Shift on Functions of Sexual Euphemisms in English-Indonesian Translation of Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James

Publication year
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change

Here's the abstract:

Sexual euphemisms can be very difficult to translate because they are culturally bound words. Translation techniques can help the translator in determining the most suitable equivalents for a euphemism. This study aims at finding out translation techniques used by the translator of the novel Duke of Her Own in translating English sexual euphemisms into Indonesian, and how those techniques cause shifts in the functions of sexual euphemism. This is a descriptive qualitative study. The sources of data of this study are an English novel by Eloisa James, Duke of her Own, and its Indonesian version, Pasangan Sempurna. The result of the study shows that 7 techniques are applied in translating English sexual euphemisms, namely, Established Equivalent, Modulation, Explication, Description, Discursive Creation, Generalisation, and Reduction. Two of those techniques, namely Established equivalent and Modulation, do not cause any shifts in the functions of sexual euphemisms whereas the other 5 do.