Amorós, Andrés (1968) Sociología de una novela rosa Madrid: Taurus Topic Spain Corín Tellado sociology
Bordoni, Carlo (1984) Il romanzo senza qualità: sociologia del nuovo rosa Naples: Edizioni Libreria Sapere Topic sociology
Cantor, Muriel G. (1987) "Popular culture and the portrayal of women: Content and control " Analyzing Gender: A Handbook of Social Science Research 190-214 Topic sociology gender sex/sexuality
Cantor, Muriel G. (1989) "Writing Fiction as Women's Work " Communications at the Crossroads: The Gender Gap Connection 92-105 Topic authors Publishing feminism sociology
Christopherson, Neal (1999) Accommodation and Resistance in Religious Fiction: Family Structures and Gender Roles Sociology of Religion 60.4:439–455 DOI: 10.2307/3712025 Topic Christian romance YA/teenage romance gender sociology family work
Clawson, Laura (2005) Cowboys and Schoolteachers: Gender in Romance Novels, Secular and Christian Sociological Perspectives 48.4:461-479 DOI: 10.1525/sop.2005.48.4.461 Topic Christian romance family gender United States of America work sex/sexuality religion/spirituality sociology
Fekete, Maleah (2022) Confluent Love and the Evolution of Ideal Intimacy: Romance Reading in 1980 and 2016 Journal of Popular Romance Studies 11: DOI: 10.70138/OCWW4702 Topic readers sex/sexuality gender sociology love emotions
Flora, Cornelia Butler Flora, Jan L. (1978) The Fotonovela As a Tool for Class and Cultural Domination Latin American Perspectives 5.1:134-150 DOI: 10.1177/0094582X7800500110 Topic Latin America Mexico Brazil Corín Tellado sociology capitalism/business social/economic class wealth/prosperity fotonovela
Flora, Cornelia Butler Flora, Jan L. (1978) The Fotonovela As a Tool for Class and Cultural Domination Latin American Perspectives 5.1:134-150 DOI: 10.1177/0094582X7800500110 Topic Latin America Mexico Brazil Corín Tellado sociology capitalism/business social/economic class wealth/prosperity fotonovela
Forte, Gioacchino (1966) I persuasori rosa: sociologia curiosa del rotocalco femminile in Italia Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane Topic Italy romances in magazines and newspapers sociology
Graner, Marcel (1986) "La série rose " Richesses du roman populaire: actes du colloque international de Pont-à-Mousson, octobre 1983 211‐222 Topic sociology
Lois, Jennifer Gregson, Joanna (2015) Sneers and Leers: Romance Writers and Gendered Sexual Stigma Gender & Society 29.4:459-483 DOI: 10.1177/0891243215584603 Topic authors sex/sexuality gender sociology
Lois, Jennifer Gregson, Joanna (2019) Aspirational Emotion Work: Calling, Emotional Capital, and Becoming a 'Real' Writer Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 48.1:51-79 DOI: 10.1177/0891241617749011 Topic authors work emotions sociology
Gregson, Joanna Lois, Jennifer (2021) "Social science reads romance " The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction 335-351 DOI:10.4324/9781315613468-15 Topic sociology psychology readers authors
Griffin, Linda (1999) An Analysis of Meaning Creation through the Integration of Sociology and Literature: A Critical Ethnography of a Romance Reading Group Doctor of Education, University of Houston and Rice University Topic readers sociology
Griswold, Wendy (1989) Formulaic Fiction: The Author as Agent of Elective Affinity Comparative Social Research 11:75-130 Topic Nigeria sociology
Güvendi Yalçın, Elif (2018) The Transformation of Romance Novels Based on the Theories of Sociologist Anthony Giddens PhD, Istanbul Aydin University Institute of Social Sciences Topic sociology gender love marriage Kathleen Woodiwiss Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse historical romance
Lois, Jennifer Gregson, Joanna (2015) Sneers and Leers: Romance Writers and Gendered Sexual Stigma Gender & Society 29.4:459-483 DOI: 10.1177/0891243215584603 Topic authors sex/sexuality gender sociology
Lois, Jennifer Gregson, Joanna (2019) Aspirational Emotion Work: Calling, Emotional Capital, and Becoming a 'Real' Writer Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 48.1:51-79 DOI: 10.1177/0891241617749011 Topic authors work emotions sociology
Gregson, Joanna Lois, Jennifer (2021) "Social science reads romance " The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction 335-351 DOI:10.4324/9781315613468-15 Topic sociology psychology readers authors
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2022) L’amour comme un roman. Le roman sentimental au Québec d’hier à aujourd’hui Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Harlequin Mills & Boon sociology love marriage sex/sexuality
