillis, Roderick |
(Re)Imagining the World: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times |
2013 |
Malloy, Audrey Miles |
Remnants of the Bodice Ripper: How Consent is Characterized in Heterosexual and Lesbian Erotic Romance Novels |
2017 |
gender, sex/sexuality, lesbian romance, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Alberti, Paola; Fortunati, Vita; Franci, Giovanna; Galateria, Daria; Mangaroni, Rosella; Pozzato, Maria Pia; Sabbadini, Tiziana; Tempera, Mariangela |
Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese |
1986 |
UK, Elinor Glyn, E. M. Hull |
Fortunati, Vita; Franci, Giovanna; Mangaroni, Rosella |
Prefazione |
1986 |
Mangat, T. K. |
The surgeon in popular fiction - The Mills and Boon doctor-nurse romance |
1998 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, medical romance |
Mann, Peter H. |
The Romantic Novel: A Survey of Reading Habits |
1969 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, readers |
Mann, Peter H. |
A New Survey: The Facts About Romantic Fiction |
1974 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, readers |
Mann, Peter H. |
Romantic Fiction and Its Readers |
1979 |
readers, Harlequin Mills & Boon, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Mann, Peter H. |
The Romantic Novel and its Readers |
1981 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, sex/sexuality, readers |
Mann, Peter H. |
Romantic Fiction and Its Readership |
1985 |
readers, genre definitions |
Stinson, Emmett; Mannion, Aaron |
The Return of Print?: Contemporary Australian Publishing |
2016 |
Manzano Badía, Benjamín |
Carmen de Icaza, una apología pequeño-burguesa y conservadora de la familia |
2000 |
Carmen de Icaza, family, Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, work, gender, marriage, feminism, religion/spirituality, wealth/prosperity, social/economic class, capitalism/business |
Mao, Douglas; Walkowitz, Rebecca L. |
Bad Modernisms |
2006 |
Fong, Katrina; Mullin, Justin B.; Mar, Raymond A. |
What You Read Matters: The Role of Fiction Genre in Predicting Interpersonal Sensitivity |
2013 |
readers, psychology |
Fong, Katrina; Mullin, Justin B.; Mar, Raymond A. |
How Exposure to Literary Genres Relates to Attitudes Toward Gender Roles and Sexual Behavior |
2015 |
psychology, readers, sex/sexuality, gender |
Ivanski, Chantelle; Humphries, Stacey; van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; Mar, Raymond A. |
Do We Judge Fiction by the Author’s Gender? |
2022 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, gender |
Ivanski, Chantelle; Maslej, Marta M.; Mar, Raymond A. |
Empirical Approaches to Studying Emotion in Literature: The Case of Gender |
2022 |
science/technology, emotions, gender, readers, authors, romance scholarship |
Marchand, Jacques |
Harlequin et Colombine : l’industrie plafonne, l’amour aussi |
1983 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, settings, readers |
Savchuk, O. H.; Marchenko, N. M. |
The concept of LOVE and its conceptualization in modern English romance novels |
2018 |
love, metaphor/symbolism, linguistics |
Margolies, David |
Mills & Boon: guilt without sex |
1982 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, work, gender, emotions, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Margolis, Harriet |
Feminist Irony or Poisonous FANTASY?: Category Romance and the Conscious Reader |
1992 |
readers, feminism |
Margolis, Harriet |
The Lover's Value(s): Women's Romance Novels in an Exchange-Based Society |
1995 |
feminism, readers |
Margolis, Harriet |
A Childe in Love, Or Is It Just Fantasy? The Values of Women's Genres |
1997 |
Emma Darcy, emotions, work, family, love |
Margolis, Ann |
In Defense of Romantic Fiction |
2009 |
Publishing, genre definitions |
Markasović, Valentina |
Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Holly Black’s The Folk of the Air Trilogy |
2023 |
Holly Black, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, YA/teenage romance, gender |
Markert, John |
Beyond Gatekeepers: Romance Publishing and the Production of Culture |
1984 |
Publishing |
Markert, John |
Romance Publishing and the Production of Culture |
1985 |
Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, United States of America, sex/sexuality, historical romance, Kathleen Woodiwiss |
Markert, John |
The publishing decision: Managerial policy and its effect on editorial decision making—The case of romance publishing |
1987 |
Publishing |
Markert, John |
Publishing Romance: The History of an Industry, 1940s to the Present |
2016 |
Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, historical romance, erotic romance, m/m romance, lesbian romance, gothic romance, romantic suspense, African American romance, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Avon, Ellora's Cave, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, BDSM, paratext |
Markert, John |
God is Love: The Christian Romance Market |
2017 |
Christian romance, Publishing, sex/sexuality |
Markert, John |
Publishing the romance novel |
2021 |
Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, United States of America, historical romance, Kathleen Woodiwiss, contemporary romance |
