Béres, Laura |
Negotiating Images: Popular Culture, Imagination, and Hope in Clinical Social Work Practice |
2002 |
psychology, readers, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Michele Hauf, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Bereska, Tami M. |
Adolescent Romance Novels: Changes Over Time |
1992 |
YA/teenage romance, sex/sexuality |
Bereska, Tami M. |
Adolescent Sexuality and the Changing Romance Novel Market |
1994 |
YA/teenage romance, sex/sexuality |
Clark, Beverly Lyon; Bernier, Karen Gennari; Henneberry-Nassau, Michelle; Jenks, Lauren Beth; Moorman, Angie J.; Rhoades, Marah Bianca |
Reading Romance, Reading Ourselves |
1996 |
readers, feminism, sex/sexuality, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, teaching romance, Harlequin Mills & Boon, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, race/ethnicity, capitalism/business |
Waldschmidt, Anne; Berressem, Hanjo; Ingwersen, Moritz |
Culture - Theory – Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies |
2017 |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe; Boivin, Karol'Ann; Bérubé, Harold |
Amour à 10 sous: Le roman sentimental québécois de l'après-guerre |
2023 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Canada, dime novels |
Burnett, Ann; Beto, Rhea Reinhardt |
Reading Romance Novels: An Application of Parasocial Relationship Theory |
2000 |
readers, psychology |
Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Bettinotti, Julia; Provost, Christiane |
Harlequin: Quand l'amour est une guerre |
1983 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Janet Dailey, Anne Hampson, Charlotte Lamb, Anne Mather, Violet Winspear, gender, love |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène; Gagnon, Jocelyn; Noizet, Pascale; Provost, Christiane |
La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin |
1986 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Publishing, gender, settings, marriage, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, paratext, family, Janet Dailey, Charlotte Lamb, sex/sexuality, work |
Bettinotti, Julia; Lizé, Claude |
Les stratégies de dévalorisation de la littérature populaire: l’exemple du roman Harlequin |
1986 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bettinotti, Julia; Noizet, Pascale |
Le récit en littérature populaire: répétition et invention dans le roman d’amour |
1989 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Delly, sheikh romance |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Les débuts du roman Harlequin : l’année 1949 |
1989 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Répétition et invention dans le roman d'amour: L'Evolution des collections Harlequin |
1990 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bettinotti, Julia; Noizet, Pascale |
Ægritudo amoris : le topos d’un piège somato-physiologique |
1990 |
love |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bleton, Paul |
Le mauvais goût, ça s'apprend |
1992 |
readers |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Un Harlequin de A à Z: création ou production industrielle? |
1992 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bérard, Sylvie |
Quand Éros flirte avec Thanatos. La perception de la mort dans le roman Harlequin |
1993 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, death |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Crime et châtiment dans l'oeuvre de Delly: une lecture "gothique" |
1994 |
Delly, gothic romance |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bleton, Paul; des Rivières, Marie-José; Saint-Jacques, Denis |
Lecture paralittéraire québécoise : les femmes et le travail de 1945 à aujourd’hui |
1994 |
Canada, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Crime et châtiment dans l’oeuvre de Delly: une lecture ‘gothique’ |
1995 |
Delly, gothic romance |
Bettinotti, Julia; Noizet, Pascale |
Guimauve et fleurs d’oranger: Delly |
1995 |
Delly |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Medieval romances in today's popular culture: The feminist in the castle |
1996 |
historical romance, history, Laurie Grant, Arnette Lamb, feminism, gender |
Bettinotti, Julia; Savoie, Chantal |
Du bon sauvage au beau sauvage : un roman d’amour "politically correct" |
1997 |
United States of America, Native American romance |
Bettinotti, Julia; Truel, Marie-Françoise |
Lust and Dust: Desert Fabula in Romances and Media |
1997 |
sheikh romance, E. M. Hull |
Bettinotti, Julia; Truel, Marie-Françoise |
Lust and Dust: voyages de femmes, roman d’amour ou les enjeux d’une fabula |
1997 |
E. M. Hull, sheikh romance |
Saint-Jacques, Denis; Bettinotti, Julia; des Rivières, Marie-José; Bleton, Paul; Savoie, Chantal |
Femmes de rêve au travail : les femmes et le travail dans les productions écrites de grande consommation, au Québec, de 1945 à aujourd'hui |
1998 |
Canada, work, gender, Delly, Barbara Cartland, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Charlotte Lamb, Janet Dailey |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Lecture sérielle et roman sentimental |
1998 |
readers |
Bettinotti, Julia |
Re-imagining the Gold Rush; Prospectors, Log Cabins and Mail-Order Brides in Contemporary Western Romances |
1998 |
settings, historical romance, Canada, United States of America, Ana Seymour, Kristin Hannah, history |
Bettinotti, Julia; des Rivières, Marie-José |
Un élargissement du canon littéraire : le cas du roman d'amour |
2000 |
romance scholarship, feminism, readers |
