Harzewski, Stephanie (2005) The new novel of manners: Chick lit and postfeminist sexual politics PhD, University of Pennsylvania Topic chick lit
Hartmann, Britta Ulrike (2014) Island fictions: Castaways and imperialism PhD, University of Tasmania Topic settings islands Violet Winspear Margery Hilton Ginna Gray Julie Tetel Andresen Penelope Neri Donna Simpson Darlene Marshall Jill Shalvis Kandy Shepherd Tracey Garvis Graves
Harrison, Rachel (1980) Women and Romantic Fiction: Subordination and Resistance M.Litt, University of Birmingham Topic readers
Harris, Patricia Marie (1985) The rhetorical vision of courtship in Harlequin Romances: a fantasy theme analysis MA thesis, California State University, Sacramento Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon
Harlan, Kimber Leigh (2005) Romancing the reader: constructing a discursive and social female identity through romance novels Master of Arts, Tarleton State University Topic gender readers