Markova, M. V. |
Georgette Heyer, history, and historical fiction. |
2024 |
Georgette Heyer, history, historical romance |
Marks, Pamela |
The Good Provider in Romance Novels |
1999 |
marriage, wealth/prosperity, emotions, history, United States of America, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Susan Warner, disability, sex/sexuality, work |
Martens, Debra |
Weaving Alliances: Selected Papers Presented For The Canadian Women's Studies Association at the 1991 and 1992 Learned Societies Conferences |
1993 |
Martin, Michèle |
Communication et médias de masse : culture, domination et opposition |
1991 |
romance scholarship, Harlequin Mills & Boon, feminism, gender, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Martin, Darcy |
'Womanhood Reinvented: Eve Dallas, Protagonist in J. D. Robb's "In Death" Series |
2003 |
Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, feminism, science fiction/futuristic romance, gender, work, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, marriage, community |
Martínez Garrido, Elisa |
Bildungsroman y crítica de género: Novela rosa y narrativa de mujeres |
2000 |
Italy, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), gender, love, fairytales/folktales |
Zaragoza Ninet, Gora; Martínez Sierra, Juan José; Cerezo Merchán, Beatriz; Richart Marset, Mabel |
Traducción, género y censura en la literatura y en los medios de comunicación |
2018 |
Martínez-Falquina, Silvia |
Historical Reparation, Emotional Justice: The Navajo Long Walk in Evangeline Parsons Yazzie’s Her Land, Her Love |
2024 |
Evangeline Parsons Yazzie, Native American romance, United States of America, historical romance, race/ethnicity |
Martínez de la Hidalga, Fernando |
La novela popular en España (vol 1.) |
2000 |
Bruttini, Adriano; Marucci, Franco |
La performance del testo: atti del VII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (A.I.A.), Siena, 2-4 Novembre 1984 |
1986 |
Ivanski, Chantelle; Maslej, Marta M.; Mar, Raymond A. |
Empirical Approaches to Studying Emotion in Literature: The Case of Gender |
2022 |
science/technology, emotions, gender, readers, authors, romance scholarship |
Mason, Gillian |
Rosemary Rogers |
2008 |
Rosemary Rogers, historical romance, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, sex/sexuality, erotic romance, BDSM |
Masteller, Jean Carwile |
Romancing the Reader: From Laura Jean Libbey to Harlequin Romance and Beyond |
1996 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Laura Jean Libbey, romances in magazines and newspapers, Publishing, work, social/economic class, Harlequin Mills & Boon, sex/sexuality, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, metafiction |
Matelski, Elizabeth |
"I'm Not the Only Lesbian Who Wears a Skirt": Lesbian Romance Fiction and Identity in Post-World War II America |
2016 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, fashion/clothing, United States of America, gender, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), history, metafiction, Claire Morgan/Patricia Highsmith, lesbian romance, Valerie Taylor, Ann Bannon, Rita Mae Brown |
Moy, Patricia; Matheson, Donald |
Voices: Exploring the Shifting Contours of Communication |
2019 |
Mathis, Gilles |
Le cliché |
1998 |
Matter, Laura Sewell |
Pursuing the Great Bad Novelist |
2007 |
Charles Garvice, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Murphy, Bernice M.; Matterson, Stephen |
Twenty-First-Century Popular Fiction |
2018 |
Matthews, Amy T. |
Entangled: the exegetical process of a romance writer |
2016 |
authors, feminism, genre definitions, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Matthews, Amy T. |
The hopeful romantic |
2016 |
feminism, authors |
Maunder, Andrew |
Berta Ruck |
2016 |
Berta Ruck, war/armed forces |
Maunder, Andrew |
British Literature of World War I: The Short Story and the Novella |
2016 |
Mayer, Claude-Hélène; Vanderheiden, Elisabeth |
International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives |
2021 |
love |
Mayfield, Kerrita K. |
Liminal eRoticism: Emerging Forms of Gender Identity and Performance in e-Romances and Their Feminist Electronic Communities |
2014 |
feminism, Publishing, gender, erotic romance, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Jeanne Laws, chick lit, Shelly Laurenston, race/ethnicity, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, happy ending, BDSM, m/m romance |
Mayhew, Lilybeth M. |
The series romance: the changing representation of gender relationships within a popular genre |
1994 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, readers, feminism, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, genre definitions, psychology, pornography, sex/sexuality, work, Connie Rinehold, Elda Minger, JoAnn Ross |
Maynard, Lee Anna |
LaVyrle Spencer |
2008 |
LaVyrle Spencer, historical romance, metafiction, race/ethnicity, food, drink, disability, war/armed forces, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, family, death, settings |
Mazloomian, Maryam; Mohammadi, Nahid |
Discursive Vulnerability and Identity Development: A Triangular Model of Bio-Forces in Cultural Ecological Analysis of American Romance Fiction |
