Capps, Stephanie Carol (2017) What You Read and What You Believe: Genre Exposure and Beliefs about Relationships Master of Science, University of Oklahoma Topic readers gender sex/sexuality psychology love
Po-Yu, Rick Wei (2018) “She is a Jade”: A Georgian Gaming Woman Re-imagined in Georgette Heyer’s Faro’s Daughter Crossings 9:122-131 Topic Georgette Heyer history feminism historical romance
Suwanban, Pauline (2018) From Exhalation to Transformation: The Female Body in the Orientalist Romance Dandelion: Postgraduate Arts Journal & Research Network 9.1: DOI: 10.16995/ddl.686 Topic E. M. Hull gender sex/sexuality race/ethnicity
Vivanco, Laura (2017) "A Place “We All Dream About”: Greece in Mills & Boon Romances " Greece in British Women’s Literary Imagination, 1913-2013 81-98 Topic Greece race/ethnicity Harlequin Mills & Boon sex/sexuality science/technology myth
Papargyriou, Eleni Assinder, Semele Holton, David (2017) Greece in British Women’s Literary Imagination, 1913-2013 New York: Peter Lang