Araujo, Gail (2009) Living to read romance: The transformative potential of interpretive practice in romance reading MA thesis, California State University, Fullerton Topic readers
Anderton, Gretchen E. (2009) Excitement, adventure, indifference: Romance readers' perceptions of how romance reading impacts their sex lives Doctor of Education, Widener University Topic readers sex/sexuality
Allport, Tanya (1988) Female journeys: the place of Jane Eyre and "Mills and Boon" in the search for women's existential space MA thesis, University of Auckland Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon
Al-Bataineh, Afaf Badr (1998) The modern Arabic novel: a literary and linguistic analysis of the genre of popular fiction, with special reference to translation from English PhD, Heriot-Watt Topic translation Harlequin Mills & Boon
Adams, Kathleen Barzun (2003) Thirty years of change: heroes, heroines, and the popular romance MA thesis, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut Topic gender