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2024) Love Stories Now and Then: A History of Les romans d'amour : Baraka Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) sociology love marriage sex/sexuality history Philippe Aubert de Gaspé Jr. Joseph Doutre metafiction Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau social/economic class religion/spirituality race/ethnicity Rosanna Leprohon Ernest Choquette family Virginie Dussault Albertine Laperle-Bernier dime novels Harlequin Mills & Boon YA/teenage romance chick lit Marie-Claude Bussières-Tremblay Micheline Perron rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse Raymond Plante Bertrand Gauthier LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors chick lit Suzanne Roy Chloé Duval BDSM
Michelson, Anna (2021) The politics of happily-ever-after: romance genre fiction as aesthetic public sphere American Journal of Cultural Sociology 9:177–210 DOI: 10.1057/s41290-020-00126-7 Topic sociology romance and, or as, activism emotions feminism readers authors fascism/right-wing authoritarianism United States of America Casey McQuiston happy ending Roni Loren Sarah MacLean sex/sexuality Alyssa Cole race/ethnicity Publishing Courtney Milan Suzanne Brockmann health/medical
Michelson, Anna (2022) Pushing the boundaries: Erotic romance and the symbolic boundary nexus Poetics 94:--- DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2022.101729 Topic genre definitions erotic romance authors sex/sexuality Fifty Shades Publishing fanfiction sociology
Michelson, Anna (2022) Redefining the Romance: Classification and Community in a Popular Fiction Genre PhD thesis, Northwestern University Topic genre definitions sociology authors romance and, or as, activism sex/sexuality LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors race/ethnicity erotic romance happy ending readers Publishing fanfiction Fifty Shades Suzanne Brockmann m/m romance African American romance Native American romance
Péquignot, Bruno (1990) "Le roman sentimental, un objet pour quelle sociologie? " Le roman sentimental: actes du colloque des 14-15-16 mars 1989 à la Faculté des lettres de Limoges, volume 1 185-198 Topic sociology
Péquignot, Bruno (1991) La relation amoureuse: analyse sociologique du roman sentimental moderne Paris: L’Harmattan Topic sociology France Publishing love sex/sexuality readers
Radcliffe, Polly (1991) Accounting for romance: Women's explanations for reading romance fiction Master of Arts, University of Toronto Topic readers sociology
Robine, Nicole (1995) "Roman sentimental et jeunes travailleuses " Guimauve et fleurs d’oranger: Delly 21-54 Topic sociology readers
Teo, Hsu-Ming (2021) "Love and romance novels " The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Romance Fiction 454-484 DOI:10.4324/9781315613468-21 Topic love sex/sexuality history sociology feminism Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Samuel Richardson Jane Austen Charlotte Brontë religion/spirituality E. M. Hull Kathlyn Rhodes Barbara Cartland Georgette Heyer Harlequin Mills & Boon historical romance Jennifer Crusie wealth/prosperity
Wu, Huei-Hsia Walsh, Anthony (2005) Romance Novels and Female Sexuality: Vicarious Participation? Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 33.2:105-109 Topic sociology sex/sexuality readers
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2022) L’amour comme un roman. Le roman sentimental au Québec d’hier à aujourd’hui Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Harlequin Mills & Boon sociology love marriage sex/sexuality
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2024) Love Stories Now and Then: A History of Les romans d'amour : Baraka Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) sociology love marriage sex/sexuality history Philippe Aubert de Gaspé Jr. Joseph Doutre metafiction Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau social/economic class religion/spirituality race/ethnicity Rosanna Leprohon Ernest Choquette family Virginie Dussault Albertine Laperle-Bernier dime novels Harlequin Mills & Boon YA/teenage romance chick lit Marie-Claude Bussières-Tremblay Micheline Perron rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse Raymond Plante Bertrand Gauthier LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors chick lit Suzanne Roy Chloé Duval BDSM
Wu, Huei-Hsia Walsh, Anthony (2005) Romance Novels and Female Sexuality: Vicarious Participation? Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 33.2:105-109 Topic sociology sex/sexuality readers