Jarmakani, Amira (2010) “The Sheik Who Loved Me”: Romancing the War on Terror Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35.4:993-1017 DOI: 10.1086/651044 Topic sheikh romance United States of America war/armed forces feminism capitalism/business race/ethnicity Islam gender metaphor/symbolism
Jarmakani, Amira (2011) Desiring the Big Bad Blade: Racing the Sheikh in Desert Romances American Quarterly 63.4:895-928 DOI: 10.1353/aq.2011.0061 Topic sheikh romance race/ethnicity sex/sexuality paratext fashion/clothing United States of America readers Islam Spain religion/spirituality
Jarmakani, Amira (2015) An Imperialist Love Story: Desert Romances and the War on Terror New York: New York University Press Topic sheikh romance war/armed forces United States of America race/ethnicity Islam E. M. Hull gender marriage rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse
Jarmakani, Amira (2020) On Eligible Princes: The medieval modernity of sheikh romance Journal of Popular Romance Studies 9: DOI: 10.70138/IGAZ7195 Topic sheikh romance
Jarmakani, Amira (2021) "Desert Is Just Another Word for Freedom " Arab American Women: Representation and Refusal 386–408 DOI:10.2307/j.ctv16x2bqm.21 Topic sheikh romance
Jarmakani, Amira (2021) "Explorations of the "desert passion industry" " The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction 252-266 DOI:10.4324/9781315613468-11 Topic sheikh romance E. M. Hull settings race/ethnicity Linda Conrad rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse gender war/armed forces