I’ve tried my entire life to be a good man': Suzanne Brockmann’s Sam Starrett, Ideal Romance Hero

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Here's a description of it, from the introduction to the volume:

in " 'I've tried my entire life to be a good man': Suzanne Brockmann's Sam Starrett, Ideal Romance Hero," Sarah S. G. Frantz examines the ways in which New York Times best-selling popular romance fiction author Suzanne Brockmann constructs, deconstructs, and rebuilds over six books the most famous hero of her popular Troubleshooters romance series. Brockmann's manipulation of the conventions of popular romance fiction, her examination of the failure of many of the archetypes of romance heroes to create desirable masculinities, and her thematic exploration of the ways in which Sam Starrett's tears and nicknames construct his own masculinity demonstrate the unexplored complexity of a much maligned genre of popular fiction. This female-authored construction of an ideal hero completely in touch with his emotions who treats women with the respect they deserve is read by Frantz as the successful culmination of the struggle by female authors throughout the last two centuries to imagine gender and gendered relations in a way that serves female interests. (8)