Algospeak and algo-design in platformed book publishing: Revolutionary creative tactics in digital paratext to circumvent content moderation
AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research
Paper presented at AoIR2023: The 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Philadelphia, PA, USA:
DOI: 10.5210/spir.v2023i0.13477
LGBTQ(NA), Queer New Adult Fiction: The Emergence of a New Genre and Its Impact on the LGBTQIA+ Community
Honors in Comparative Literary Studies,
Wellesley College
Women's Fiction and Popular Romance: Student Audience and Teaching Dilemma
Paper presented at the Annual National Literature Conference (3rd, Chicago, IL, October 14-15, 1988)
Ladies in Arms: Women, Guns, and Feminisms in Contemporary Popular Culture