Bettinotti, Julia; Jeannesson, Gaëlle; Truel, Marie-Françoise |
Séries, suites et redites en culture médiatique |
2002 |
sheikh romance, E. M. Hull, Johanna Lindsey, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Betts, Sarah |
Royal Biography Between the Lines: Georgette Heyer’s Regency Romances and the Life of Princess Charlotte of Wales (1796-1817) |
2024 |
Georgette Heyer, history, historical romance |
Betz, Phyllis M. |
Lesbian Romance Novels: A History and Critical Analysis |
2009 |
lesbian romance, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), sex/sexuality, Isabel Miller, Jane Rule, Katherine V. Forrest, settings, social/economic class, community, Radclyffe/Len Barot, Karin Kallmaker, Jennifer Fulton, readers, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Betz, Phyllis M. |
Katherine V. Forrest: A Critical Appreciation |
2017 |
lesbian romance, Katherine V. Forrest, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Beyer, Jennifer Ann Perry |
The romance novel revolution: a study of criticisms and readers |
2000 |
readers |
Beyer, Charlotte |
Centring Women of Colour: Decolonising the Literature Curriculum with Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire and Bolu Babalola’s Love in Colour |
2022 |
teaching romance, myth, Bolu Babalola, race/ethnicity |
Beyer, Charlotte |
Decolonising the Literature Curriculum |
2022 |
Sabino, Rosimeri Ferraz; Bezerra, Antônio Ponciano |
Romance-folhetim em tela: linguagem, personagens e sentidos sociais |
2020 |
Brazil, Faith Baldwin, gender, film/movies |
Bharathi, L. Divya; Muthuraman, K. |
Nicholas Charles Sparks’s The Notebook: A Novel Of Love Or Romance? |
2023 |
Nicholas Sparks, genre definitions, happy ending |
Bhasin, Neeta |
Romancing the 'Illegal' Immigrant |
2018 |
Serena Bell, race/ethnicity, United States of America, social/economic class, gender, sex/sexuality, languages, readers |
Bhat, Shilpa Daithota |
Diasporic Inquiries into South Asian Women’s Narratives: Alien Domiciles |
2020 |
Bianchi, Diana; D'Arcangelo, Adele |
Translating History or Romance? Historical Romantic Fiction and Its Translation in a Globalised Market |
2015 |
translation, historical romance, Diana Gabaldon, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, genre definitions, Christian romance, Italy, Scotland |
Bianchi, Diana |
I gentiluomini si prendono per la gola: cibo e identità nei romanzi di Georgette Heyer |
2017 |
Georgette Heyer, historical romance |
Bigey, Magali |
Corpus et diachronie: de la constitution au traitement. Un cas d’espèce: le roman sentimental moderne |
2006 |
linguistics |
Bigey, Magali |
Rencontres en séries. Matériel romanesque, lecteurs et lexique : une analyse du roman sentimental de type sériel (1942-2004) |
2007 |
readers, linguistics |
Bigey, Magali |
Stratégies narratives et mises en scène lexicales du roman sentimental sériel contemporain: l'auteure, le corps et les sentiments |
2008 |
genre definitions, linguistics, emotions |
Bigey, Magali |
Discorde et règlements de comptes autour du romanesque sentimental: une analyse de blogs |
2010 |
readers |
Bigey, Magali |
Entre répétition lexicale et répétition narrative: les procédés imposés du roman sentimental de type sériel |
2010 |
linguistics |
Bigey, Magali; Olivier, Séverine |
Ils aiment le roman sentimental et alors? Lecteurs d'un 'mauvais genre', des lecteurs en danger? |
2010 |
feminism, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, readers, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, linguistics |
Bigey, Magali |
Romances en séries, amour toujours et marketing |
2012 |
Publishing, France, readers, Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext |
Bigey, Magali |
Réflexions sur l’amour et analyse de réception : La rencontre amoureuse dans les romans sériels et au prisme du lectorat |
2017 |
Bigey, Magali |
Reading dark romance: The ambiguities of a fascinating genre |
2024 |
dark romance, emotions, readers |
Rader, Kara; Hovick, Shelly R.; Bigsby, Elisabeth |
“Are You Clean?” Encouraging STI Communication in Casual Encounters through Narrative Messages in Romance Novels |
2021 |
sex/sexuality, health/medical, psychology, readers |
Billekens, Franciska |
Never Mind Me When There’s You: The Submission Of The Heroine In Young Adult Supernatural Romance Fiction |
2019 |
YA/teenage romance, gender, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Billekens, Franciska |
The Editor and Translator's Passionate Embrace: Cultural and Linguistic Alterations in Translated Harlequin Category Romance Novels |
2021 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext, translation, linguistics |
Bilodeau, Isabelle |
How Romance Translators Write Themselves and Their Readers into Afterwords |
2022 |
paratext, translation, Japan |
Birch, David; O’Toole, Michael |
Functions of Style |
1988 |
Bird, S. Elizabeth |
Dressing in Feathers: The Construction of the Indian in American Popular Culture |
1996 |
Bird, Paul |
Issues of Socioeconomic Class in Barbara Cartland’s A Duel of Hearts and Catherine Cookson’s The Menagerie |
2018 |
social/economic class, Barbara Cartland, Catherine Cookson |
Birthisel, Jessica |
The Good, the Bad, and the Kinky: Erotic Romance Writing in a Post-Fifty Shades of Grey Landscape |
2020 |
erotic romance, Fifty Shades, authors, sex/sexuality, Publishing, BDSM |
Bissessar, Ann Marie; Huggins, Camille |
Gender and Domestic Violence in the Caribbean |
2021 |
Stern, Stephanie C.; Robbins, Brianne; Black, Jessica E.; Barnes, Jennifer L. |
