How to Romance the Masses – Problems of Translating Light Romantic Fiction in Poland

Publication year

Given the similarities in the titles and the location of publication, I think this is based on a conference paper titled "Romancing the Masses – Problems of Light Romantic Fiction Translation in Poland" which was given by Katarzyna Nowicka to the 3rd Annual International Conference on Philology, Literature & Linguistics held by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. The abstract for that is available, so I'll copy it in here:

Harlequin romances are published on six continents in more than twenty languages and in more than a hundred markets around the world. Despite its low status, Harlequin light romantic fiction is regularly read by every third Polish woman and constitutes forty percent of all books published in Poland. Yet, this literary genre received very little attention from literature and language scholars and the need of its theoretization in academia is still to be catered for. Since Harlequin books reach their female recipients mainly through the channel of translation, the aim of the presentation will be not only to focus on the features and functions of mass romances, but also to discuss translational problems inherent in the genre. Hence, the speech will centre around the formative role of translation in the process of light romantic fiction publishing, subordinate and passive position of the author and special responsibility of the editor who controls the procedure of trans-editing. The main impact is to be laid on the power relations between the Harlequin translator and the Publishing House represented by the editor. In addition, the figure of factory translator is to be presented in detail, considering professionalism, working conditions, environment and methods. The problems of mass literature rendition, such as haste, restrictions, standardization or commercialism, as well as translation mistakes resulting from them are to be presented and illustrated with the examples taken from the English and Polish issues of selected titles.