Tatlock, Lynne (2012) German Writing, American Reading: Women and the Import of Fiction, 1866-1917 Columbus: Ohio State University Press Topic Germany United States of America translation gender work marriage fairytales/folktales family Publishing E. Marlitt/Eugenie John Wilhelmine Heimburg/Bertha Behrens Fanny Lewald Wilhelmine von Hillern Claire von Glümer Ursula Zöge von Manteuffel E. Werner/Elisabeth Bürstenbinder religion/spirituality Nataly von Eschstruth metafiction social/economic class Charlotte Brontë E. Juncker Moritz von Reichenbach/Valeska von Reiswitz, Gräfin von Bethusy-Huc Golo Raimund/Bertha [Heyn] Frederich history national identity war/armed forces race/ethnicity Louisa May Alcott