Snyman, Maritha Penzhorn, Cecilia (2011) Leser en Konteks: ’n resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 51.2:238-250 Topic readers South Africa
Snyman, Maritha Penzhorn, Cecilia (2011) Leser en Konteks: ’n resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 51.2:238-250 Topic readers South Africa
Warnes, Christopher (2014) "Desired State: Black Economic Empowerment and the South African Popular Romance " Popular Culture in Africa: The Episteme of the Everyday 154-171 Topic Africa work race/ethnicity South Africa gender
Vitackova, Martina (2018) Representation of racial and sexual ‘others’ in Afrikaans popular romantic fiction by Sophia Kapp Tydskrif vir letterkunde 55.1:122-133 DOI: 10.17159/2309-9070/tvl.v.55i1.3480 Topic Sophia Kapp race/ethnicity sex/sexuality Africa South Africa
Folie, Sandra (2020) "The Ethnic Labelling of a Genre Gone Global: A Distant Comparison of African-American and African Chick Lit " Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer: The Many Languages of Comparative Literature 313–326 DOI:10.1515/9783110641998-026 Topic chick lit Africa South Africa Kenya race/ethnicity