Leitoras com coração: usos de leitura dos romances sentimentais de massa

Publication year

Note that there are other entries by this author in the database, under "Meirelles." This article is written in Portuguese but there is an abstract in English:

This article focuses on the reading of sentimental novels published by Editora Nova Cultural, a leading publisher of this genre in Brazil. Series such as Sabrina, Julia and similar ones, released weekly since 1978, have granted Nova Cultural thousands of faithful readers. By means of interviews with readers, this article attempts to show some of the motivational elements involved in selecting sentimental novels for reading and in how this choice influences these readers’ daily life. The scope of possibilities offered by this kind of text sometimes leads to diverse ways than the ones initially expected. The way in which the readers relate to these texts offers new perspectives to the study of sentimental novels. The reading sets the readers free from daily tasks, making them assume active roles opposite to the apparent passivity proposed by entertaining literature. Consciously ignoring stereotyped aspects of sentimental novels, readers find benefits that reading can bring to their lives.