2018 |
Debbie Macomber, psychology |
Mazzarella, Sharon R.; Pecora, Norma Odom |
Growing Up Girls: Popular Culture and the Construction of Identity |
1999 |
Carroll, Joseph; McAdams, Dan P.; Wilson, Edward O. |
Darwin's Bridge: Uniting the Humanities and Sciences |
2016 |
McAleer, Joseph |
Popular Literature and Reading Habits in Britain, 1914-1950 |
1989 |
readers, Publishing, UK, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
McAleer, Joseph |
Scenes from Love and Marriage: Mills and Boon and the Popular Publishing Industry in Britain, 1908-1950 |
1990 |
Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, romances in magazines and newspapers, Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook, Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie, Barbara Cartland, virginity, marriage, family, social/economic class |
McAleer, Joseph |
Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain, 1914-1950 |
1992 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, libraries/librarians, romances in magazines and newspapers, Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook, Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie, Sara Seale, Louise Gerard, Barbara Cartland, virginity, sex/sexuality, family, social/economic class |
McAleer, Joseph |
Passion's Fortune: The Story of Mills & Boon |
1999 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, UK, Betty Beaty, Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook, Elizabeth Carfrae, Fay Chandos/Jan Tempest, Sophie Cole, Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway, Iris Danbury, Joyce Dingwell/Kate Starr, Constance M. Evans, Eleanor Farnes, Louise Gerard, Elizabeth Gilzean, romances in magazines and newspapers, Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay, libraries/librarians, Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie, Phyllis Matthewman, medical romance, sex/sexuality, work, marriage, race/ethnicity, happy ending, family, religion/spirituality, readers, Marjorie Moore, Betty Neels, Valerie K. Nelson, Kate Norway/Olive Norton, Denise Robins, Sara Seale, Juliet Shore/Anne Vinton, gender, Alex Stuart, Essie Summers, Joan Sutherland, Anne Weale, Hilary Wilde, Violet Winspear, Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham, Ireland |
McAleer, Joseph |
Love, Romance, and the National Health Service |
2011 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, UK, medical romance, health/medical, work, Elizabeth Gilzean, Marjorie Moore, Fay Chandos/Jan Tempest, Kate Norway/Olive Norton, Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie, Juliet Shore/Anne Vinton, Valerie K. Nelson, Alex Stuart, Joan Blair, Betty Beaty, Ireland, Marguerite Lees, Norrey Ford, Anne Lorraine, Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook |
McAlister, Jodi Ann |
Romancing the Virgin: Female Virginity Loss and Love in Popular Literature in the West |
2015 |
love, sex/sexuality, gender, Twilight, Fifty Shades, Harlequin Mills & Boon, virginity |
McAlister, Jodi |
‘That complete fusion of spirit as well as body’: Heroines, heroes, desire and compulsory demisexuality in the Harlequin Mills & Boon romance novel |
2014 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, sex/sexuality, love, gender, Denise Robins, Lynne Graham |
McAlister, Jodi |
Breaking the Hard Limits: Romance, Pornography, and the Question of Genre in the Fifty Shades Trilogy |
2015 |
Fifty Shades, pornography, E. M. Hull, sex/sexuality |
McAlister, Jodi |
Between Pleasure and Pain: The Textual Politics of the Hymen |
2016 |
history, sex/sexuality, virginity |
McAlister, Jodi |
Traveling Through Time and Genre: Are the Outlander Books Romance Novels? |
2016 |
Diana Gabaldon, genre definitions |
McAlister, Jodi |
“You and I are humans, and there is something complicated between us”: Untamed and queering the heterosexual historical romance |
2016 |
Anna Cowan, gender, historical romance, Georgette Heyer, readers, cross-dressing, fashion/clothing, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
McAlister, Jodi; Teo, Hsu-Ming |
Love in Australian Romance Novels |
2017 |
national identity, Australia, love, rural romance, gender, sex/sexuality, history, Publishing, genre definitions, race/ethnicity, settings, feminism |
McAlister, Jodi |
Defining and Redefining Popular Genres: The Evolution of ‘New Adult’ Fiction |
2018 |
genre definitions, YA/teenage romance |
McAlister, Jodi |
The literary text as historical artifact: The colonial couple in Australian romantic fiction by women, 1838-1860 |
2018 |
Australia, love, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), history, national identity |
McAlister, Jodi |
“Feelings Like the Women in Books”: Declarations of Love in Australian Romance Novels, 1859–1891 |
2018 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Australia, love, history, national identity, marriage |
Fletcher, Lisa; McAlister, Jodi; Temple, Kurt; Williams, Kathleen |
#loveyourshelfie: Mills & Boon books and how to find them |
2019 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, readers, Publishing, Australia |
