Growing Pains of the Teenage Werewolf: Young Adult Literature and the Metaphorical Wolf

Publication year

Here's a description from the Introduction to this volume (see George and Hughes 2020):

Franck points out that the painful transition from one state to another in lycanthropy as depicted in Young Adult paranormal romance is an apt figure of adolescence. But transformations from beast to human also challenge the animal–human dichotomy itself. As previous chapters explore, the idea of ‘the beast within’ is common in interpretations of werewolf narratives from ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ onwards. But Franck wants to challenge the derogatory stereotype of the wolf in these incarnations, along with the idea of ‘taming’ the wolf. The oppositions of nature/culture and animal/human are again dramatised as Franck performs a close reading of two Young Adult paranormal romances, Maggie Stiefvater’s Wolves of Mercy Falls series (2009–14) and Annette Curtis Klause’s Blood and Chocolate (1997). She shows in what ways these novels undermine the hierarchy of human over wolf while exploring the metaphorical relationship between lycanthropy and adolescence. (12)