What You Read and What You Believe: Genre Exposure and Beliefs About Relationships |
2019 |
psychology, readers, love, gender |
Olivarez, Omar; Hardie, Ryan; Blackburn, Kate G. |
The Language of Romance: An Open Vocabulary Analysis of the Highest Rated Words Used in Romance Novels |
2018 |
languages, psychology, sex/sexuality |
Allen, Margaret; Blackburn, Jean; Johnson, Carol; King, Margaret; Mackinnon, Alison |
All Her Labours: Embroidering the Framework |
1984 |
Blake, Susan L. |
What "Race" is the Sheik?: Rereading a Desert Romance |
2003 |
E. M. Hull, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, race/ethnicity, history, marriage, gender, sheikh romance |
Blanding, Cristen |
Interracial romance novels and the resolution of racial difference |
2005 |
race/ethnicity, African American romance |
Blanshard, Alastair J.L.; Stafford, Emma |
The Modern Hercules: Images of the Hero from the Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Century |
2020 |
Bleton, Paul; Bonaccorsi, Robert |
Cahiers pour la littérature populaire. Recherches québécoises |
1986 |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bleton, Paul |
Le mauvais goût, ça s'apprend |
1992 |
readers |
Bettinotti, Julia; Bleton, Paul; des Rivières, Marie-José; Saint-Jacques, Denis |
Lecture paralittéraire québécoise : les femmes et le travail de 1945 à aujourd’hui |
1994 |
Canada, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bleton, Paul |
Armes, larmes, charmes: sérialité et paralittérature |
1995 |
Bleton, Paul; Saint-German, Richard |
Les hauts et les bas de l'imaginaire western dans la culture médiatique |
1997 |
Bleton, Paul |
Amours, aventures et mystères ou : les romans qu’on ne peut pas lâcher |
1998 |
Saint-Jacques, Denis; Bettinotti, Julia; des Rivières, Marie-José; Bleton, Paul; Savoie, Chantal |
Femmes de rêve au travail : les femmes et le travail dans les productions écrites de grande consommation, au Québec, de 1945 à aujourd'hui |
1998 |
Canada, work, gender, Delly, Barbara Cartland, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Charlotte Lamb, Janet Dailey |
Caland, Fabienne Claire; Rouby, Bertrand; Bleton, Paul |
L'amour au temps du roman |
2015 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Harlequin Mills & Boon, Delly, Max du Veuzit, Magali, pen name of Jeanne Philbert, Barbara Cartland |
Blodgett, Jan |
Protestant Evangelical Literary Culture and Contemporary Society |
1997 |
Christian romance, religion/spirituality, Janette Oke, rural romance, historical romance, Hilda Stahl, Leonora Pruner, Leslie Holden, Lurlene McDaniel, Mary LaPietra |
Day, Gary; Bloom, Clive |
Perspectives on Pornography: Sexuality in Film and Literature |
1988 |
Bloom, Clive |
Bestsellers: Popular Fiction Since 1900 |
2002 |
UK, readers, Publishing, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Florence Barclay, Marie Corelli, Charles Garvice, Elinor Glyn, Baroness Orczy, Effie Adelaide Rowlands, also known as Madame Albanesi, Berta Ruck, Ethel M. Dell, Ruby M. Ayres, Jeffrey Farnol, E. M. Hull, Rafael Sabatini, Daphne du Maurier, Georgette Heyer, Margaret Mitchell, Mary Renault, Jackie Collins, Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Barbara Cartland, Catherine Cookson, Charlotte Lamb, Penny Jordan/Caroline Courtney, M. M. Kaye, Colleen McCullough, Danielle Steel, Phyllis A. Whitney |
Bloom, Clive |
The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Gothic |
2020 |
Blouin, Michael J. |
Mass-Market Fiction and the Crisis of American Liberalism, 1972–2017 |
2018 |
family, social/economic class, work, capitalism/business |
Bly, Mary |
On Popular Romance, J. R. Ward, and the Limits of Genre Study |
2012 |
J. R. Ward, fashion/clothing, gender, United States of America, war/armed forces, sex/sexuality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Suzanne Brockmann |
Arthur, Paul Longley; Bode, Katherine |
Advancing Digital Humanities: Research, Methods, Theories |
2014 |
Böhmová, Petra |
Contemporary American Christian Fiction: Young and Rivers |
2012 |
Francine Rivers, Christian romance |
Boisvert, Anik |
Le roman historique sentimental: le cas des « J'ai lu » |
2009 |
historical romance, Jane Feather, Lisa Kleypas, gender |
Boivin, Karol'Ann; Luneau, Marie-Pier |
Qu’ont en commun Mimi Estival, Roxanne d’Avril et Georgette Mars? Auctorialité et roman sentimental québécois de l’après guerre (1944-1965) |
2021 |
Canada, authors, Publishing, dime novels |
Boivin, Karol'Ann |
Jeune fille moderne, jeune fille instruite. L’instruction des héroïnes sentimentales chez Police Journal (1944-1965) |
2022 |
Canada, dime novels, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), work |
Luneau, Marie-Pier; Warren, Jean-Philippe; Boivin, Karol'Ann; Bérubé, Harold |
Amour à 10 sous: Le roman sentimental québécois de l'après-guerre |
2023 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Canada, dime novels |
Bold, Rudolph |
Trash in the Library |
1980 |
readers, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Bleton, Paul; Bonaccorsi, Robert |
Cahiers pour la littérature populaire. Recherches québécoises |
1986 |
Bonciarelli, Sarah |
Reading women’s fiction. Liala’s novels between uniqueness and standardization |
2012 |
Liala, pen name of Amalia Liana Cambiasi Negretti Odescalchi, Publishing |
Bonelli, María Valentina |
La virgen desollada: la perdida de la virginidad en las novelas de Corín Tellado durante el franquismo |
2012 |
Corín Tellado, sex/sexuality, virginity |
Boni, Tanella |
