Christian-Smith, Linda K. (1988) Girl's Romance Novel Reading and What to Do about It New Advocate 1.3:177-185 Topic readers
Cantor, Muriel G. (1987) "Popular culture and the portrayal of women: Content and control " Analyzing Gender: A Handbook of Social Science Research 190-214 Topic sociology gender sex/sexuality
Hess, Beth B. Ferree, Myra Marx (1987) Analyzing Gender: A Handbook of Social Science Research Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications
Cannatella, Bonnie M. (1988) The "Demon lover" : female psychology and the alter ego in the romance and gothic novel of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Masters, University of New Orleans Topic gothic romance
Buchanan, Nancy L. (1993) Selection Tools for Popular Romances The Acquisitions Librarian 4.8:99-113 Topic libraries/librarians
Brown, Lisa L. (1990) Recovering the reader: literary theory, mass culture, and the modern romance Masters, University of Calgary Topic readers