Les romans sentimentaux des collections Harlequin: quelle(s) figure(s) de l’amoureux? Quel(s) modèle(s) de relation(s) amoureuse(s)?

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Here's most of the abstract in its English version:

This article has for objective the analysis of the imaginary representations of one or several manliness, developed in Harlequin novels, in connection with that of one or several femininity(ies), by leaning in particular on the works stemming from gender studies. Without denying the socioeconomic context in which they are made, these products are not integrated in a standardized and standardizing whole, on the pretext that they are subjected to a serial industrial production, in connection with a mass consumption. It is rather a question, in the analysis of the cultural scripts, of taking into account marketing strategies of segmentation of the public operated by the authority of production, and realized through the development of collections.


nous avons réalisé une étude de contenu comparative – quantitative et qualitative – d’un corpus de romans appartenant aux différentes collections lancées sur le marché. Nous avons analysé les séries Azur, Horizon, Blanche, Passions, Audace, Prélud’s, sur la base de 12 volumes par collection (12 histoires d’amour inédites par collection), volumes choisis de façon aléatoire et publiés entre 2006 et 2009 5 . Enfin, dans un troisième temps, une attention particulière est donnée aux scènes d’amour. (319)