L’éducation sentimentale selon Adoras |
2003 |
Africa |
Bontly, Susan W.; Sheridan, Carol J. |
Enchanted Journeys Beyond the Imagination: An Annotated Bibliography of Fantasy, Futuristic, Supernatural, and Time Travel Romances |
1996 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance |
Booth, Sandra Marie |
Remaking the "Angel" and "Monster": ethical shifts in the contemporary popular romance |
1996 |
feminism, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, contemporary romance |
Booth, Sandra |
Paradox in Popular Romances of the 1990s: The Paranormal versus Feminist Humor |
1997 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, rom-com romance, gender, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb, Mallory Rush, Maggie Shayne, Rebecca Flanders, Jennifer Crusie, feminism, Beverly Sommers |
Booth, Naomi |
Good Vibrations: Shaken Subjects and the Disintegrative Romance Heroine |
2015 |
Samuel Richardson, Thomas Hardy, Bram Stoker, Fifty Shades, food, drink, BDSM |
Bordoni, Carlo |
Il romanzo senza qualità: sociologia del nuovo rosa |
1984 |
sociology |
Borgia, Danielle N. |
Twilight: The Glamorization of Abuse, Codependency, and White Privilege |
2014 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Twilight, gender, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, race/ethnicity, religion/spirituality |
Borham-Puyal, Miriam; Sánchez, Jorge Diego; García-Pérez, María-Isabel |
Documentando la memoria cultural: las mujeres en las (auto)narraciones exocanónicas |
2020 |
Bornschein, Anne N. |
When the Hero Puts on a Dress |
2016 |
Eloisa James, myth, Shakespeare, gender |
Dixon, Peter; Bortolussi, Marisa |
Readers' Knowledge of Popular Genre |
2009 |
psychology, genre definitions, readers, emotions |
Botts, Amber |
Cavewoman Impulses: The Jungian Shadow Archetype in Popular Romantic Fiction |
1999 |
gender, feminism, psychology, sex/sexuality, emotions, readers |
Bouchard, Pierrette |
Les romans Harlequin et Cie : plus que du rêve |
1980 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, feminism |
Boulet, Yvan |
Ces petits romans si agréables à lire |
1983 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Anne Mather, linguistics, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Linz, Cathie; Bouricius, Ann; Byrnes, Carole |
Exploring the World of Romance Novels |
1995 |
libraries/librarians, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Publishing, paratext, race/ethnicity, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Charles, John; Mosley, Shelley; Bouricius, Ann |
Romancing the YA Reader |
1999 |
libraries/librarians |
Bouricius, Ann |
The Romance Readers' Advisory: The Librarian's Guide to Love in the Stacks |
2000 |
libraries/librarians, genre definitions |
Boussahba-Bravard, Myriam |
Le roman sentimental Regency, entre continuités et ruptures (2000-2020) |
2021 |
historical romance |
Bowman, Barbara |
Victoria Holt's Gothic Romances: A Structuralist Inquiry |
1983 |
Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, gothic romance |
Bowring, Joanna; O’Brien, Margaret |
The Art of Romance: Mills & Boon and Harlequin Cover Designs |
2008 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext |
Brackett, Kim Pettigrew |
Facework Strategies Among Romance Fiction Readers |
2000 |
psychology, readers, paratext |
Bradford, Robin |
The Readers’ Advisory Guide to Romance |
2023 |
libraries/librarians |
Bradford, Clare |
Monsters: Monstrous Identities in Young Adult Romance |
2013 |
YA/teenage romance, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, race/ethnicity, family |
Sharma, Vishal; Bray, Kirsten E.; Kumar, Neha; Grinter, Rebecca E. |
Romancing the Algorithm: Navigating Constantly, Frequently, and Silently Changing Algorithms for Digital Work |
2022 |
Publishing, authors |
Sharma, Vishal; Bray, Kirsten E.; Kumar, Neha; Grinter, Rebecca E. |
It Takes (at least) Two: The Work to Make Romance Work |
2023 |
Publishing, authors, readers |
Breeden, Amanda L. |
Neo romance: gender renegotiation in Harlequin romance novels |
2007 |
gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Brenner, Suzanne |
Holy matrimony?: The print politics of polygamy in Indonesia |
2011 |
Habiburrahman El-Shirazy, marriage, Indonesia, Islam, Muslim romance |
Breslin, Carol Ann |
Medieval Magic and Witchcraft in the Popular Romance Novel |
1999 |
religion/spirituality, historical romance, history, Jude Deveraux, Elizabeth Lowell, Arnette Lamb |
Brickman, Barbara Jane; Jermyn, Deborah; Trost, Theodore Louis |
Love Across the Atlantic: US-UK Romance in Popular Culture |
2020 |
Piatti-Farnell, Lorna; Brien, Donna Lee |
New Directions in 21st Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass |
2015 |
Hernández, María Beatriz; Brito, Manuel; Monterrey, Tomás |
Broadening Horizons: A Peak Panorama of English Studies in Spain |
2018 |
Basu, Balaka; Broad, Katherine R.; Hintz, Carrie |
Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers |
2013 |
Broad, Katherine R. |
“The Dandelion in the Spring”: Utopia as Romance in Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games Trilogy |
2013 |
YA/teenage romance, Suzanne Collins, war/armed forces, family, gender, feminism |
Brock, Alexander; Pflaeging, Jana; Schildhauer, Peter |
Genre Emergence: Developments in Print, TV and Digital Media |
2019 |
Brodbeck, Liselotte |
Roman als Ware: Zur Analyse der Liebesromanhefte |
1974 |
Germany |
Brodesco, Alberto |
Harmony: L’amore in edicola |
2009 |