McAlister, Jodi; Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne |
#RomanceClass: Genre World, Intimate Public, Found Family |
2020 |
Philippines, genre definitions, Publishing, readers, authors, Mina V. Esguerra, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, sex/sexuality |
McAlister, Jodi |
The Consummate Virgin: Female Virginity Loss and Love in Anglophone Popular Literatures |
2020 |
sex/sexuality, love, virginity, history, romance scholarship, historical romance, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Twilight, Fifty Shades, race/ethnicity, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Catherine Coulter, Loretta Chase, Teresa Medeiros, Julia Quinn, Lisa Kleypas, Stephanie Laurens, Courtney Milan, Johanna Lindsey, Denise Robins, Sophie Cole, Louise Gerard, Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway, national identity, UK, readers |
McAlister, Jodi |
Erotic romance |
2021 |
erotic romance, genre definitions, Fifty Shades, sex/sexuality, Sylvia Day, happy ending, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), John Cleland, Publishing, fanfiction, Alisha Rai, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne; McAlister, Jodi |
Hello, Ever After: #RomanceClass and Online-Only Live Literature in the Philippines in 2020 |
2021 |
Philippines |
McAlister, Jodi |
New Adult Fiction |
2021 |
NA romance, genre definitions, Publishing, readers, contemporary romance, Jamie McGuire, Colleen Hoover, paratext |
McAlister, Jodi |
Isn’t It Iconic: Canonical Logics and the Romance Genre |
2022 |
romance scholarship |
McAlister, Jodi |
Love and listening: the erotics of talk in the popular romance novel |
2022 |
feminism, gender, Jennifer Crusie, Diana Gabaldon, Alissa Johnson, Courtney Milan |
Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne; McAlister, Jodi |
Live literature in the Philippines: an ethnographic study of #RomanceClass and reading as performance |
2023 |
Philippines, readers, authors, Publishing, Mina V. Esguerra |
McAlister, Jodi; Parnell, Claire; Trinidad, Andrea Anne |
Publishing Romance Fiction in the Philippines |
2023 |
Philippines, Publishing, social/economic class, Mina V. Esguerra, wealth/prosperity, Keene Alicante, sex/sexuality, work, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, settings, authors, paratext |
Burge, Amy; McAlister, Jodi; Ireland, Charlotte |
“Prince Charming with an Erection”: The Sensational Pleasures of the Bonkbuster |
2024 |
bonkbuster, Jilly Cooper, Jackie Collins, Shirley Conran, Judith Krantz |
McAlpine, Rachel |
The Passionate Pen: New Zealand’s Romance Writers Talk to Rachel McAlpine |
1998 |
New Zealand, Victoria Aldridge, Rilla Berg, Gloria Bevan, Eva Burfield, Daphne Clair, Robyn Donald, Catherine Hay, Rosalie Henaghan, Miriam Macgregor, Mary Moore, Susan Napier, Jessie Nichols, Ivy Preston, Essie Summers, Rachelle Swift, feminism |
McCafferty, Kate |
Palimpsest of Desire: The Re-Emergence of the American Captivity Narrative as Pulp Romance |
1994 |
historical romance, United States of America, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Native American romance, race/ethnicity, family, rural romance, wealth/prosperity, gender |
McCann, Hannah; Roach, Catherine M. |
Sex and sexuality |
2021 |
sex/sexuality, pornography, feminism, gender |
McCay, Mary A. |
Love's Labors Won: Romance Fiction and the Politics of Love |
2001 |
Laura Kinsale, Mary Jo Putney, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle |
Bennett-Kapusniak, Renee; McCleer, Adriana |
Love in the Digital Library: A Search for Racial Heterogeneity in E-Books |
2015 |
libraries/librarians, race/ethnicity, African American romance |
Glover, Thomasine; Hearvey, Crystal Monay; McCoy, Shuntay; Curtright, Lauren |
Anita Richmond Bunkley |
2000 |
Anita Richmond Bunkley, African American romance |
McCracken, Scott |
Pulp: Reading Popular Fiction |
1998 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Harlequin Mills & Boon, Penny Jordan/Caroline Courtney, feminism, psychology, Elizabeth Power, gender, Emma Richmond, Catherine Cookson, metaphor/symbolism, settings |
McDade, Monique |
California Dreams and American Contradictions: Women Writers and the Western Ideal |
2023 |
Eva Rutland, African American romance |
McDavis-Conway, Shana |
Self-conscious, unapologetic, and straight: fat protagonists in romantic fiction |
2023 |
fat, fatness, paratext, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Talia Hibbert, Rebekah Weatherspoon, Rose Lerner, Xan West |
Diekman, Amanda B.; McDonald, Mary; Gardner, Wendi L. |
Love means never having to be careful: The relationship between reading romance novels and safe sex behavior |
2000 |
psychology, sex/sexuality, readers |
Wu, Yan; Mallan, Kerry; McGillis, Roderick |
(Re)Imagining the World: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times |
2013 |
McGurl, Mark |
Everything and Less: The Novel in the Age of Amazon |
2021 |
Publishing, Fifty Shades, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, capitalism/business |
McGurl, Mark |
Unspeakable Conventionality: The Perversity of the Kindle |
2021 |
