Aiken Hodge, Jane (1984) The Private World of Georgette Heyer London: Bodley Head Topic Georgette Heyer
Ali, Kecia (2021) "Author studies and popular romance fiction " The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction 320-334 DOI:10.4324/9781315613468-14 Topic romance scholarship authors Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Georgette Heyer Marie Bjelke Petersen Suzanne Brockmann Jennifer Crusie
Ayala Rodríguez, Ida María Almaral Cereijo, Iraida Thalia (2022) Deconstructionism of the heroine in the novel The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer Sincronia 82:536-564 DOI: 10.32870/sincronia.axxvi.n82.25b22 Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer
Ayala Rodríguez, Ida María Almaral Cereijo, Iraida Thalia (2022) Deconstructionism of the heroine in the novel The Grand Sophy by Georgette Heyer Sincronia 82:536-564 DOI: 10.32870/sincronia.axxvi.n82.25b22 Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer
Balteskard, Susanna (2022) Feminism in Romance: How the romance genre has(n't) changed since the 1950s Bachelor thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Topic feminism Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland Julia Quinn Peggy Gaddis Dern with many pseudonyms including Perry Lindsay Charlotte Lamb Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Barr, Elizabeth (2013) “Who the devil wrote that?”: Intertextuality and Authorial Reputation in Georgette Heyer’s Venetia Journal of Popular Romance Studies 3.2: Topic Georgette Heyer trash/literary and or intellectual quality Shakespeare religion/spirituality
Bell, Kathleen (1995) "Cross-dressing in Wartime: Georgette Heyer's The Corinthian in its 1940 Context " War Culture: Social Change and Changing Experience in World War Two Britain 151-159 Topic Georgette Heyer cross-dressing war/armed forces food, drink history social/economic class historical romance
Bianchi, Diana (2017) I gentiluomini si prendono per la gola: cibo e identità nei romanzi di Georgette Heyer Lingua, Traduzione, Letteratura 1:75-89 Topic Georgette Heyer historical romance
Bloom, Clive (2002) Bestsellers: Popular Fiction Since 1900 Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Topic UK readers Publishing Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Florence Barclay Marie Corelli Charles Garvice Elinor Glyn Baroness Orczy Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi Berta Ruck Ethel M. Dell Ruby M. Ayres Jeffrey Farnol E. M. Hull Rafael Sabatini Daphne du Maurier Georgette Heyer Margaret Mitchell Mary Renault Jackie Collins Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Barbara Taylor Bradford Barbara Cartland Catherine Cookson Charlotte Lamb Penny Jordan/Caroline Courtney M. M. Kaye Colleen McCullough Danielle Steel Phyllis A. Whitney
Burrows, J. F. (1987) Computation Into Criticism: A Study of Jane Austen's Novels and an Experiment in Method : Clarendon Press Topic linguistics Jane Austen Georgette Heyer
Byatt, A. S. (1969) "An Honourable Escape: Georgette Heyer " Passions of the Mind: Selected Writings Topic Georgette Heyer A. S. Byatt Baroness Orczy Jane Austen social/economic class fashion/clothing history
Bywaters, Barbara (2001) "Decentering the Romance: Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and Popular Romance Fiction " Georgette Heyer: A Critical Retrospective 493-508 Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer
Bywaters, Barbara Lee (1989) 'Re-reading Jane': Jane Austen's legacy to twentieth-century women writers PhD, Bowling Green State University Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer
Cadogan, Mary (1994) And Then Their Hearts Stood Still: An Exuberant Look at Romantic Fiction Past and Present London: Macmillan Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Mary Stewart M. M. Kaye Charlotte M. Yonge Augusta Jane Evans Rhoda Broughton Marie Corelli Florence Barclay Annie S. Swan Barbara Cartland Judith McNaught Mary Webb Ouida Rita, pen name of Mrs. Eliza Margaret Humphreys Elinor Glyn Ethel M. Dell romances in magazines and newspapers Charlotte Brontë war/armed forces disability Daphne du Maurier Colleen McCullough E. M. Hull Violet Winspear Flora Annie Steel Berta Ruck Georgette Heyer Jane Aiken Hodge Sylvia Andrews Anthony Hope Baroness Orczy Margaret Mitchell Mabel Barnes Grundy Ruby M. Ayres Denise Robins Maysie Greig Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay Radclyffe Hall Janet Dailey Lucilla Andrews Jane Arbor Caroline Anderson
Cannon, Emanni N (2022) Contemporary Romance and the Question of Literary Value Master of Arts in English Literature, San Francisco State University Topic trash/literary and or intellectual quality Jane Austen Georgette Heyer Colleen Hoover
Clement, Jennifer (2021) "Loving and giving: realism, emotional hypocrisy and generosity in A Civil Contract " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 88-104 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.11 Topic Georgette Heyer Jane Austen emotions gender social/economic class
Crusie Smith, Jennifer (1998) "The Romantic Suspense Mystery " Mystery and Suspense Writers: The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage, Volume 2 1183-1197 Topic romantic suspense genre definitions settings Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) gothic romance Horace Walpole Ann Radcliffe Jane Austen Emily Brontë Charlotte Brontë Wilkie Collins death Mary Roberts Rinehart Mabel Seeley Dorothy MacCardle Georgette Heyer Vera Caspary Daphne du Maurier Mary Stewart Barbara Michaels a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters a.k.a. Barbara Mertz Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Mary Higgins Clark family Eileen Dreyer/Kathleen Korbel