Publishing, Italy, Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Del Grosso Destreri, Luigi; Brodesco, Alberto; Giovanetti, Silvia; Zanatta, Sara |
Una galassia rosa: Ricerche sulla letteratura femminile di consumo |
2009 |
Bronstein, Carolyn |
The Political Uses of Lesbian Romance Fiction: Reading Patrick Califia’s Macho Sluts as a Response to 1980s Anti-Pornography Feminism |
2014 |
BDSM, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, Patrick Califia |
Brooker, Will; Jermyn, Deborah |
The Audience Studies Reader |
2002 |
Brooks, Ann |
The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love |
2022 |
love |
Brouillette, Sarah |
Romance Work |
2019 |
Publishing, readers, capitalism/business |
Browder, Laura |
Dystopian Romance: True Crime and the Female Reader |
2006 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Brown, Sonya C. |
Does This Book Make Me Look Fat? |
2011 |
readers, health/medical, fashion/clothing, food, drink, Susan Donovan, Cathie Linz, Eloisa James, paratext, Jennifer Crusie, fat, fatness |
Brown, Lisa L. |
Recovering the reader: literary theory, mass culture, and the modern romance |
1990 |
readers |
Brown, Julie |
Ethnicity and the American Short Story |
1997 |
Brown, Fahamisha Patricia |
Anita Richmond Bunkley |
2008 |
Anita Richmond Bunkley, African American romance, historical romance, race/ethnicity, romantic suspense, history |
Brown, Fahamisha Patricia |
Beverly Jenkins |
2008 |
Beverly Jenkins, historical romance, African American romance, history, romantic suspense, race/ethnicity |
Brown, Eleanor M. |
Romance Novel of One's Own: The Nature and "Failure" of the Lesbian Romance Sub-Genre |
2001 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, paratext, Katherine V. Forrest, Diana Simmonds, Marianne K. Martin, Karin Kallmaker, sex/sexuality |
Schell, Heather; Brown, Ann K. G. |
Romancelandia on Twitter: Designing a Digital Humanities Research Assignment for First-Year Writing Students |
2018 |
teaching romance, authors |
Browne, Ray B.; Fishwick, Marshall W. |
The Hero in Transition |
1983 |
Browne, Pat |
Heroines of Popular Culture |
1987 |
Brumme, Jenny; Espunya, Anna |
The Translation of Fictive Dialogue |
2012 |
Brunet, Peyton; Davis, Blair |
Comic Book Women: Characters, Creators, and Culture in the Golden Age |
2022 |
comics/manga, African American romance, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Bruni, Domenica |
Love, sex, and language: Gender differences in sexual fantasizing and evolutionary evidence from storytelling |
evolutionary psychology |
Brunt, Rosalind |
A Career in Love: The Romantic World of Barbara Cartland |
1984 |
Barbara Cartland, social/economic class, gender, religion/spirituality, Ethel M. Dell, Elinor Glyn, virginity |
Bruttini, Adriano; Marucci, Franco |
La performance del testo: atti del VII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (A.I.A.), Siena, 2-4 Novembre 1984 |
1986 |
Bruyère, Claire |
La place du roman sentimental dans les pratiques culturelles de ses lectrices dans les États-Unis d’aujourd’hui |
1990 |
readers, United States of America |
Bruyère, Claire |
Pour le meilleur et pour le pire : critères d’évaluation des romans d’amour contemporains (romances) aux États-Unis |
1992 |
United States of America, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Bryce, Jane; Dako, Kari |
Textual Deviancy and Cultural Syncretism: Romantic Fiction as a Subversive Strain in Black Women's Writing |
1993 |
Valerie Belgrave, race/ethnicity |
Bryce, Jane |
'A World of Caribbean Romance': Reformulating the Legend of Love (or: 'Can a Caress Be Culturally Specific?') |
1994 |
Caribbean, Harlequin Mills & Boon, social/economic class, gender, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Valerie Belgrave, race/ethnicity, settings, community, sex/sexuality |
Bryce, Jane |
Women & Modern African Popular Fiction |
1997 |
Africa, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, sex/sexuality, gender, religion/spirituality |
Bryson, Mary |
Public Library Services to the Romance Reader: An Online Survey of Romance Readers |
2004 |
libraries/librarians |
Santa, Angels; Buard, Jean-Luc |
Delly romancière |
2011 |
Delly |
Buard, Jean-Luc; Santa, Angels |
L’Œuvre de Delly |
2011 |
Delly |
Buchanan, Nancy L. |
Selection Tools for Popular Romances |
1993 |
libraries/librarians |
Buckingham, David |
Reading Audiences: Young People and the Media |
1993 |
Pereira, Simone Luci; das Neves, Thiago Tavares; Budag, Fernanda Elouise |
Comunicação e Culturas Urbanas: temas, debates e perspectivas |
2021 |
Bun, Jennifer C. |
The Effects of Romance Novel Readership on Relationship Beliefs, Romantic Ideals, and Relational Satisfaction |
2007 |
readers, psychology |
Burg, Jacob |
Houses of Genre Fiction: The Shared Estrangement of Postwar American Culture |
2020 |
settings, Kathleen Woodiwiss, Helen Hoang, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, social/economic class, Danielle Steel, work, family, sex/sexuality, disability |
Burge, Amy |
Desiring the east: a comparative study of Middle English romance and modern popular sheikh romance |
2012 |
sheikh romance, war/armed forces, religion/spirituality, race/ethnicity, gender, fashion/clothing |
Burge, Amy |
Do Knights Still Rescue Damsels in Distress?: Reimagining the Medieval in the Mills & Boon Historical Romance |
2012 |
history, Harlequin Mills & Boon, paratext, social/economic class, religion/spirituality, food, drink, fashion/clothing, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, war/armed forces, gender |
