Pierini, Francesca (2020) Olive Skin, Chocolate Eyes: The Legacy of The Sheik on Descriptive Patterns of the Italian Romantic Hero in Harlequin Short Contemporaries Journal of Popular Romance Studies 9: DOI: 10.70138/ZQZO7017 Topic Italy national identity Harlequin Mills & Boon race/ethnicity gender E. M. Hull metaphor/symbolism animals
Pierini, Francesca (2020) “He Looks like He’s Stepped out of a Painting:” The Idealization and Appropriation of Italian Timelessness through the Experience of Romantic Love Journal of Popular Romance Studies 9: DOI: 10.70138/ICPI2621 Topic Italy history Shakespeare Marina Fiorato Anne Fortier work race/ethnicity
Pierini, Francesca (2021) “Sharing the Same Soil:” Sally Rooney’s Normal People and the Coming-of-Age Romance Prospero. Rivista di letterature e culture straniere :141-166 DOI: 10.13137/2283-6438/33293 Topic Sally Rooney romance scholarship
Pierini, Francesca (2022) Critical Approaches to the Modern and Contemporary Anglophone Romance Novel (From A Room with a View to Fifty Shades of Grey) Journal of Popular Romance Studies 11: DOI: 10.70138/MHSY2470 Topic teaching romance E. M. Forster Jennifer Crusie E. M. Hull Beverly Jenkins Alyssa Cole Fifty Shades K. J. Charles
Pierini, Francesca (2022) Romance and Metagenre: A Response to Burkhard Niederhoff Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 31:100-111 Topic romance scholarship E. M. Forster happy ending
Pierini, Francesca (2022) "“Roma” spelled backwards: love and heterotopic space in contemporary romance novels set in Italy " The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love DOI:10.4324/9781003022343-28 Topic Italy settings
Pierini, Francesca (2023) Literary Fiction from the Perspective of Romance: Normal People Journal of Popular Romance Studies 12: DOI: 10.70138/VQOD1919 Topic Sally Rooney
Pierini, Francesca (2023) Towards a Regime of Authenticity. Reading A Room with a View through the Lens of Contemporary Romance Scholarship LEA - Lingue E Letterature D'Oriente E D'Occidente 12:217-228 DOI: 10.36253/lea-1824-484x-14273 Topic E. M. Forster Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Italy marriage emotions happy ending trash/literary and or intellectual quality