Davidge, Helen (2021) "Data science: Georgette Heyer’s historical novels and her readers " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 250-278 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.19 Topic Georgette Heyer linguistics readers
De Groot, Jerome (2010) The Historical Novel Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge Topic historical romance Georgette Heyer Catherine Cookson Barbara Cartland Harlequin Mills & Boon
Dryden, Therese Michelle (2011) Bachelor Dad on Her Doorstep Masters, University of Newcastle, Australia Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon authors love Georgette Heyer Daphne du Maurier Jane Austen Charlotte Brontë Michelle Douglas
Dutton, Lucie Bea (2021) "A reluctant movie? The Reluctant Widow on screen " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 215-239 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.17 Topic Georgette Heyer film/movies
Duvezin-Caubet, Caroline (2020) Gaily Ever After: Neo-Victorian M/M Genre Romance for the Twenty-First Century Neo-Victorian Studies 13.1:242-269 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4320839 Topic m/m romance K. J. Charles Cat Sebastian Georgette Heyer happy ending LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors historical romance gender race/ethnicity Publishing family
Dyhouse, Carol (2017) Hearthrobs: A History of Women and Desire Oxford: Oxford University Press Topic gender sex/sexuality Charles Garvice E. M. Hull Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland race/ethnicity
Fahnestock-Thomas, Mary (2001) Georgette Heyer: A Critical Retrospective Saraland, Alabama: PrinnyWorld Press Topic Georgette Heyer
Fallon, Eileen (1984) Words of Love: A Complete Guide to Romance Fiction New York and London: Garland Publishing Topic genre definitions Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) trash/literary and or intellectual quality historical romance history authors Publishing Georgette Heyer Kathleen Woodiwiss gothic romance
Ficke, Sarah H. (2021) "The historical romance " The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction 118-140 DOI:10.4324/9781315613468-5 Topic historical romance Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland Kathleen Woodiwiss settings race/ethnicity Valerie Belgrave Kate Breslin fascism/right-wing authoritarianism history African American romance Beverly Jenkins LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors
Fletcher, Lisa (2004) "“Mere Costumery”? Georgette Heyer’s Cross-Dressing Novels " Masquerades: Disguise in Literature in English from the Middle Ages to the Present 196-212 Topic historical romance Georgette Heyer fashion/clothing cross-dressing gender
Fletcher, Lisa (2008) Historical Romance Fiction: Heterosexuality and Performativity Burlington: Ashgate Topic love sex/sexuality Georgette Heyer historical romance linguistics fashion/clothing A. S. Byatt
Fletcher, Lisa Gaby, Rosemary Kloester, Jennifer (2011) Pedagogy Report: Embedding Popular Romance Studies in Undergraduate English Units: Teaching Georgette Heyer’s Sylvester Journal of Popular Romance Studies 1.2: Topic teaching romance Georgette Heyer history metafiction
Fortunati, Vita Franci, Giovanna (1986) "Tre romantiche ‘figlie d’Inghilterra’ alla conquista della storia: Eleanor Hibbert, Georgette Heyer e Barbara Cartland " Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese 17-53 Topic Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland
Fortunati, Vita Franci, Giovanna (1986) "Tre romantiche ‘figlie d’Inghilterra’ alla conquista della storia: Eleanor Hibbert, Georgette Heyer e Barbara Cartland " Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese 17-53 Topic Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland
Fletcher, Lisa Gaby, Rosemary Kloester, Jennifer (2011) Pedagogy Report: Embedding Popular Romance Studies in Undergraduate English Units: Teaching Georgette Heyer’s Sylvester Journal of Popular Romance Studies 1.2: Topic teaching romance Georgette Heyer history metafiction
Galateria, Daria (1986) "Erotismo e buona creanza in Georgette Heyer " Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese Topic Georgette Heyer
Galateria, Daria (1987) "Accorgimenti antibovaristi di Georgette Heyer " Intorno al rosa Topic Georgette Heyer
Gelder, Ken (2004) Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge Topic trash/literary and or intellectual quality Harlequin Mills & Boon Kathleen Winsor Georgette Heyer Stephanie Laurens historical romance Mary Balogh Margaret Mitchell Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Barbara Taylor Bradford
George, Laura J. (2021) "Judith Taverner as dandy-in-training in Georgette Heyer’s Regency Buck " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 53-72 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.9 Topic Georgette Heyer historical romance fashion/clothing cross-dressing gender
Gillis, Stacy (2015) The Cross-Dresser, the Thief, His Daughter and Her Lover: Queer Desire and Romance in Georgette Heyer’s These Old Shades Women: A Cultural Review 26.1-2:57-74 DOI: 10.1080/09574042.2015.1035024 Topic Georgette Heyer gender sex/sexuality historical romance LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors
Gillis, Stacy (2018) "Manners, Money, and Marriage: Austen, Heyer, and the Literary Genealogy of the Regency Romance " After Austen: Reinventions, Rewritings, Revisitings 81-101 Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) gender sex/sexuality social/economic class history trash/literary and or intellectual quality marriage historical romance
Glass, E. R. Mineo, A. (1986) "Georgette Heyer and the Uses of Regency " La performance del testo: atti del VII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (A.I.A.), Siena, 2-4 Novembre 1984 283-292 Topic Georgette Heyer historical romance linguistics
Greer, Germaine (1970) The Female Eunuch London: MacGibbon & Kee Topic fashion/clothing romances in magazines and newspapers Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland Lucy Walker sex/sexuality
Hagemann, Susanne (1996) "Gendering Places: Georgette Heyer's Cultural Topography " Scotland to Slovenia: European Identities and Transcultural Communication. Proceedings of the Fourth International Scottish Studies Symposium 187-199 Topic Georgette Heyer settings gender fashion/clothing
Hallock, Jennifer (2018) History Ever After: Fabricated Historical Chronotopes in Romance Genre Fiction 2018 IASPR conference : Topic historical romance history Publishing race/ethnicity Jennifer Hallock UK settings social/economic class Jane Austen Georgette Heyer Alyssa Cole readers United States of America
Heiss, Karin (2015) 14 Weeks of Love and Labour: Teaching Regency and Desert Romance to Undergraduate Students Journal of Popular Romance Studies 5.1: Topic teaching romance historical romance sheikh romance Georgette Heyer E. M. Hull Marguerite Kaye race/ethnicity film/movies Publishing
Henderson, Lesley Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1990) Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers (2nd edition) Chicago: St. James Press Topic historical romance Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi Lucilla Andrews Elizabeth Ashton Ruby M. Ayres Faith Baldwin Florence Barclay Betty Beaty Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway Barbara Taylor Bradford Sandra Brown Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Barbara Cartland Catherine Cookson Marie Corelli Janet Dailey Iris Danbury Barbara Delinsky Ethel M. Dell Viña Delmar Jude Deveraux Joyce Dingwell/Kate Starr Maud Diver Jane Donnelly Daphne du Maurier Dorothy Eden Eleanor Farnes Jeffrey Farnol Charles Garvice Roberta Gellis Elinor Glyn Maysie Greig Anne Hampson Georgette Heyer Robert Hitchens Grace Livingston Hill Margery Hilton Jane Aiken Hodge Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Linda Howard Susan Howatch Elizabeth Hoy E. M. Hull Elizabeth Hunter Iris Johansen Susan Johnson Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle Charlotte Lamb Roumelia Lane Laura Jean Libbey Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay Johanna Lindsey Elizabeth Lowell Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Anne Mather Patricia Matthews Anne Maybury Colleen McCullough Judith McNaught Barbara Michaels a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters a.k.a. Barbara Mertz Fern Michaels Margaret Mitchell Netta Muskett Betty Neels Kathleen Thompson Norris Kate Norway/Olive Norton Baroness Orczy Diana Palmer Margaret Pargeter Mary Renault Mary Roberts Rinehart Francine Rivers Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Denise Robins Rosemary Rogers Margaret Rome Berta Ruck Rafael Sabatini Kathleen Gilles Seidel Alexandra Sellers Anya Seton Valerie Sherwood Bertrice Small LaVyrle Spencer Danielle Steel Mary Stewart Rebecca Stratton Essie Summers Annie S. Swan Kay Thorpe Patricia Veryan Lucy Walker Margaret Way Anne Weale Jean Webster Phyllis A. Whitney Kathleen Winsor Violet Winspear Kathleen Woodiwiss Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham
Vasudevan, Aruna Henderson, Lesley (1994) Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers (3rd edition) London: St. James Press Topic Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi Lucilla Andrews Ruby M. Ayres Faith Baldwin Mary Balogh Florence Barclay Sandra Brown Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Shirlee Busbee Barbara Cartland Fay Chandos/Jan Tempest Marie Corelli Penny Jordan/Caroline Courtney Janet Dailey Emma Darcy Barbara Delinsky Ethel M. Dell Jude Deveraux Robyn Donald Jeffrey Farnol Charles Garvice Roberta Gellis Elinor Glyn Maysie Greig Radclyffe Hall Anne Hampson Georgette Heyer Jane Aiken Hodge Linda Howard Elizabeth Hoy Iris Johansen Susan Johnson M. M. Kaye Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle Charlotte Lamb Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay Johanna Lindsey Elizabeth Lowell Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Anne Mather Patricia Matthews Lindsay McKenna Judith McNaught Barbara Michaels a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters a.k.a. Barbara Mertz Fern Michaels Linda Lael Miller Margaret Mitchell Carole Mortimer Netta Muskett Susan Napier Betty Neels Kathleen Thompson Norris Kate Norway/Olive Norton Baroness Orczy Diana Palmer Margaret Pargeter Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Mary Renault Emilie Richards Mary Roberts Rinehart Francine Rivers Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Denise Robins Rosemary Rogers Berta Ruck Kathleen Gilles Seidel Bertrice Small LaVyrle Spencer Mary Stewart Rebecca Stratton Essie Summers Annie S. Swan Kay Thorpe Sylvia Thorpe Karen van der Zee Patricia Veryan Lucy Walker Sheila Walsh Margaret Way Anne Weale Jean Webster Doreen Hornsblow as Sally Wentworth Phyllis A. Whitney Violet Winspear Sara Wood Kathleen Woodiwiss Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham
Herendeen, Ann (2012) The Upper-Class Bisexual Top as Romantic Hero: (Pre)dominant in the Social Structure and in the Bedroom Journal of Popular Romance Studies 3.1: Topic Ann Herendeen LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors wealth/prosperity social/economic class BDSM Jane Austen historical romance history sex/sexuality gender Georgette Heyer
Herendeen, Ann (2016) "Having it Both Ways; or, Writing from the Third Perspective: The Revolutionary M/M/F Ménage Romance Novel " Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom? 405-419 Topic LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors Ann Herendeen marriage metafiction Georgette Heyer
Hernandez-Knight, Bianca (2021) Race and Racism in Austen Spaces: Jane Austen and Regency Romance's Racist Legacy ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830 11.2: DOI: 10.5038/2157-7129.11.2.1291 Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer historical romance race/ethnicity trash/literary and or intellectual quality
Hirst, Holly (2020) "Georgette Heyer " The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic 373-389 DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-33136-8_23 Topic Georgette Heyer gothic romance Daphne du Maurier Charlotte Brontë romantic suspense
Hirst, Holly (2020) "The Gothic Romance " The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic 357-372 DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-33136-8_22 Topic gothic romance Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Phyllis A. Whitney rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse gender readers Daphne du Maurier romance scholarship social/economic class Catherine Cookson Christine Marion Fraser Georgette Heyer
Hirst, Holly (2021) "Georgette Heyer and redefining the Gothic romance " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 105-118 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.12 Topic gothic romance Georgette Heyer romance scholarship genre definitions
Hopkins, Lisa (2018) "Georgette Heyer: What Austen Left Out " After Austen: Reinventions, Rewritings, Revisitings 61-79 Topic Georgette Heyer Jane Austen history war/armed forces historical romance
Hopkins, Lisa (2018) "Waltzing with Wellington, Biting with Byron: Heroes in Austen Tribute Texts " Jane Austen and Masculinity 173-189 Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer gender historical romance
Hopkins, Lisa (2021) "All’s Well That Ends Well: Shakespearean echoes in Heyer’s Regency novels " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 147-161 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.14 Topic Shakespeare Georgette Heyer
Hughes, Helen (1993) The Historical Romance London and New York: Routledge Topic historical romance history Georgette Heyer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Stanley Weyman Rafael Sabatini Jeffrey Farnol Barbara Cartland social/economic class UK national identity gender A. E. W. Mason Baroness Orczy readers Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Mira Stables Rowena Tenet
Hughes, Helen Muriel (1988) Changes in Historical Romance, 1890s to the 1980s: The Development of the Genre from Stanley Weyman to Georgette Heyer and her Successors PhD, University of Bradford Topic historical romance Georgette Heyer
Janzen, Moira J. (1994) Georgette Heyer's Regency romances: serious literature or popular fiction? MA thesis, University of Auckland Topic Georgette Heyer trash/literary and or intellectual quality
Jennings, Kathleen (2021) "Heyer … in space! The influence of Georgette Heyer on science fiction " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 119-143 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.13 Topic Georgette Heyer war/armed forces Patricia Wrede Tessa Dare
Joannou, Maroula (2012) Women's Writing, Englishness and National and Cultural Identity: The Mobile Woman and the Migrant Voice, 1938-1962 Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Topic UK war/armed forces Daphne du Maurier Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Kathleen Winsor Georgette Heyer cross-dressing fashion/clothing
Johnson, Heather (2017) Yorkshire English in Georgette Heyer's The Unknown Ajax Schwa: Language and Linguistics 14:57-70 Topic languages Georgette Heyer historical romance
K., Nikohl Lennard, John (2011) A Reader's Companion to A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold, Compiled and Presented to Her by Members of the Official LMB Mailing-List to Celebrate the Silver Anniversary of Shards of Honor 1986–2011 Hassadar: Dendarii Free Mercenary Press Topic Lois McMaster Bujold Georgette Heyer science fiction/futuristic romance
Kelman, Suanne (1995) Heroine addiction Chatelaine 68.9:59-63 Topic Georgette Heyer Harlequin Mills & Boon Jennifer Crusie Margaret Moore Susanna Kearsley
Vinson, James Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1982) Twentieth Century Romance and Gothic Writers Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Company Topic Jane Aiken Hodge Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi Lucilla Andrews Jane Arbor Elizabeth Ashton Ruby M. Ayres Faith Baldwin Florence Barclay Betty Beaty Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Barbara Cartland Catherine Cookson Marie Corelli Janet Dailey Iris Danbury Ethel M. Dell Viña Delmar Joyce Dingwell/Kate Starr Maud Diver Daphne du Maurier Dorothy Eden Eleanor Farnes Jeffrey Farnol Charles Garvice Roberta Gellis Elinor Glyn Maysie Greig Anne Hampson Georgette Heyer Grace Livingston Hill Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Elizabeth Hoy E. M. Hull Charlotte Lamb Roumelia Lane Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Anne Mather Patricia Matthews Barbara Michaels a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters a.k.a. Barbara Mertz Margaret Mitchell Netta Muskett Betty Neels Kathleen Thompson Norris Kate Norway/Olive Norton Baroness Orczy Margaret Pargeter Mary Roberts Rinehart Denise Robins Rosemary Rogers Margaret Rome Berta Ruck Rafael Sabatini Sara Seale Danielle Steel Mary Stewart Rebecca Stratton Essie Summers Annie S. Swan Kay Thorpe Patricia Veryan Lucy Walker Margaret Way Phyllis A. Whitney Kathleen Winsor Violet Winspear Kathleen Woodiwiss Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham
Henderson, Lesley Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1990) Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers (2nd edition) Chicago: St. James Press Topic historical romance Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi Lucilla Andrews Elizabeth Ashton Ruby M. Ayres Faith Baldwin Florence Barclay Betty Beaty Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway Barbara Taylor Bradford Sandra Brown Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Barbara Cartland Catherine Cookson Marie Corelli Janet Dailey Iris Danbury Barbara Delinsky Ethel M. Dell Viña Delmar Jude Deveraux Joyce Dingwell/Kate Starr Maud Diver Jane Donnelly Daphne du Maurier Dorothy Eden Eleanor Farnes Jeffrey Farnol Charles Garvice Roberta Gellis Elinor Glyn Maysie Greig Anne Hampson Georgette Heyer Robert Hitchens Grace Livingston Hill Margery Hilton Jane Aiken Hodge Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Linda Howard Susan Howatch Elizabeth Hoy E. M. Hull Elizabeth Hunter Iris Johansen Susan Johnson Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle Charlotte Lamb Roumelia Lane Laura Jean Libbey Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay Johanna Lindsey Elizabeth Lowell Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Anne Mather Patricia Matthews Anne Maybury Colleen McCullough Judith McNaught Barbara Michaels a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters a.k.a. Barbara Mertz Fern Michaels Margaret Mitchell Netta Muskett Betty Neels Kathleen Thompson Norris Kate Norway/Olive Norton Baroness Orczy Diana Palmer Margaret Pargeter Mary Renault Mary Roberts Rinehart Francine Rivers Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Denise Robins Rosemary Rogers Margaret Rome Berta Ruck Rafael Sabatini Kathleen Gilles Seidel Alexandra Sellers Anya Seton Valerie Sherwood Bertrice Small LaVyrle Spencer Danielle Steel Mary Stewart Rebecca Stratton Essie Summers Annie S. Swan Kay Thorpe Patricia Veryan Lucy Walker Margaret Way Anne Weale Jean Webster Phyllis A. Whitney Kathleen Winsor Violet Winspear Kathleen Woodiwiss Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham
Kloester, Jennifer (2006) Georgette Heyer and the Great Jane Sensibilities 32:101-117 Topic Georgette Heyer Jane Austen
Kloester, Jennifer (2011) Georgette Heyer: Biography of a Bestseller London: William Heinemann Topic Georgette Heyer
Fletcher, Lisa Gaby, Rosemary Kloester, Jennifer (2011) Pedagogy Report: Embedding Popular Romance Studies in Undergraduate English Units: Teaching Georgette Heyer’s Sylvester Journal of Popular Romance Studies 1.2: Topic teaching romance Georgette Heyer history metafiction
Kloester, Jennifer V. (2004) Georgette Heyer: writing the Regency. History in fiction from Regency Buck to Lady of Quality 1935-1972 PhD, University of Melbourne Topic Georgette Heyer history historical romance
Kloester, Jennifer V. (2004) "Images of England: Georgette Heyer's Regency World in the Dominions " Exploring the British World: Identity, Cultural Production, Institutions 598-608 Topic Georgette Heyer
Kramer, Devon J. (2010) Truth through the medium of cheerfulness: Romance novels as points of resistance Master of Arts, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Topic Maria Edgeworth Elizabeth Gaskell Georgette Heyer Lisa Kleypas Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined)
Lancashire, Anne (2020) Venetia: Georgette Heyer’s Pastoral Romance Journal of Popular Romance Studies 9: Topic Georgette Heyer rural romance Shakespeare settings
K., Nikohl Lennard, John (2011) A Reader's Companion to A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold, Compiled and Presented to Her by Members of the Official LMB Mailing-List to Celebrate the Silver Anniversary of Shards of Honor 1986–2011 Hassadar: Dendarii Free Mercenary Press Topic Lois McMaster Bujold Georgette Heyer science fiction/futuristic romance
Losano, Antonia (2015) "Sneaking It In at the End: Teaching Popular Romance in the Liberal Arts Classroom " Teaching Tainted Lit: Popular American Fiction in Today's Classroom 77-88 Topic teaching romance Georgette Heyer Susan Elizabeth Phillips E. M. Hull Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Jennifer Crusie
Lutz, Deborah (2006) The Dangerous Lover: Gothic Villains, Byronism, and the Nineteenth-Century Seduction Narrative Columbus: Ohio State University Press Topic love death philosophy Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) historical romance Rosemary Rogers Daphne du Maurier E. M. Hull Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Georgette Heyer Emily Brontë Charlotte Brontë Samuel Richardson
Markova, M. V. (2024) Georgette Heyer, history, and historical fiction. Voprosy literatury 1:198-203 DOI: 10.31425/0042-8795-2024-1-198-203 Topic Georgette Heyer history historical romance
McAlister, Jodi (2016) “You and I are humans, and there is something complicated between us”: Untamed and queering the heterosexual historical romance Journal of Popular Romance Studies 5.2: Topic Anna Cowan gender historical romance Georgette Heyer readers cross-dressing fashion/clothing LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors
McNamara, Sallie (2000) "Georgette Heyer: The Historical Romance and the Consumption of the Erotic, 1918-1939 " All the World and Her Husband: Women in Twentieth-Century Consumer Culture 82-96 Topic Georgette Heyer gender sex/sexuality historical romance fashion/clothing cross-dressing settings
Glass, E. R. Mineo, A. (1986) "Georgette Heyer and the Uses of Regency " La performance del testo: atti del VII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (A.I.A.), Siena, 2-4 Novembre 1984 283-292 Topic Georgette Heyer historical romance linguistics
Moody, Stephanie (2010) "Women's Leadership in Romance Fiction Scholarship " Gender and Women's Leadership: A Reference Handbook 941-947 DOI:10.4135/9781412979344.n98 Topic Samuel Richardson Jane Austen Harlequin Mills & Boon Georgette Heyer Susan Elizabeth Phillips Linda Howard Janet Evanovich Jennifer Crusie Anna Campbell Deidre Knight Lora Leigh Ann Herendeen romance scholarship
Mussell, Kay (1984) Fantasy and Reconciliation: Contemporary Formulas of Women’s Romance Fiction Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press Topic Mary Stewart Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Phyllis A. Whitney Roberta Gellis Anya Seton Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland feminism romantic suspense historical romance gender sex/sexuality marriage Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) erotic romance readers romance scholarship Harlequin Mills & Boon gothic romance Jane Austen history settings social/economic class UK United States of America fairytales/folktales family Charlotte Brontë psychology
Newton, Marlo Leigh (1991) Romancing the tome: the novels of Georgette Heyer MA thesis, University of Melbourne Topic Georgette Heyer
O'Brien, Lee (2022) Telling Gaps and Domestic Tyranny: Georgette Heyer’s Regency Romances Journal of Popular Romance Studies 11: Topic Georgette Heyer happy ending family history health/medical sex/sexuality gender social/economic class rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse marriage
Osborne, Laurie E. (1999) "Romancing the Bard " Shakespeare and Appropriation 47-64 Topic Shakespeare historical romance Georgette Heyer Joan Wolf cross-dressing Edith Layton Kasey Michaels Susan Carroll Loretta Chase Margaret Evans Porter Christina Dodd Deanna James Mary Balogh Michelle Martin gender
Perriam, Geraldine (2021) "The not so silly ass: Freddy Standen, his fictional contemporaries and alternative masculinity " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 36-52 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.8 Topic Georgette Heyer gender
Po-Yu, Rick Wei (2018) “She is a Jade”: A Georgian Gaming Woman Re-imagined in Georgette Heyer’s Faro’s Daughter Crossings 9:122-131 Topic Georgette Heyer history feminism historical romance
Pozzato, Maria Pia (1986) "Letteratura popolare e livelli di qualità. Un confronto fra Georgette Heyer e Barbara Cartland " Maestre d'amore: eroine e scrittrici nell'impero del rosa inglese 93-118 Topic Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland trash/literary and or intellectual quality
Ramsdell, Kristin (2018) Encyclopedia of Romance Fiction Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood Topic Publishing paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance comics/manga Christian romance marriage Jane Austen Charlotte Brontë Emily Brontë Barbara Cartland Janet Dailey Daphne du Maurier Ethel M. Dell erotic romance feminism science fiction/futuristic romance Elinor Glyn Margaret Mitchell Harlequin Mills & Boon Georgette Heyer Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert historical romance E. M. Hull romance scholarship LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors libraries/librarians romantic suspense Samuel Richardson rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Bertrice Small Mary Stewart translation Patricia Veryan Phyllis A. Whitney Kathleen Winsor Kathleen Woodiwiss race/ethnicity
Rayner, Samantha J. Wilkins, Kim (2021) Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction : UCL Press Topic Georgette Heyer
Rayner, Samantha J. Wilkins, Kim (2021) "Introduction: the persistence of Georgette Heyer " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 1-13 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.6 Topic Georgette Heyer
Regis, Pamela (2003) A Natural History of the Romance Novel Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press Topic genre definitions trash/literary and or intellectual quality Samuel Richardson Jane Austen Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Charlotte Brontë Anthony Trollope E. M. Forster Georgette Heyer Mary Stewart Harlequin Mills & Boon Janet Dailey Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse E. M. Hull
Robinson, Lillian S. (1978) Sex, Class, and Culture Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press Topic historical romance history Jane Austen Georgette Heyer fashion/clothing sex/sexuality social/economic class gender trash/literary and or intellectual quality
Romney, Rebecca (2021) The Romance Novel in English: A Survey in Rare Books, 1769-1999 : Type Punch Matrix Topic Publishing Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) work Harlequin Mills & Boon historical romance Christian romance gothic romance romantic suspense paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance YA/teenage romance African American romance LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors Frances Brooke Canada Elizabeth Inchbald Frances Burney Sydney Owenson national identity Ireland Ouida May Agnes Fleming Laura Jean Libbey Emma Wolf religion/spirituality Judaism Pauline Hopkins Onoto Watanna/Winnifred Eaton Japan Elinor Glyn Louise Gerard Barbara Cartland Laura Lou Brookman Kathleen Thompson Norris romances in magazines and newspapers Elizabeth Carfrae Frances Shelley Wees Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Alice Lent Covert Joyce Dingwell/Kate Starr Australia Faith Baldwin Mary Renault medical romance Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Juliet Shore/Anne Vinton Della Field, pseudonym of Fanny Howe Janet Dailey Lydia Maria Child Charlotte M. Yonge Mary Johnston Susa Young Gates Kathleen Woodiwiss Rosemary Rogers June Lund Shiplett paratext Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle science fiction/futuristic romance Valerie Belgrave Caribbean Beverly Jenkins Jane Austen Susan Ferrier Georgette Heyer Amii Lorin Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Marisa de Zavala/Ana Lisa de Leon/Rachel Scott/Celina Rios Mullan Sandra Kitt Maureen Wartski Augusta Jane Evans Florence Barclay Ethel M. Dell Janette Oke Beverly Lewis Charlotte Brontë Harriet Lewis Virginia Coffman Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Phyllis A. Whitney Mary Stewart Daoma Winston Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Rita Clay Estrada Lori Herter Jean Webster Robin McKinley Tracy West/Joyce McGill/Chassie West Marie G. Lee race/ethnicity Paula Christian Isabel Miller Gordon Merrick Ann Allen Shockley Vincent Virga Nancy Garden Katherine V. Forrest Loretta Chase Brenda Jackson
Zhaboriuk, I. A. Rukshtel, Yu. A. (2021) The Artistic Detail in the Novel "The Reluctant Widow" by G. Heyer Education and science of today: intersectoral issues and development of sciences 1:121-122 DOI: 10.36074/logos-29.10.2021.v1.37 Topic Georgette Heyer linguistics
Russo, Stephanie (2022) "These old shades: Georgette Heyer’s unruly eighteenth century " The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love 48-?? DOI:10.4324/9781003022343-4 Topic Georgette Heyer gender history fashion/clothing
Selinger, Eric Murphy (2006) Foils and Fakers, Monsters and Makers Parnassus: Poetry in Review 29.1-2:64-91 Topic Georgette Heyer Eloisa James A. S. Byatt
Sherwood, Kim (2021) "Pride and prejudice: metafiction and the value of historical romance in Georgette Heyer " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 75-87 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.10 Topic Georgette Heyer metafiction trash/literary and or intellectual quality
Spillman, K. Elizabeth (2012) "The "Managing Female" in the Novels of Georgette Heyer " New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays 84-98 Topic Georgette Heyer gender metafiction marriage
Sterling, Alexandra (2020) Love in the Ton: Georgette Heyer’s Legacy in Regency Romance World-Building Nursing Clio : Topic Georgette Heyer historical romance race/ethnicity history
Street, Amy (2021) "Georgette Heyer – guilty pleasures " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 240-249 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.18 Topic Georgette Heyer readers psychology race/ethnicity social/economic class feminism
Sutherland, Kathryn (2021) "‘Where History says little, Fiction may say much’ (Anna Barbauld): the historical novel in women’s hands in the mid-twentieth century " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 17-35 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.7 Topic history Sir Walter Scott Jane Austen Georgette Heyer
Tegan, Mary Beth (2007) "Becoming Both Poet and Poem: Feminists Repossess the Romance " Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty-First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels 231-263 Topic feminism Mary Stewart Jennifer Crusie Vicki Lewis Thompson Georgette Heyer
Teo, Hsu-Ming (2016) "The Romance Novel " Gender: Love 255-270 Topic genre definitions love Jane Austen Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) E. M. Hull Harlequin Mills & Boon Barbara Cartland Georgette Heyer historical romance rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse sex/sexuality gender wealth/prosperity capitalism/business
Teo, Hsu-Ming (2021) "Love and romance novels " The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction 454-484 DOI:10.4324/9781315613468-21 Topic love sex/sexuality history sociology feminism Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Samuel Richardson Jane Austen Charlotte Brontë religion/spirituality E. M. Hull Kathlyn Rhodes Barbara Cartland Georgette Heyer Harlequin Mills & Boon historical romance Jennifer Crusie wealth/prosperity
Vasudevan, Aruna Henderson, Lesley (1994) Twentieth-Century Romance and Historical Writers (3rd edition) London: St. James Press Topic Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi Lucilla Andrews Ruby M. Ayres Faith Baldwin Mary Balogh Florence Barclay Sandra Brown Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Shirlee Busbee Barbara Cartland Fay Chandos/Jan Tempest Marie Corelli Penny Jordan/Caroline Courtney Janet Dailey Emma Darcy Barbara Delinsky Ethel M. Dell Jude Deveraux Robyn Donald Jeffrey Farnol Charles Garvice Roberta Gellis Elinor Glyn Maysie Greig Radclyffe Hall Anne Hampson Georgette Heyer Jane Aiken Hodge Linda Howard Elizabeth Hoy Iris Johansen Susan Johnson M. M. Kaye Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle Charlotte Lamb Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay Johanna Lindsey Elizabeth Lowell Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Anne Mather Patricia Matthews Lindsay McKenna Judith McNaught Barbara Michaels a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters a.k.a. Barbara Mertz Fern Michaels Linda Lael Miller Margaret Mitchell Carole Mortimer Netta Muskett Susan Napier Betty Neels Kathleen Thompson Norris Kate Norway/Olive Norton Baroness Orczy Diana Palmer Margaret Pargeter Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Mary Renault Emilie Richards Mary Roberts Rinehart Francine Rivers Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Denise Robins Rosemary Rogers Berta Ruck Kathleen Gilles Seidel Bertrice Small LaVyrle Spencer Mary Stewart Rebecca Stratton Essie Summers Annie S. Swan Kay Thorpe Sylvia Thorpe Karen van der Zee Patricia Veryan Lucy Walker Sheila Walsh Margaret Way Anne Weale Jean Webster Doreen Hornsblow as Sally Wentworth Phyllis A. Whitney Violet Winspear Sara Wood Kathleen Woodiwiss Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham
Vinson, James Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1982) Twentieth Century Romance and Gothic Writers Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Company Topic Jane Aiken Hodge Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi Lucilla Andrews Jane Arbor Elizabeth Ashton Ruby M. Ayres Faith Baldwin Florence Barclay Betty Beaty Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Barbara Cartland Catherine Cookson Marie Corelli Janet Dailey Iris Danbury Ethel M. Dell Viña Delmar Joyce Dingwell/Kate Starr Maud Diver Daphne du Maurier Dorothy Eden Eleanor Farnes Jeffrey Farnol Charles Garvice Roberta Gellis Elinor Glyn Maysie Greig Anne Hampson Georgette Heyer Grace Livingston Hill Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Elizabeth Hoy E. M. Hull Charlotte Lamb Roumelia Lane Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Anne Mather Patricia Matthews Barbara Michaels a.k.a. Elizabeth Peters a.k.a. Barbara Mertz Margaret Mitchell Netta Muskett Betty Neels Kathleen Thompson Norris Kate Norway/Olive Norton Baroness Orczy Margaret Pargeter Mary Roberts Rinehart Denise Robins Rosemary Rogers Margaret Rome Berta Ruck Rafael Sabatini Sara Seale Danielle Steel Mary Stewart Rebecca Stratton Essie Summers Annie S. Swan Kay Thorpe Patricia Veryan Lucy Walker Margaret Way Phyllis A. Whitney Kathleen Winsor Violet Winspear Kathleen Woodiwiss Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham
Vivanco, Laura (2013) Georgette Heyer: The Nonesuch of Regency Romance Journal of Popular Romance Studies 3.2: DOI: 10.17613/4nan-1375 Topic social/economic class race/ethnicity Georgette Heyer history historical romance
Vivanco, Laura (2020) Faith, Love, Hope and Popular Romance Fiction Online: Topic religion/spirituality love death authors readers romance and, or as, activism Lindsay Evans health/medical psychology Piper Huguley race/ethnicity Publishing romance scholarship Rose Lerner Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) sex/sexuality LGBT+ characters, readers and/or authors Alyssa Cole wealth/prosperity emotions metaphor/symbolism Carola Dunn Georgette Heyer Lisa Kleypas Meljean Brook Elizabeth Hoyt Justine Davis/Justine Dare Suleikha Snyder Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse community happy ending
Wallace, Diana (2005) The Woman's Historical Novel: British Women Writers, 1900-2000 Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Topic Georgette Heyer Daphne du Maurier Mary Renault Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Catherine Cookson Jeanette Winterson A. S. Byatt historical romance
Warner, Celeste R. (2010) Heyer’s heroes: An investigation into Georgette Heyer and her literary ‘mark’ on the Regency hero Master of Arts, University of Waikato, New Zealand Topic Georgette Heyer gender
Westman, Karin E. (2003) "A Story of Her Weaving: The Self-Authoring Heroines of Georgette Heyer's Regency Romance " Doubled Plots: Romance and History 165-184 Topic Georgette Heyer trash/literary and or intellectual quality historical romance
Wilcox, Vanda (2021) "Georgette Heyer, Wellington’s Army and the First World War " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 162-186 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.15 Topic Georgette Heyer war/armed forces history gender
Rayner, Samantha J. Wilkins, Kim (2021) Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction : UCL Press Topic Georgette Heyer
Rayner, Samantha J. Wilkins, Kim (2021) "Introduction: the persistence of Georgette Heyer " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 1-13 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.6 Topic Georgette Heyer
Woodruff, Juliette (1985) A spate of words, full of sound & fury, signifying nothing: or, How to read in Harlequin Journal of Popular Culture 19.2:25-32 DOI: 10.1111/j.0022-3840.1985.00025.x Topic gothic romance Harlequin Mills & Boon historical romance Barbara Cartland Georgette Heyer marriage
Zhaboriuk, I. A. Rukshtel, Yu. A. (2021) The Artistic Detail in the Novel "The Reluctant Widow" by G. Heyer Education and science of today: intersectoral issues and development of sciences 1:121-122 DOI: 10.36074/logos-29.10.2021.v1.37 Topic Georgette Heyer linguistics
Zille, Tom (2021) "Georgette Heyer and the language of the historical novel " Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction 187-211 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv15d818n.16 Topic Georgette Heyer linguistics history historical romance