Burge, Amy |
‘For you are a man and she is a maid’: Performing masculinity in Orientalist medieval and modern popular romance fiction |
2014 |
sheikh romance, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon, settings, fashion/clothing |
Burge, Amy |
Representing Difference in the Medieval and Modern Orientalist Romance |
2016 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), sheikh romance, history, gender, race/ethnicity, sex/sexuality, settings, UK, fashion/clothing, Harlequin Mills & Boon, virginity, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Burge, Amy |
‘I Will Cut Myself and Smear Blood on the Sheet’: Testing Virginity in Medieval and Modern Orientalist Romance |
2016 |
sex/sexuality, history, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), sheikh romance, gender, Harlequin Mills & Boon, virginity |
Burge, Amy |
Introduction to the special issue on The Sheik |
2020 |
sheikh romance, E. M. Hull |
Burge, Amy; Robinson, Rachel |
Review essay on The Sheik |
2020 |
E. M. Hull, sheikh romance, romance scholarship |
Burge, Amy |
Class and wealth in popular romance fiction |
2021 |
social/economic class, wealth/prosperity, gender, work, race/ethnicity, capitalism/business |
Burge, Amy |
Beyond Outlander: Annie S. Swan and the Scottish popular romance novel |
2022 |
Annie S. Swan, Scotland, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Karen Marie Moning, Lynsay Sands, settings |
Burge, Amy; Folie, Sandra |
Girls of Riyadh and Desperate in Dubai: reading and writing romance in the Middle East |
2022 |
chick lit, race/ethnicity, Islam, Rajaa Alsanea, Ameera Al Hakawati, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, sheikh romance |
Burge, Amy |
Romantic Love across Borders: Marriage Migration in Popular Romance Fiction |
2023 |
Helen Hoang, Brigitte Bautista, United States of America, Philippines, Vietnam, marriage, metaphor/symbolism |
Burge, Amy |
A decolonised alpha hero? Negotiating masculinities in Nigerian romance novels |
2024 |
Nigeria, Africa, gender |
Burge, Amy |
Marriage migration, intimacy and genre in Helen Hoang’s The Bride Test (2019) and Brigitte Bautista’s You, Me, U.S. (2019) |
2024 |
marriage, love, Helen Hoang, Brigitte Bautista, Vietnam, Philippines, United States of America, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Burge, Amy; McAlister, Jodi; Ireland, Charlotte |
“Prince Charming with an Erection”: The Sensational Pleasures of the Bonkbuster |
2024 |
bonkbuster, Jilly Cooper, Jackie Collins, Shirley Conran, Judith Krantz |
Burke, Nicola |
Mills and Fur: Feminism and Femininity in the Supernatural Romance |
2020 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), fairytales/folktales, YA/teenage romance, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, sex/sexuality, animals, food, drink, gender, Jackson Pearce, Ivy Devlin, Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Maggie Stiefvater |
Burley, Stephanie Carol |
Hearts of Darkness: The Racial Politics of Popular Romance |
2003 |
race/ethnicity, B. J. James, Native American romance, Dara Joy, Sandra Kitt, science fiction/futuristic romance, African American romance |
Burley, Stephanie |
Shadows and Silhouettes: The Racial Politics of Category Romance |
2000 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, race/ethnicity, B. J. James, Scotland, gender, United States of America |
Burley, Stephanie |
What's a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Book like This?: Homoerotic Reading and Popular Romance |
2003 |
sex/sexuality, readers, Karen Robards, Kristin Hannah, virginity, BDSM, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Burnett, Hannah Eisler |
Shame game: Romance novels and feminist shame, a mad lib for collective feeling |
2013 |
readers |
Burnett, Ann; Beto, Rhea Reinhardt |
Reading Romance Novels: An Application of Parasocial Relationship Theory |
2000 |
readers, psychology |
Burnside, Mary Elizabeth |
The novels of Mills and Boon in the post-war period |
1996 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Burrows, J. F. |
Computation Into Criticism: A Study of Jane Austen's Novels and an Experiment in Method |
1987 |
linguistics, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer |
Burt, Richard |
Shakespeare after Mass Media |
2002 |
Burton, Antoinette |
After the Imperial Turn: Thinking with and through the Nation |
2003 |
Hellekson, Karen; Busse, Kristina |
Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays |
2006 |
Buttrick, Nicholas; Westgate, Erin C.; Oishi, Shigehiro |
Reading Literary Fiction Is Associated With a More Complex Worldview |
2022 |
psychology, readers, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Byatt, A. S. |
An Honourable Escape: Georgette Heyer |
1969 |
Georgette Heyer, A. S. Byatt, Baroness Orczy, Jane Austen, social/economic class, fashion/clothing, history |
Byatt, A. S. |
Passions of the Mind: Selected Writings |
1991 |
Linz, Cathie; Bouricius, Ann; Byrnes, Carole |
Exploring the World of Romance Novels |
1995 |
libraries/librarians, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Publishing, paratext, race/ethnicity, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Armstrong, Jane; Byrski, Liz; Merrick, Helen |
Love works: Reading and writing romance in the twenty-first century |
2014 |
readers, authors |
Bywaters, Barbara Lee |
'Re-reading Jane': Jane Austen's legacy to twentieth-century women writers |
1989 |
Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer |
Bywaters, Barbara |
Decentering the Romance: Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and Popular Romance Fiction |
2001 |
Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer |
Ménard, A. Dana; Cabrera, Christine |
‘Whatever the Approach, Tab B Still Fits into Slot A’: Twenty Years of Sex Scripts in Romance Novels |
2011 |
sex/sexuality, psychology |
Cabrera, Christine; Ménard, Amy Dana |
'She Exploded into a Million Pieces': A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Orgasms in Contemporary Romance Novels |
2013 |
sex/sexuality, psychology |
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo |
O |
1975 |
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo |
Una inocente pornógrafa. Manes y desmanes de Corín Tellado |
1975 |
Corín Tellado |
Cadet, Christiane |
Roman sentimental ou histoire de sentiments |
1986 |
France, Publishing, teaching romance |
Cadogan, Mary |
And Then Their Hearts Stood Still: An Exuberant Look at Romantic Fiction Past and Present |
1994 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert, Mary Stewart, M. M. Kaye, Charlotte M. Yonge, Augusta Jane Evans, Rhoda Broughton, Marie Corelli, Florence Barclay, Annie S. Swan, Barbara Cartland, Judith McNaught, Mary Webb, Ouida, Rita, pen name of Mrs. Eliza Margaret Humphreys, Elinor Glyn, Ethel M. Dell, romances in magazines and newspapers, Charlotte Brontë, war/armed forces, disability, Daphne du Maurier, Colleen McCullough, E. M. Hull, Violet Winspear, Flora Annie Steel, Berta Ruck, Georgette Heyer, Jane Aiken Hodge, Sylvia Andrews, Anthony Hope, Baroness Orczy, Margaret Mitchell, Mabel Barnes Grundy, Ruby M. Ayres, Denise Robins, Maysie Greig, Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham, Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay, Radclyffe Hall, Janet Dailey, Lucilla Andrews, Jane Arbor, Caroline Anderson |
Suleiman, Michael W.; Joseph, Suad; Cainkar, Louise |
Arab American Women: Representation and Refusal |
2021 |
Caland, Fabienne Claire; Rouby, Bertrand; Bleton, Paul |
L'amour au temps du roman |
2015 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Harlequin Mills & Boon, Delly, Max du Veuzit, Magali, pen name of Jeanne Philbert, Barbara Cartland |
Calhoun-French, Diane M. |
"New" Women in Old Stories: Silhouette "Intimate Moments" |
1987 |
work |
Calhoun-French, Diane M. |
Time-Travel and Related Phenomena in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction |
1999 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, gender, historical romance, Constance O'Day Flannery, Jo Ann Simon, Heather Graham, religion/spirituality, sex/sexuality, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Calhoun-French, Diane M. |
Of Love and Death: Murder and Mayhem Meet the Romance |
2000 |
romantic suspense |
Cameron, Lauren |
The Romance Publishing Industry and Its Reputation |
2020 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, gender, feminism, readers, authors |
Çamoğlu, Dikmen Yakalı |
Re/Presenting Gender and Love |
2019 |
Velasquez, Diane L.; Campbell-Meier, Jennifer |
Romance Genre and Collection Management in Australia and New Zealand Public Libraries |
2024 |
libraries/librarians, Australia, New Zealand |
Cannatella, Bonnie M. |
The "Demon lover" : female psychology and the alter ego in the romance and gothic novel of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries |
1988 |
gothic romance |
Cothran, Casey A.; Cannon, Mercy |
New Perspectives on Detective Fiction: Mystery Magnified |
2016 |
Cannon, Emanni N |
Contemporary Romance and the Question of Literary Value |
2022 |
trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, Colleen Hoover |
Cantor, Muriel G. |
Popular culture and the portrayal of women: Content and control |
1987 |
sociology, gender, sex/sexuality |
Cantor, Muriel G. |
Writing Fiction as Women's Work |
1989 |
authors, Publishing, feminism, sociology |
Capelle, Annick |
Harlequin Romances in Western Europe: The Cultural Interactions of Romantic Literature |
1996 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon |
Capps, Stephanie Carol |
What You Read and What You Believe: Genre Exposure and Beliefs about Relationships |
2017 |
readers, gender, sex/sexuality, psychology, love |
Strehle, Susan; Carden, Mary Paniccia |
Doubled Plots: Romance and History |
2003 |
Carlos, Giovana Santana |
Fandom e mercado literário: um mapa das mediações das fãs de romance no contexto brasileiro |
2019 |
readers, Brazil, Publishing |
Carlos, Giovana Santana |
Literatura pop feminina: as fãs de romance no Brasil |
2021 |
Brazil, readers, paratext |
Carmichael, Lynne Patricia |
A romantic past : a study of historical romance as a form of recreational fiction in public libraries |
1985 |
historical romance, libraries/librarians |
Carmichael, Lynne |
Romantic fiction: a neglected area of research |
1988 |
libraries/librarians, romance scholarship |
Carmona González, Ángeles |
Corín Tellado: el erotismo rosa |
2002 |
Corín Tellado |
Carpan, Carolyn |
Rocked by Romance: A Guide to Teen Romance Fiction |
2004 |
YA/teenage romance, libraries/librarians, genre definitions, contemporary romance, paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, romantic suspense, Christian romance |
Carpan, Carolyn |
Sisters, Schoolgirls, and Sleuths: Girls' Series Books in America |
2009 |
YA/teenage romance |
Carr, Helen |
From My Guy to Sci-Fi: Genre and Women's Writing in the Postmodern World |
1989 |
