Untranslatability in Regency Romances: Explicitation or Implicitation?

Publication year
British and American Studies

Here's the abstract:

The present paper focuses on strategies of translating love scenes in historical romances from English into Romanian. Taking as point of reference Klaudy’s (2003) and Mossop’s (2017) translational models, I analyse excerpts from the first book in the Bridgerton series, Julia Quinn’s The Duke and I. Two opposing forces are at work in the translation of romances: explicitation, seen as a universal tendency in translation, and implicitation, dictated by restrictions on translating this particular genre. My analysis indicates that the preferred strategy in the published translation is implicitation.


 Not only is the translator faced with translating what Davies (2007: 63) has aptly dubbed “the unacceptable”, namely scenes built on what counts in many cultures as tabooistic imagery, but also with creating a new style in their target language. It is, for instance, the case of Polish (Paizis 1998: 10), where “sexual” language had to be coined by Harlequin translators (who adopted a “softened” variety), as there was no such ready-made model in Polish literature. I imagine that such must have been the case of Romanian after 1989, when, after the demise of communist censorship, there was a flourishing market for translated popular fiction romances and new publishing houses (such as “Miron”, which started its publishing activity in 1991) were set up to cater to the tastes of a starving new readership. (234)