Publishing, capitalism/business, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, readers, sex/sexuality, BDSM, Fifty Shades, erotic romance, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, genre definitions, fanfiction |
Levi, Antonia; McHarry, Mark; Pagliassotti, Dru |
Boys’ Love Manga: Essays on the Sexual Ambiguity and Cross-Cultural Fandom of the Genre |
2010 |
McInnis, Lauren |
Filing The Serial Numbers Off: The Role Of The Author In Fanfiction Published As Original FictionFanfiction Published As Original Fiction |
2024 |
fanfiction, paratext, Fifty Shades, Christina Lauren, Ali Hazelwood |
Darian-Smith, Kate; Grimshaw, Patricia; Lindsey, Kiera; Mcintyre, Stuart |
Exploring the British World: Identity, Cultural Production, Institutions |
2004 |
McKay, Jade; Parsons, Elizabeth |
Out of Wedlock: The Consummation and Consumption of Marriage in Contemporary Romance Fiction |
2009 |
marriage, Harlequin Mills & Boon, sex/sexuality, virginity, wealth/prosperity, work, feminism, family |
McKee, Alan |
Beautiful Things in Popular Culture |
2007 |
McKinley, Tracey Lynn |
The Female Quest: An Analysis of Archetypal Layering in Harlequin Presents |
2007 |
teaching romance, Lynne Graham, Diana Hamilton, gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
McKnight-Trontz, Jennifer |
The Look of Love: The Art of the Romance Novel |
2002 |
paratext |
McLennon, Leigh |
Defining Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance: Crossing Boundaries of Genre, Media, Self and Other in New Supernatural Worlds |
2014 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, genre definitions |
McLennon, Leigh |
Contemporary vampire genre fiction: ethical feeding and the posthuman vampire in urban fantasy and paranormal romance |
2017 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Lawrey, Jeffrey A.; McLuckie, Alyx; Mulberry, Benjamin J.; Mullins, Erin K.; Shuler, Autumn R.; Kratzer, Jessica M. W. |
Communication, Kink, and Sexual Education: What Young Women Learned from Fifty Shades of Grey |
2018 |
Fifty Shades, readers, sex/sexuality, erotic romance, BDSM |
Smith, Clarissa; Attwood, Feona; McNair, Brian |
The Routledge Companion to Media, Sex and Sexuality |
2018 |
McNamara, Sallie |
Georgette Heyer: The Historical Romance and the Consumption of the Erotic, 1918-1939 |
2000 |
Georgette Heyer, gender, sex/sexuality, historical romance, fashion/clothing, cross-dressing, settings |
McNamara, Emma K |
Young Adult Contemporary Realistic Romance: Rhetorical and Intersectional Narratologies |
2024 |
YA/teenage romance, readers, Rachael Allen, Gayle Forman, Jas Hammonds, Jenny Han, Emiko Jean, Kekla Magoon, Crystal Maldonado, Morgan Matson, Sandhya Menon, Julie Murphy, Sally Rooney, Ismée Williams |
Lam, Adam; McNaughton, Howard D. |
The Reinvention of Everyday Life: Culture in the twenty-first century |
2006 |
McNeil, Helen |
She trembled at his touch |
1981 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, social/economic class |
McWilliam, Kelly |
Romance in foreign accents: Harlequin-Mills & Boon in Australia |
2009 |
Publishing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Australia |
Medrano-González, Claudia |
On the Convergence Between Femme Theory and Popular Feminine Fiction: Adolescent Girls’ (Re)territorialisation Of Fem(me)ininity Through Young Adult Erotic Romance |
2024 |
YA/teenage romance, Spain, gender, readers, sex/sexuality, feminism |
Pupipat, Apisak; Rungkaew, Titirut; Meeparp, Lampoon |
Judging a Book by its Back Cover: Spoken/Informal Register as Found in Happily-Ever-After Women’s Novel Blurbs |
2022 |
linguistics, paratext |
Meirelles, Simone Regina Ferreira |
Das bancas ao coraçao: romances sentimentais e leitura hoje |
2002 |
Brazil, gender, readers |
Meirelles, Simone |
Romances com coração: leitura e edição de romances sentimentais no Brasil |
2008 |
readers, Publishing, Brazil, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Melman, Billie |
Women and the Popular Imagination in the Twenties: Flappers and Nymphs |
1988 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Ethel M. Dell, E. M. Hull, sex/sexuality, gender, race/ethnicity, settings, metaphor/symbolism, animals, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, pornography, romances in magazines and newspapers, social/economic class, work, community |
Fischer, Heinz-Dietrich; Melnik, Stefan Reinhard |
Entertainment: A Cross-Cultural Examination |
1979 |
Cabrera, Christine; Ménard, Amy Dana |
'She Exploded into a Million Pieces': A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Orgasms in Contemporary Romance Novels |
2013 |
sex/sexuality, psychology |
Ménard, A. Dana; Cabrera, Christine |
‘Whatever the Approach, Tab B Still Fits into Slot A’: Twenty Years of Sex Scripts in Romance Novels |
2011 |
sex/sexuality, psychology |
Ménard, A. Dana |
Note from the Field: Reflecting on Romance Novel Research: Past, Present and Future |
2013 |
sex/sexuality, psychology, romance scholarship |
Méndez, José Luis |
The Novels of Corín Tellado |
1986 |
Corín Tellado |
James, Edward; Mendlesohn, Farah |
The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy Literature |
2012 |
Kraxenberger, Maria; Knoop, Christine A.; Menninghaus, Winfried |
Who reads contemporary erotic novels and why? |
2021 |
readers, Fifty Shades, Sylvia Day, erotic romance, sex/sexuality, Germany |
Lovell, Stephen; Menzel, Birgit |
Reading for Entertainment in Contemporary Russia: Post-Soviet Popular Literature in Historical Perspective |
2005 |
Fisher, Maryanne L.; Meredith, Tami M. |
The Success behind the Candy-Colored Covers: An Evolutionary Perspective on Romance Novels |
2012 |
evolutionary psychology, paratext |
Fisher, Maryanne L.; Meredith, Tami M. |
Evolutionary and sociocultural themes in cover art on Harlequin romance novels: A temporal analysis |
2022 |
evolutionary psychology, paratext |
Armstrong, Jane; Byrski, Liz; Merrick, Helen |
Love works: Reading and writing romance in the twenty-first century |
2014 |
readers, authors |
Meyer, Michaela D. E. |
Living the Romance through Castle: Exploring Autoethnography, Popular Culture and Romantic Television Narratives |
2015 |
readers |
Meyer, Michael |
The Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing (Sixth Edition) |
2002 |
Karen van der Zee, teaching romance |
Michel, Anita |
Re-reading the (series) romance: toward a typology of recent series romance novels |
1997 |
Micheletti, Ellen |
Wandering the Web - Reviews of Romance Novels: Online Sources for Evaluating Popular Fiction |
2010 |
readers |
Michelson, Anna |
The politics of happily-ever-after: romance genre fiction as aesthetic public sphere |
2021 |
sociology, romance and, or as, activism, emotions, feminism, readers, authors, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, United States of America, Casey McQuiston, happy ending, Roni Loren, Sarah MacLean, sex/sexuality, Alyssa Cole, race/ethnicity, Publishing, Courtney Milan, Suzanne Brockmann, health/medical |
Michelson, Anna |
Pushing the boundaries: Erotic romance and the symbolic boundary nexus |
2022 |
genre definitions, erotic romance, authors, sex/sexuality, Fifty Shades, Publishing, fanfiction, sociology |
Michelson, Anna |
Redefining the Romance: Classification and Community in a Popular Fiction Genre |
2022 |
genre definitions, sociology, authors, romance and, or as, activism, sex/sexuality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, race/ethnicity, erotic romance, happy ending, readers, Publishing, fanfiction, Fifty Shades, Suzanne Brockmann, m/m romance, African American romance, Native American romance |
Gerson, Carole; Michon, Jacques |
Histoire du livre et de l'imprimé au Canada, Vol. III: De 1918 à 1980 |
2007 |
Miclea, Adelina-Cerasela |
The Scientification of Love: A Cognitive Literary Approach to Romance Novels |
2024 |
linguistics, psychology, Elena Armas, Ali Hazelwood, Emily Henry, Helen Hoang, Colleen Hoover, Casey McQuiston, Lynn Painter, Kate Robb |
Miclea, Adelina |
Colleen Hoover’s Formulas for Best-Sellers as Seen in Reminders of Him and it Ends with Us |
2023 |
Colleen Hoover, United States of America |
Migozzi, Jacques |
Le Roman Populaire en Question(s): Actes du colloque international de mai 1995 à Limoges |
1997 |
Mikals-Adachi, Eileen B. |
Romantic Adventures in Prose: Ren'ai Shõsetsu (Romance Novels) by Yuikawa Kei |
2012 |
Yuikawa Kei, Japan, genre definitions, friendship, chick lit |
Miles, Angela |
Confessions of a Harlequin Reader: Romance and the Myth of Male Mothers |
1988 |
readers, psychology, Harlequin Mills & Boon, feminism, love, family, sex/sexuality, emotions |
Miller, Kathleen |
A Little Extra Bite: Dis/Ability and Romance in Tanya Huff and Charlaine Harris’s Vampire Fiction |
2010 |
disability, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Tanya Huff, Charlaine Harris, feminism, metaphor/symbolism, metafiction |
Miller, Jessica |
Passionate Virtue: Conceptions of Medical Professionalism in Popular Romance Fiction |
2015 |
medical romance, health/medical, work, Harlequin Mills & Boon, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, race/ethnicity, rural romance |
Taddeo, Julie Anne; Miller, Cynthia J. |
Steaming Into a Victorian Future: A Steampunk Anthology |
2013 |
Glass, E. R.; Mineo, A. |
Georgette Heyer and the Uses of Regency |
1986 |
Georgette Heyer, historical romance, linguistics |
Mirmohamadi, Kylie |
Love on the Land: Australian Rural Romance in Place |
2015 |
Australia, rural romance, genre definitions, paratext, settings, race/ethnicity, Kerry McGinnis, Fiona Palmer |
Mitchell, Karen S. |
Ever After: Reading the Women Who Read (and Re-Write) Romances |
1996 |
readers, Lisa Gregory, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Mitchell, Diana |
If You Can't Beat'em, Join 'em: Using the Romance Series to Confront Gender Stereotypes |
1995 |
YA/teenage romance, gender, teaching romance |
Chawla, Gitanjali; Mittal, Sangeeta |
Indian Popular Fiction: Redefining the Canon |
2022 |
Mizzau, Marina |
Strategie narrative: il non detto e il troppo detto |
1987 |
genre definitions |
Mocná, Dagmar |
Červená knihovna: studie kulturně a literárně historická : pohled do dějin pokleslého žánru |
1996 |
Czech Republic |
Modleski, Tania |
Popular Feminine Narratives: A Study of Romances, Gothics, and Soap Operas |