Alpalhão, Margarida Santos; Carreto, Carlos F. Clamote; Dias, Isabel de Barros |
O jogo do mundo: ensaios sobre o imaginário lúdico |
2017 |
Carroll, Noël |
The Paradox of Junk Fiction |
1994 |
philosophy, trash/literary and or intellectual quality, Leigh Michaels, Betty Neels |
Carroll, Joseph; McAdams, Dan P.; Wilson, Edward O. |
Darwin's Bridge: Uniting the Humanities and Sciences |
2016 |
Cart, Michael |
From Romance to Realism: 50 Years of Growth and Change in Young Adult Literature |
1996 |
YA/teenage romance, Betty Cavanna, Rosamond du Jardin, Mary Stolz |
Carter, Ellen |
Asexual Romance in an Allosexual World: How Ace-Spectrum Characters (and Authors) Create Space for Romantic Love |
2020 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, sex/sexuality, love |
Carter, Ellen |
Eating Disorders and Romance |
2022 |
food, drink, health/medical, Jenny B. Jones, Courtney Milan, M. B. Mulhall, Janette Kenny, Katherine Locke |
Carter, Ellen |
What's in a name? A corpus study of phonological differences between gay and straight romance heroes' names |
2022 |
LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors, gender, linguistics |
Carter, David; Galligan, Anne |
Making Books: Contemporary Australian Publishing |
2007 |
Driscoll, Beth; Fletcher, Lisa; Wilkins, Kim; Carter, David |
The Publishing Ecosystems of Contemporary Australian Genre Fiction |
2018 |
Publishing, Australia |
Carter, David |
The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel |
2023 |
Carter, Catherine |
Poverty, Payment, Power: Kathleen Thompson Norris and Popular Romance |
2008 |
Kathleen Thompson Norris, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), marriage, work, social/economic class, capitalism/business, virginity, gender |
Larson, Christine; Carter, Ashley |
Love is love: Reverse isomorphism and the rise of LGBTQ+ romance publishing |
2023 |
Publishing, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Casey, Janet G. |
Teaching Tainted Lit: Popular American Fiction in Today's Classroom |
2015 |
Cassiday, Julie A. |
A World Without Safe Words: Fifty Shades of Russian Grey |
2020 |
Russia, Alisa Klever/Tatiana Vedenska, Fifty Shades, BDSM, national identity, romantic suspense, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, sex/sexuality |
Cassuto, Leonard; Eby, Clare Virginia; Reiss, Benjamin |
The Cambridge History of the American Novel |
2011 |
Castagna, JoAnn; Radespiel, Robin L. |
Making Rape Romantic: A Study of Rosemary Rogers' "Steve and Ginny" Novels |
1990 |
rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, Rosemary Rogers, paratext, historical romance, feminism, sex/sexuality, gender |
Caton, Steven C. |
The Sheik: Instabilities of Race and Gender in Transatlantic Popular Culture of the Early 1920s |
2000 |
E. M. Hull, United States of America, UK, race/ethnicity, settings, gender, history, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse |
Cawelti, John G. |
Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture |
1976 |
genre definitions, trash/literary and or intellectual quality |
Cawelti, John |
Romance: The Once and Future Queen |
1978 |
Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), gothic romance, Harlequin Mills & Boon, Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay, Phyllis A. Whitney |
Cecil, Mirabel |
Heroines in Love 1750-1974 |
1974 |
romances in magazines and newspapers, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) |
Cella, Laurie J. C. |
The Personal and the Political in American Working-Class Literature, 1850-1939: Defining the Radical Romance |
2019 |
gender, history, United States of America, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Laura Jean Libbey, sex/sexuality, work, fashion/clothing, social/economic class, socialism and/or communism |
Cenarro, Ángela |
Carmen de Icaza: Novela rosa y fascismo |
2010 |
Carmen de Icaza, fascism/right-wing authoritarianism, Spain |
Centro di documentazione ricerca e iniziativa delle donne, |
Intorno al rosa |
1987 |
Zaragoza Ninet, Gora; Martínez Sierra, Juan José; Cerezo Merchán, Beatriz; Richart Marset, Mabel |
Traducción, género y censura en la literatura y en los medios de comunicación |
2018 |
Steiner, Peter; Červenka, Miroslav; Vroon, Ronald |
The Structure of the Literary Process Studies dedicated to the Memory of Felix Vodička |
1982 |
Chakrabarti, Reema; Singh, Rajni |
Gender Stereotypes and Feminist Strokes: Negotiating the Spaces in Mills and Boon |
2016 |
Harlequin Mills & Boon, Sandra Marton, Riya Lakhani, Tessa Radley, gender, feminism |
Chandra, Elizabeth |
Blossoming Dahlia: Chinese Women Novelists in Colonial Indonesia |
2015 |
Indonesia, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), marriage, gender, history, family, race/ethnicity |
Chaplin, Sue |
‘Daddy, I’m falling for a monster’: Women, Sex, and Sacrifice in Contemporary Paranormal Romance |
2019 |
paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance, Twilight, J. R. Ward, Lara Adrian, family, gender, sex/sexuality, rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |
Chappel, Deborah K. |
American romances: narratives of culture and identity |
1991 |
Jude Deveraux, LaVyrle Spencer, Janet Dailey, Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined), Kathleen Winsor, Margaret Mitchell, E. D. E. N. Southworth |
Chappel, Deborah K. |
LaVyrle Spencer and the Anti-Essentialist Argument |
1997 |
LaVyrle Spencer, feminism, food, drink, sex/sexuality, LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors |