Author Harrod, Mary Leonard, Suzanne Negra, Diane Publisher Routledge Publication year 2022 Link……
Holmes, Diana (2022) "Plaisirs d'amour: Love and popular fiction in contemporary France " Imagining "We" in the Age of "I": Romance and Social Bonding in Contemporary Culture 175-190 DOI:10.4324/9781003039365-11 Topic France love Harlequin Mills & Boon Guillaume Musso romantic suspense feminism Emily Blaine Nathalie Charlier
Wood, Andrea (2022) "His Baby Daddy is an Alien?!: Mpreg Fantasies and Queer Reproductive Intimacies in Contemporary M/M Science Fiction Romance " Imagining "We" in the Age of "I": Romance and Social Bonding in Contemporary Culture 191-207 DOI:10.4324/9781003039365-12 Topic m/m romance science fiction/futuristic romance family health/medical LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors Lyn Gala Lexi Ander gender