1980 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, gothic romance, psychology |
Modleski, Tania |
The Disappearing Act: A Study of Harlequin Romances |
1980 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, readers, psychology, gender |
Modleski, Tania |
Loving with a Vengeance: Mass‐Produced Fantasies for Women |
1982 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, gothic romance, gender, psychology, readers, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Modleski, Tania |
Studies in Entertainment: Critical Approaches to Mass Culture |
1986 |
Modleski, Tania |
My Life as a Romance Reader |
1997 |
readers, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, sex/sexuality, feminism, Brenda Joyce, African American romance, Eboni Snoe, Beverly Jenkins, historical romance, gender, Nancy Martin, Suzanne Robinson, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Modleski, Tania |
My Life as a Romance Writer |
1998 |
BDSM, romance scholarship, Jennifer Crusie, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, gender, Linda Howard, evolutionary psychology, sex/sexuality, feminism |
Moffitt, Mary Anne Smeltzer |
Understanding Middle-Class Adolescent Leisure: A Cultural Studies Approach to Romance Novel Reading |
1990 |
readers, emotions |
Moffitt, Mary Anne |
Articulating Meaning: Reconceptions of the Meaning Process, Fantasy/Reality, and Identity in Leisure Activities |
1993 |
readers |
Moffitt, Mary Anne |
Leisure Fiction and the Audience: Meaning and Communication Strategies |
1993 |
readers |
Mogin-Martin, Roselyne |
Corín Tellado : ¿de la novela rosa a la novela comprometida? |
2010 |
Corín Tellado, work, marriage, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity |
Mogin-Martin, Roselyne |
La revolución sexual de Corín Tellado |
2016 |
Corín Tellado, Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, sex/sexuality |
Mazloomian, Maryam; Mohammadi, Nahid |
Discursive Vulnerability and Identity Development: A Triangular Model of Bio-Forces in Cultural Ecological Analysis of American Romance Fiction |
2018 |
Debbie Macomber, psychology |
Monnet, Georges |
Delly et la Maison de la Bonne Presse |
2011 |
Delly |
Montague, Holly W. |
From Interlude in Arcady to Daphnis and Chloe: Two Thousand Years of Erotic Fantasy |
1994 |
Longus, Achilles Tatius, Margery Hilton, rural romance, social/economic class, paratext, disability, metaphor/symbolism, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, feminism, gender, Heliodorus |
Montague, Holly |
Sweet and Pleasant Passion: Female and Male Fantasy in Ancient Romance Novels |
1992 |
Longus, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Montebello, Sophie |
The Representation and Self-Representation of Anglo-Indians in Literature from 1885 to the Present Day |
2024 |
Flora Annie Steel, Maud Diver, India, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Montejo Gurruchaga, Lucía |
El discurso de la novela rosa de autora en la narrativa española de mediados del siglo XX. La transgresión del canon oficial |
2005 |
Spain |
Montejo Gurruchaga, Lucía |
Discurso de autora: género y censura en la narrativa española de posguerra |
2010 |
Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, Carmen de Icaza |
Hernández, María Beatriz; Brito, Manuel; Monterrey, Tomás |
Broadening Horizons: A Peak Panorama of English Studies in Spain |
2018 |
Moody, Stephanie Lee |
Affecting Genre: Women's Participation with Popular Romance Fiction |
2013 |
readers, teaching romance |
Moody, Stephanie |
Women's Leadership in Romance Fiction Scholarship |
2010 |
Samuel Richardson, Jane Austen, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Georgette Heyer, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Linda Howard, Janet Evanovich, Jennifer Crusie, Anna Campbell, Deidre Knight, Lora Leigh, Ann Herendeen, romance scholarship |
Moody, Stephanie |
Building Social Worlds: Examining Women’s Uses of Romance Novels |
2016 |
readers |
Moody, Stephanie |
Identification, Affect, and Escape: Theorizing Popular Romance Reading |
2016 |
readers, emotions, Jennifer Crusie, J. R. Ward, Judith McNaught, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Teresa Medeiros, sex/sexuality, race/ethnicity, gender |
Moody, Nickianne; Hallam, Julia |
Medical Fictions |
1997 |
Moody, Nickianne |
Mills & Boon’s Temptations: Sex and the Single Couple in the 1990s |
1998 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, work, family, marriage, Jo Morrison, LaVyrle Spencer, Mary Tate Engels, Alicia Fox, Cathy Gillen Thacker, Rita Clay Estrada, Cara McLean, Candace Schuler, Carla Neggers, gender, feminism |
Hallam, Julia; Moody, Nickianne |
Consuming for Pleasure: Selected Essays on Popular Fiction |
2000 |
Godsland, Shelley; Moody, Nickianne |
Reading the Popular in Contemporary Spanish Texts |
2004 |
Faura, Salvador; Godsland, Shelley; Moody, Nickianne |
The Romance Novel, or, the Generalisimo's Control of the Popular Imagination |
2004 |
Corín Tellado, Spain, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism |
Moody-Freeman, Julie E. |
Scripting Black Love in the 1990s: Pleasure, Respectability, and Responsibility in an Era of HIV/AIDS |
2016 |
health/medical, Brenda Jackson, African American romance, sex/sexuality, gender, race/ethnicity, United States of America, history, romance and, or as, activism |
Moody-Freeman, Julie E. |
African American romance |
2021 |
African American romance, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), race/ethnicity, Publishing, Rosalind Welles - pen name of Elsie B. Washington, Lia Sanders - pen name of Angela Jackson and Sandra Jackson-Opoku, Alyssa Cole |
Moody-Freeman, Julie E. |
Black Cultural Studies and Black Love: Why Black Love Matters |
2022 |
love, race/ethnicity, teaching romance |
Hendricks, Margo; Moody-Freeman, Julie E. |
Introduction to the Special Issue on Black Romance |
2022 |
romance scholarship, Sandra Kitt, Brenda Jackson, Beverly Jenkins, Vivian Stephens, Alyssa Cole, Rebekah Weatherspoon, Gwyneth Bolton/Gwendolyn Pough, Rochelle Alers, Margo Hendricks/Elysabeth Grace |
Hendricks, Margo; Moody-Freeman, Julie E. |
Journal of Popular Romance Studies: Special Issue: Black Romance |
2022 |
African American romance, Sandra Kitt, Brenda Jackson, Beverly Jenkins, Vivian Stephens, Alyssa Cole, Rebekah Weatherspoon, Gwyneth Bolton/Gwendolyn Pough, Rochelle Alers, Margo Hendricks/Elysabeth Grace |
Moody-Freeman, Julie E. |
Response to Eric Selinger’s “Cant and Canonicity” |
2022 |
romance scholarship, Publishing, race/ethnicity, Brenda Jackson, Rochelle Alers, teaching romance |
Moody-Freeman, Julie E. |
Romance, Hip-Hop Feminism, and Black Love: From Theory to Praxis |
2022 |
Gwyneth Bolton/Gwendolyn Pough, feminism, African American romance, gender, teaching romance, sex/sexuality, music, romance and, or as, activism, race/ethnicity |
Moolla, F. Fiona |
Her Heart Lies at the Feet of the Mother: Transformations of the Romance Plot in Leila Aboulela’s Minaret |
2021 |
Leila Aboulela, Islam, family, Muslim romance |
Moore, Michael; Kramer, Daniela |
SATIR FOR BEGINNERS: Incongruent Communication Patterns in Romantic Fiction |
1999 |
linguistics, Harlequin Mills & Boon, psychology |
Kramer, Daniela; Moore, Michael |
Family Myths in Romantic Fiction |
2001 |
psychology, love, family, marriage, myth, Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, virginity, sex/sexuality, work |
Kramer, Daniela; Moore, Michael |
Gender Roles, Romantic Fiction and Family Therapy |
2001 |
psychology, Harlequin Mills & Boon, gender, marriage, family, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Moore, Maureen |
Romantic love, ecstasy, and deprivation |
1973 |
love, gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Violet Winspear, Isobel Chace, pornography, BDSM, religion/spirituality |
Moore, Laura M. |
Sexual Agency, Safe Sex, and Consent Negotiations in Erotic Romance Novels |
2019 |
sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, erotic romance |
Moore, Kate; Selinger, Eric Murphy |
The Heroine as Reader, the Reader as Heroine: Jennifer Crusie’s Welcome to Temptation |
2012 |
Jennifer Crusie, readers, metafiction, romance scholarship, sex/sexuality, marriage |
Clark, Beverly Lyon; Bernier, Karen Gennari; Henneberry-Nassau, Michelle; Jenks, Lauren Beth; Moorman, Angie J.; Rhoades, Marah Bianca |
Reading Romance, Reading Ourselves |
1996 |
readers, feminism, sex/sexuality, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, teaching romance, Harlequin Mills & Boon, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, race/ethnicity, capitalism/business |
Moran, Albert |
"No More Virgins": Writing Romance ‐ an Interview with Emma Darcy |
1990 |
Emma Darcy, Harlequin Mills & Boon, emotions, readers, authors |
Fernández Ulloa, Teresa; Morazzani, Joanne Schmidt |
Images of Women in Hispanic Culture |
2016 |
Morden, Christina |
Innovations in Romance Novel Distribution at Harlequin, Sourcebooks, and Raincoast Books |
2023 |
Publishing, Canada, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Moreau, Charles |
Influence de l’histoire et de l’exotisme dans l’œuvre de Delly ou la conversion contrariée |
2011 |
Delly |
Moreno-Álvarez, Alejandra |
India, Heat, Dust, and Tea? Alienness and Marketability in Ruth Prawer Jhabvala and Nicole C. Vosseler |
2020 |
India, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Nicole C. Vosseler, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, happy ending, race/ethnicity |
Moreno-Álvarez, Alejandra |
Romance Novels in Postcolonial India: From Mills & Boon to Pageturn’s Red Romance Series |
2021 |
India, Harlequin Mills & Boon, readers |
Lazzarato, Francesca; Moretti, Valeria |
La fiaba rosa: itinerari di lettura attraverso i romanzi per signorine |
1981 |
fairytales/folktales, Delly, Liala, pen name of Amalia Liana Cambiasi Negretti Odescalchi |
Moretto, Shirley; Weidenburner, Kathleen |
We’ll Take Romance! |
1984 |
libraries/librarians |
Morey, Ann-Janine |
The Reverend Idol and Other Parsonage Secrets: Women Write Romances about Ministers, 1880-1950 |
1990 |
religion/spirituality, Christian romance, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Morey, Ann-Janine |
Religion and Sexuality in American Literature |
1992 |
religion/spirituality, Christian romance, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |