Erhart, Virginia (1974) Corín Tellado: la Cenicienta en la sociedad de consumo Crisis 1.9:71-80 Topic Corín Tellado work ageism marriage
Cohn, Jan (1977) The Romances of Mary Roberts Rinehart: Some Problems in the Study of Popular Culture Journal of Popular Culture 11.3:581-590 DOI: 10.1111/j.0022-3840.1977.00581.x Topic Mary Roberts Rinehart work marriage Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined)
Fowler, Bridget (1979) "True to Me Always": An Analysis of Women's Magazine Fiction The British Journal of Sociology 30.1:91-119 DOI: 10.2307/589503 Topic romances in magazines and newspapers social/economic class readers Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) marriage work wealth/prosperity gender medical romance settings rural romance
Coste, Didier (1981) Installments of the Heart: Text Delimitation in Periodical Narrative and Its Consequences Sub-Stance 10/11:56-65 DOI: 10.2307/3684531 Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Publishing Spain translation Berta Ruck Hedwig Courths-Mahler Florence Barclay Grace Livingston Hill Rafael Pérez y Pérez religion/spirituality Christian romance marriage social/economic class
Jensen, Margaret Ann (1984) Love's $weet Return: The Harlequin Story Toronto: The Women's Educational Press Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon metafiction readers Publishing virginity sex/sexuality paratext work authors gender happy ending settings race/ethnicity social/economic class rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse food, drink fashion/clothing love marriage feminism
Mussell, Kay (1984) Fantasy and Reconciliation: Contemporary Formulas of Women’s Romance Fiction Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press Topic Mary Stewart Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert Phyllis A. Whitney Roberta Gellis Anya Seton Georgette Heyer Barbara Cartland feminism romantic suspense historical romance gender sex/sexuality marriage Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) erotic romance readers romance scholarship Harlequin Mills & Boon gothic romance Jane Austen history settings social/economic class UK United States of America fairytales/folktales family Charlotte Brontë psychology
Radway, Janice A. (1984) Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press Topic Publishing feminism readers genre definitions marriage psychology gender
Valverde, Mariana (1985) Sex, Power and Pleasure Toronto: The Women's Press Topic pornography sex/sexuality gender BDSM wealth/prosperity lesbian romance Jane Rule marriage LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors
Woodruff, Juliette (1985) A spate of words, full of sound & fury, signifying nothing: or, How to read in Harlequin Journal of Popular Culture 19.2:25-32 DOI: 10.1111/j.0022-3840.1985.00025.x Topic gothic romance Harlequin Mills & Boon historical romance Barbara Cartland Georgette Heyer marriage
Bettinotti, Julia Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène Gagnon, Jocelyn Noizet, Pascale Provost, Christiane (1986) La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon Publishing gender settings marriage trash/literary and or intellectual quality paratext family Janet Dailey Charlotte Lamb sex/sexuality work
Bettinotti, Julia Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène Gagnon, Jocelyn Noizet, Pascale Provost, Christiane (1986) La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon Publishing gender settings marriage trash/literary and or intellectual quality paratext family Janet Dailey Charlotte Lamb sex/sexuality work
Bettinotti, Julia Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène Gagnon, Jocelyn Noizet, Pascale Provost, Christiane (1986) La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon Publishing gender settings marriage trash/literary and or intellectual quality paratext family Janet Dailey Charlotte Lamb sex/sexuality work
Bettinotti, Julia Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène Gagnon, Jocelyn Noizet, Pascale Provost, Christiane (1986) La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon Publishing gender settings marriage trash/literary and or intellectual quality paratext family Janet Dailey Charlotte Lamb sex/sexuality work
Bettinotti, Julia Bédard-Cazabon, Hélène Gagnon, Jocelyn Noizet, Pascale Provost, Christiane (1986) La corrida de l'amour: Le Roman Harlequin Montréal: Université du Québec à Montréal Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon Publishing gender settings marriage trash/literary and or intellectual quality paratext family Janet Dailey Charlotte Lamb sex/sexuality work
Cohn, Jan (1988) Romance and the Erotics of Property: Mass-Market Fiction for Women Durham and London: Duke University Press Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) wealth/prosperity capitalism/business gender marriage Jane Austen Charlotte Brontë May Agnes Fleming Harlequin Mills & Boon
McAleer, Joseph (1990) Scenes from Love and Marriage: Mills and Boon and the Popular Publishing Industry in Britain, 1908-1950 Twentieth Century British History 1.3:264-288 DOI: 10.1093/tcbh/1.3.264 Topic Publishing Harlequin Mills & Boon romances in magazines and newspapers Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Barbara Cartland virginity marriage family social/economic class
Fowler, Bridget (1991) The Alienated Reader: Women and Romantic Literature in the Twentieth Century Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf Topic social/economic class gender Samuel Richardson capitalism/business religion/spirituality Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) readers trash/literary and or intellectual quality Catherine Cookson Publishing romances in magazines and newspapers Harlequin Mills & Boon work Barbara Taylor Bradford Barbara Cartland fairytales/folktales family feminism Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert marriage Scotland sex/sexuality
Péquignot, Bruno (1991) Les femmes dans le roman sentimental moderne L'Homme et la société 99-100:115-125 DOI: 10.3406/homso.1991.2542 Topic France Delly Harlequin Mills & Boon religion/spirituality Barbara Cartland work sex/sexuality marriage family
Weir, Angela Wilson, Elizabeth (1992) "The Greyhound Bus Station in the Evolution of Lesbian Popular Culture " New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings 95-113 Topic LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Ann Bannon Valerie Taylor Claire Morgan/Patricia Highsmith history March Hastings marriage psychology cross-dressing Gale Wilhelm Radclyffe Hall Randy Salem gender sex/sexuality
Weir, Angela Wilson, Elizabeth (1992) "The Greyhound Bus Station in the Evolution of Lesbian Popular Culture " New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings 95-113 Topic LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Ann Bannon Valerie Taylor Claire Morgan/Patricia Highsmith history March Hastings marriage psychology cross-dressing Gale Wilhelm Radclyffe Hall Randy Salem gender sex/sexuality
Nyquist, Mary (1993) "Romance in the Forbidden Zone " ReImagining Women: Representations of Women in Culture 160-181 Topic Samuel Richardson gender marriage Linda Shaw sex/sexuality race/ethnicity Sonya Pelton Native American romance Arlene James rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse work
Raub, Patricia (1994) Yesterday's Stories: Popular Women's Novels of the Twenties and Thirties Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Temple Bailey Kathleen Thompson Norris E. M. Hull Gene Stratton-Porter Viña Delmar sex/sexuality marriage family work Dorothy Canfield United States of America history Faith Baldwin fashion/clothing Daphne du Maurier Margaret Mitchell gender
Servén Díez, Carmen (1996) Novela rosa, novela blanca y escritura femenina en los años cuarenta: la evolución de Carmen de Icaza Asparkía: Investigació feminista 7:91-102 Topic Carmen de Icaza Spain work Rafael Pérez y Pérez marriage
Banzon-Mooney, Isabela (1997) ‘Cinderella,’ ‘Snow White’ and Romance Fiction Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature 2.1:4-18 Topic fairytales/folktales gender marriage
Crusie Smith, Jennifer (1997) Romancing Reality: The Power of Romance to Reinforce and Re-vision the Real Para.doxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2:81-93 Topic readers fashion/clothing trash/literary and or intellectual quality marriage Jennifer Crusie sex/sexuality evolutionary psychology
Goodwin, Sarah Webster (1997) Romance and Change: Teaching the Romance to Undergraduates Para.doxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2:233-241 Topic teaching romance feminism love gender marriage
Houel, Annik (1997) Le roman d’amour et sa lectrice: une si longue passion: l’exemple Harlequin Paris: L’Harmattan Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon readers love marriage history family France feminism sex/sexuality happy ending fashion/clothing gender family
Puri, Jyoti (1997) Reading Romance Novels in Postcolonial India Gender & Society 11.4:434-452 DOI: 10.1177/089124397011004004 Topic India readers marriage sex/sexuality gender social/economic class family
Belsey, Catherine (1998) Popular Fiction and the Feminine Masquerade European Journal of English Studies 2.3:343-358 DOI: 10.1080/13825579808574422 Topic gender Marion Smith Collins fashion/clothing metafiction Harlequin Mills & Boon Shakespeare Daphne du Maurier marriage
Philips, Deborah Haywood, Ian (1998) Brave New Causes: Women in British Postwar Fictions London: Leicester University Press Topic social/economic class settings national identity work marriage medical romance history UK Harlequin Mills & Boon
Moody, Nickianne (1998) "Mills & Boon’s Temptations: Sex and the Single Couple in the 1990s " Fatal Attractions: Rescripting Romance in Contemporary Literature and Film 141-156 Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon work family marriage Jo Morrison LaVyrle Spencer Mary Tate Engels Alicia Fox Cathy Gillen Thacker Rita Clay Estrada Cara McLean Candace Schuler Carla Neggers gender feminism
Palmer, Paulina (1998) "Girl Meets Girl: Changing Approaches to the Lesbian Romance " Fatal Attractions: Rescripting Romance in Contemporary Literature and Film 189-204 Topic lesbian romance Isabel Miller Michelle Martin Deborah Powell LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors marriage gender fairytales/folktales Jane Austen romantic suspense fashion/clothing
Philips, Deborah Haywood, Ian (1998) Brave New Causes: Women in British Postwar Fictions London: Leicester University Press Topic social/economic class settings national identity work marriage medical romance history UK Harlequin Mills & Boon
Dixon, jay (1999) The Romance Fiction of Mills & Boon 1909-1990s London: UCL Press Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon rural romance settings marriage gender feminism war/armed forces work love Publishing sex/sexuality rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse
Jarvis, Christine (1999) Love Changes Everything: The Transformative Potential of Popular Romantic Fiction Studies in the Education of Adults 31.2:109-123 DOI: 10.1080/02660830.1999.11661406 Topic teaching romance readers feminism Harlequin Mills & Boon gender sex/sexuality marriage rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse social/economic class wealth/prosperity race/ethnicity Charlotte Brontë China UK
Marks, Pamela (1999) "The Good Provider in Romance Novels " Romantic Conventions 10-22 Topic marriage wealth/prosperity emotions history United States of America Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Susan Warner disability sex/sexuality work
McAleer, Joseph (1999) Passion's Fortune: The Story of Mills & Boon Oxford: Oxford University Press Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon Publishing UK Betty Beaty Mary Burchell, pen name of Ida Cook Elizabeth Carfrae Fay Chandos/Jan Tempest Sophie Cole Lilian Warren as Kathryn Blair/Rosalind Brett/Celine Conway Iris Danbury Joyce Dingwell/Kate Starr Constance M. Evans Eleanor Farnes Louise Gerard Elizabeth Gilzean romances in magazines and newspapers Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay libraries/librarians Jean S. MacLeod/Catherine Airlie Phyllis Matthewman medical romance sex/sexuality work marriage race/ethnicity happy ending family religion/spirituality readers Marjorie Moore Betty Neels Valerie K. Nelson Kate Norway/Olive Norton Denise Robins Sara Seale Juliet Shore/Anne Vinton gender Alex Stuart Essie Summers Joan Sutherland Anne Weale Hilary Wilde Violet Winspear Mary Lutyens/Esther Wyndham Ireland
Shumway, David R. (1999) Romance in the Romance: Love and Marriage in Turn-of-the-Century Best Sellers Journal of Narrative Theory 29.1:110-134 Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) love marriage history national identity
Smith, Janet S. (Shibamoto) (1999) " From Hiren to Happî-endo: Romantic Expression in the Japanese Love Story " Languages of Sentiment: Cultural constructions of emotional substrates 131-150 DOI:10.1075/aicr.18.08shi Topic Japan marriage love linguistics family metaphor/symbolism emotions
Manzano Badía, Benjamín (2000) "Carmen de Icaza, una apología pequeño-burguesa y conservadora de la familia " Mujeres novelistas en el panorama literario del siglo XX: I Congreso de narrativa española (en lengua castellana). 107-121 Topic Carmen de Icaza family Spain fascism/right-wing authoritarianism work gender marriage feminism religion/spirituality wealth/prosperity social/economic class capitalism/business
Kramer, Daniela Moore, Michael (2001) Family Myths in Romantic Fiction Psychological Reports 88.1:29-41 DOI: 10.2466/pr0.2001.88.1.29 Topic psychology love family marriage myth Harlequin Mills & Boon gender rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse virginity sex/sexuality work
Kramer, Daniela Moore, Michael (2001) Gender Roles, Romantic Fiction and Family Therapy Psycoloquy 12.24: Topic psychology Harlequin Mills & Boon gender marriage family rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse
Kramer, Daniela Moore, Michael (2001) Family Myths in Romantic Fiction Psychological Reports 88.1:29-41 DOI: 10.2466/pr0.2001.88.1.29 Topic psychology love family marriage myth Harlequin Mills & Boon gender rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse virginity sex/sexuality work
Kramer, Daniela Moore, Michael (2001) Gender Roles, Romantic Fiction and Family Therapy Psycoloquy 12.24: Topic psychology Harlequin Mills & Boon gender marriage family rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse
Muhomah, Catherine (2002) What do women want?: Versions of masculinity in Kenyan romantic fiction English Studies in Africa 45.2:77-90 Topic Kenya Asenath Odaga marriage gender sex/sexuality family wealth/prosperity
Parameswaran, Radhika (2002) Reading Fictions of Romance: Gender, Sexuality, and Nationalism in Postcolonial India Journal of Communication 52.4:832-851 DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2002.tb02576.x Topic India gender social/economic class national identity sex/sexuality readers Publishing paratext historical romance race/ethnicity marriage virginity family
Whitsitt, Novian (2002) Islamic-Hausa Feminism and Kano Market Literature: Qur'anic Reinterpretation in the Novels of Balaraba Yakubu Research in African Literatures 33.2:119-136 Topic Nigeria Africa Islam gender marriage feminism religion/spirituality Balaraba Ramat Yakubu sex/sexuality family health/medical
Blake, Susan L. (2003) "What "Race" is the Sheik?: Rereading a Desert Romance " Doubled Plots: Romance and History 67-85 Topic E. M. Hull rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse race/ethnicity history marriage gender sheikh romance
Martin, Darcy (2003) "'Womanhood Reinvented: Eve Dallas, Protagonist in J. D. Robb's "In Death" Series " The 2000-2003 Proceedings of the SW/Texas PCA/ACA Conference 1989-2019 Topic Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb feminism science fiction/futuristic romance gender work rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse marriage community
Rempel, Valerie Gale (2003) “The soft white strong hand of God”: Gender and the expression of evangelical piety in the religious fiction of Grace Livingston Hill, 1897–1948 PhD, Vanderbilt University Topic Grace Livingston Hill Christian romance religion/spirituality gender marriage family
Whitsitt, Novian (2003) Hausa Women Writers Confronting the Traditional Status of Women in Modern Islamic Society: Feminist Thought in Nigerian Popular Fiction Tulsa Studies In Women's Literature 22.2:387-408 DOI: 10.2307/20059159 Topic Nigeria Africa Islam religion/spirituality gender Bilkisu Ahmed Funtuwa marriage love work Balaraba Ramat Yakubu
Whitsitt, Novian (2003) Islamic-Hausa Feminism Meets Northern Nigerian Romance: The Cautious Rebellion of Bilkisu Funtuwa African Studies Review 46.1:137-153 DOI: 10.2307/1514984 Topic Nigeria Africa Islam Bilkisu Ahmed Funtuwa marriage gender religion/spirituality feminism work love family
Downey, Kristin (2005) Irony, Ideology, and Resistance: The Amazing Double Life of Harlequin Presents PhD, McMaster University Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon marriage family sex/sexuality readers gender national identity race/ethnicity
González-Allende, Iker (2005) La novela rosa de ambientación vasca e ideología franquista durante la Guerra Civil española Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos 50.1:79-103 Topic Spain national identity war/armed forces gender history work religion/spirituality marriage romance and, or as, activism fascism/right-wing authoritarianism
Neal, Lynn S. (2006) Romancing God: Evangelical Women and Inspirational Fiction Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press Topic Christian romance religion/spirituality readers Grace Livingston Hill Publishing United States of America authors gender Robin Lee Hatcher Beverly Lewis marriage Catherine Marshall Janette Oke race/ethnicity Francine Rivers sex/sexuality Peggy Stoks Lori Wick Brenda Wilbee
Haddad, Emily A. (2007) "Bound to Love: Captivity in Harlequin Sheikh Novels " Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty-First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels 42-64 Topic sheikh romance Harlequin Mills & Boon Susan Mallery Alexandra Sellers marriage race/ethnicity war/armed forces Jane Porter Susan Stephens Kristi Gold Laura Wright
Kamble, Jayashree (2007) "Female Enfranchisement and the Popular Romance: Employing an Indian Perspective " Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty-First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels 148-173 Topic India readers gender feminism marriage Linda Howard Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Kim Lawrence Lisa Kleypas fashion/clothing sex/sexuality virginity
Ryden, Wendy (2007) Bourgeois Realism or Working Class Kitsch?: The Aesthetics of Class in Composition Open Words: Access and English Studies 1.2:4-23 Topic trash/literary and or intellectual quality social/economic class Karen van der Zee teaching romance family marriage
Seale, Maura (2007) ""I find some Hindu practices like burning widows, utterly bizarre": Representations of Sati and Questions of Choice in Veils of Silk " Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty-First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels 129-147 Topic Mary Jo Putney India historical romance feminism race/ethnicity gender religion/spirituality death family marriage
Carter, Catherine (2008) Poverty, Payment, Power: Kathleen Thompson Norris and Popular Romance Studies in American Fiction 36.2:197-220 DOI: 10.1353/saf.2008.0002 Topic Kathleen Thompson Norris Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) marriage work social/economic class capitalism/business virginity gender
Garton, Stephen (2008) 'Fit Only for the Scrap Heap': Rebuilding Returned Soldier Manhood in Australia After 1945 Gender & History 20.1:48-67 DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0424.2007.00501.x Topic war/armed forces Australia history gender marriage national identity psychology health/medical sex/sexuality romances in magazines and newspapers disability work family
Hall, Glinda Fountain (2008) Inverting the Southern Belle: Romance Writers Redefine Gender Myths Journal of Popular Culture 41.1:37-55 DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5931.2008.00491.x Topic historical romance United States of America gender race/ethnicity Emily Toth Candice Proctor Patricia Rice marriage sex/sexuality war/armed forces
Sanmartí i Roset, Carme Sanmartí Roset, Montserrat (2008) La transmisión de los valores femeninos a través de la lectura (1900-1939) Salina. Revista de Lletres 22:153-160 Topic Spain readers gender religion/spirituality social/economic class work marriage
Sanmartí i Roset, Carme Sanmartí Roset, Montserrat (2008) La transmisión de los valores femeninos a través de la lectura (1900-1939) Salina. Revista de Lletres 22:153-160 Topic Spain readers gender religion/spirituality social/economic class work marriage
Shibamoto Smith, Janet S. (2008) Changing Lovestyles: Fictional Representations of Contemporary Japanese Men in Love Positions 16.2:359-387 DOI: 10.1215/10679847-2008-005 Topic love gender Japan marriage linguistics
Constans, Ellen (2009) Images de la femme dans le roman sentimental Belphégor 8.2: Topic love Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) gender marriage Delly religion/spirituality Georges Ohnet Christian romance
McKay, Jade Parsons, Elizabeth (2009) Out of Wedlock: The Consummation and Consumption of Marriage in Contemporary Romance Fiction Genders 50: Topic marriage Harlequin Mills & Boon sex/sexuality virginity wealth/prosperity work feminism family
McKay, Jade Parsons, Elizabeth (2009) Out of Wedlock: The Consummation and Consumption of Marriage in Contemporary Romance Fiction Genders 50: Topic marriage Harlequin Mills & Boon sex/sexuality virginity wealth/prosperity work feminism family
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Silva, Erotilde Honório (2010) A vida em cor de rosa: o romance sentimental e a ditadura militar no Brasil Famecos 17.2:41-48 DOI: 10.15448/1980-3729.2010.2.7541 Topic Corín Tellado Brazil history capitalism/business love marriage gender readers fascism/right-wing authoritarianism
Hashim, Ruzy Suliza Hamdan, Shahizah Ismail (2010) Facets of Women in Malay Romance Fiction Kunapipi 32.1:67-79 Topic Malaysia chick lit gender Islam Publishing paratext marriage
Hashim, Ruzy Suliza Hamdan, Shahizah Ismail (2010) Facets of Women in Malay Romance Fiction Kunapipi 32.1:67-79 Topic Malaysia chick lit gender Islam Publishing paratext marriage
Mogin-Martin, Roselyne (2010) Corín Tellado : ¿de la novela rosa a la novela comprometida? Revista Arbor 186, Anexo 3:327-347 Topic Corín Tellado work marriage sex/sexuality race/ethnicity
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Silva, Erotilde Honório (2010) A vida em cor de rosa: o romance sentimental e a ditadura militar no Brasil Famecos 17.2:41-48 DOI: 10.15448/1980-3729.2010.2.7541 Topic Corín Tellado Brazil history capitalism/business love marriage gender readers fascism/right-wing authoritarianism
Young, Erin S. (2010) Escaping the “Time Bind”: Negotiations of Love and Work in Jayne Ann Krentz's “Corporate Romances” The Journal of American Culture 33.2:92–106 DOI: 10.1111/j.1542-734X.2010.00736.x Topic Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle work capitalism/business family gender marriage race/ethnicity food, drink romantic suspense
Beers, Laura (2011) Feminism and Sexuality in Ellen Wilkinson's Fiction Parliamentary Affairs 64.2:248–262 DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsq060 Topic socialism and/or communism work gender marriage sex/sexuality Ellen Wilkinson Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) history
Brenner, Suzanne (2011) "Holy matrimony?: The print politics of polygamy in Indonesia " Islam and Popular Culture in Indonesia and Malaysia 212-234 Topic Habiburrahman El-Shirazy marriage Indonesia Islam Muslim romance
Saint-Jacques, Denis des Rivières, Marie-José (2011) Le féminisme problématique d’un roman d’amour, Anne Mérival Recherches féministes 24.1:61–76 DOI: 10.7202/1006077ar Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) feminism work marriage war/armed forces Canada trash/literary and or intellectual quality Delly religion/spirituality romances in magazines and newspapers
Regis, Pamela (2011) "Female genre fiction in the twentieth century " The Cambridge History of the American Novel 847-860 DOI:10.1017/CHOL9780521899079.056 Topic genre definitions Samuel Richardson Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) E. D. E. N. Southworth religion/spirituality Kathleen Thompson Norris Faith Baldwin Claire Morgan/Patricia Highsmith LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors Kathleen Woodiwiss Jennifer Crusie Beverly Jenkins Ann Herendeen Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb marriage
Saint-Jacques, Denis des Rivières, Marie-José (2011) Le féminisme problématique d’un roman d’amour, Anne Mérival Recherches féministes 24.1:61–76 DOI: 10.7202/1006077ar Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) feminism work marriage war/armed forces Canada trash/literary and or intellectual quality Delly religion/spirituality romances in magazines and newspapers
Kamble, Jayashree (2012) "Patriotism, Passion, and PTSD: The Critique of War in Popular Romance Fiction " New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays 153-163 Topic war/armed forces United States of America national identity disability Linda Howard marriage Gaelen Foley Suzanne Brockmann Sherrilyn Kenyon
Moore, Kate Selinger, Eric Murphy (2012) The Heroine as Reader, the Reader as Heroine: Jennifer Crusie’s Welcome to Temptation Journal of Popular Romance Studies 2.2: Topic Jennifer Crusie readers metafiction romance scholarship sex/sexuality marriage
Rani, Mohd. Zariat Abdul (2012) Islam, Romance and Popular Taste in Indonesia: A textual analysis of Ayat ayat cinta by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy and Syahadat cinta by Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy Indonesia and the Malay World 40.116:59-73 DOI: 10.1080/13639811.2011.648998 Topic Indonesia Habiburrahman El-Shirazy Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy Islam religion/spirituality paratext film/movies Publishing marriage Muslim romance
Selinger, Eric Murphy (2012) "How to Read a Romance Novel (and Fall in Love with Popular Romance) " New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays 33-46 Topic close reading trash/literary and or intellectual quality Laura Kinsale marriage Milton disability religion/spirituality love
Selinger, Eric Murphy (2012) Nothing But Good Times Ahead: A Special Forum on Jennifer Crusie (Editor’s Introduction) Journal of Popular Romance Studies 2.2: Topic Jennifer Crusie romance scholarship marriage family feminism
Moore, Kate Selinger, Eric Murphy (2012) The Heroine as Reader, the Reader as Heroine: Jennifer Crusie’s Welcome to Temptation Journal of Popular Romance Studies 2.2: Topic Jennifer Crusie readers metafiction romance scholarship sex/sexuality marriage
Spillman, K. Elizabeth (2012) "The "Managing Female" in the Novels of Georgette Heyer " New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays 84-98 Topic Georgette Heyer gender metafiction marriage
Tatlock, Lynne (2012) German Writing, American Reading: Women and the Import of Fiction, 1866-1917 Columbus: Ohio State University Press Topic Germany United States of America translation gender work marriage fairytales/folktales family Publishing E. Marlitt/Eugenie John Wilhelmine Heimburg/Bertha Behrens Fanny Lewald Wilhelmine von Hillern Claire von Glümer Ursula Zöge von Manteuffel E. Werner/Elisabeth Bürstenbinder religion/spirituality Nataly von Eschstruth metafiction social/economic class Charlotte Brontë E. Juncker Moritz von Reichenbach/Valeska von Reiswitz, Gräfin von Bethusy-Huc Golo Raimund/Bertha [Heyn] Frederich history national identity war/armed forces race/ethnicity Louisa May Alcott
Veldman-Genz, Carole (2012) "The More the Merrier? Transformations of the Love Triangle Across the Romance " New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays 108-120 Topic love Lisa Kleypas Christina Dodd Linda Howard Catherine George Isabelle Holland Jude Deveraux Amanda Scott Catherine Coulter Maggie Osborne/Margaret St. George Karen Ranney Sandra Brown Nicole Jordan LaVyrle Spencer Penelope Williamson Susan Elizabeth Phillips feminism erotic romance Emma Holly Rachel Bo marriage Mardi Ballou Ellora's Cave Samantha Kane LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors
Vivanco, Laura (2012) "One Ring to Bind Them: Ring Symbolism in Popular Romance Fiction " New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays 99-107 Topic fashion/clothing marriage Lisa Kleypas Jennifer Crusie Loretta Chase Melissa McClone Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle Jessica Hart Dorie Graham Roslyn Hardy Holcomb Margot Early Laura Abbot sex/sexuality metaphor/symbolism
Peinado Rodríguez, Matilde Anta Félez, José Luis (2013) Educar para el matrimonio en femenino: modelos y prácticas en la literatura de posguerra Athenea Digita 13.2:35-46 DOI: 10.5565/rev/athenead/v13n2.892 Topic Spain fascism/right-wing authoritarianism gender marriage
Gardner, Jeanne Emerson (2013) She Got Her Man, but Could She Keep Him? Love and Marriage in American Romance Comics, 1947–1954 The Journal of American Culture 36.1:16-24 DOI: 10.1111/jacc.12009 Topic comics/manga sex/sexuality history YA/teenage romance marriage United States of America
Hamilton, Cristen (2013) Vindicating the Historical Romance Plaza: Dialogues in Language and Literature 3.2:140-156 Topic historical romance Sabrina Jeffries work Jude Deveraux Christina Dodd marriage Lisa Kleypas gender Elizabeth Boyle happy ending Laura Lee Guhrke Cathy Maxwell
Peinado Rodríguez, Matilde Anta Félez, José Luis (2013) Educar para el matrimonio en femenino: modelos y prácticas en la literatura de posguerra Athenea Digita 13.2:35-46 DOI: 10.5565/rev/athenead/v13n2.892 Topic Spain fascism/right-wing authoritarianism gender marriage
Weaver-Zercher, Valerie (2013) Thrill of the Chaste: the Allure of Amish Romance Novels Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press Topic Christian romance United States of America religion/spirituality paratext Publishing Beverly Lewis Wanda Brunstetter Cindy Woodsmall sex/sexuality virginity readers gender Helen Reimensnyder Martin Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Clara Bernice Miller Cora Gottschalk Welty rural romance Ruth Lininger Dobson Joseph W. Yoder Janette Oke settings happy ending marriage family Linda Byler race/ethnicity
Ávila, Debbie Maria (2014) Conflicting Images of Womanhood in the Novels of Alice Ogando Cincinnati Romance Review 38:245-259 Topic Alice Ogando writing as Mary Love Portugal fascism/right-wing authoritarianism gender marriage family love
Lozano Sampedro, Mª Teresa (2014) La culture et le travail de la femme. Une approche comparative entre Delly et Corín Tellado L'Ull crític 17-18:235-248 Topic Delly Corín Tellado work marriage fairytales/folktales Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined)
Teo, Hsu-Ming (2014) “We have to learn to love imperially”: Love in Late Colonial and Federation Australian Romance Novels Journal of Popular Romance Studies 4.2: Topic Australia Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) love gender marriage national identity Mary Bradford Whiting UK race/ethnicity family sex/sexuality rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse Broda Reynolds Mabel Forrest Marie Bjelke Petersen Alice Grant Rosman Rosa Praed rural romance settings work Ada Cambridge
Chandra, Elizabeth (2015) Blossoming Dahlia: Chinese Women Novelists in Colonial Indonesia Southeast Asian Studies 4.3:533-564 Topic Indonesia Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) marriage gender history family race/ethnicity
Jarmakani, Amira (2015) An Imperialist Love Story: Desert Romances and the War on Terror New York: New York University Press Topic sheikh romance war/armed forces United States of America race/ethnicity Islam E. M. Hull gender marriage rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse
Khuankaew, Sasinee (2015) Femininity and masculinity in three selected twentieth-century Thai romance fictions PhD, Cardiff University Topic gender Thailand Buddhism marriage sex/sexuality feminism religion/spirituality
King, Laura (2015) "The Perfect Man: Fatherhood, Masculinity and Romance in Popular Culture in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain " Love and Romance in Britain, 1918-1970 41–60 DOI:10.1057/9781137328632_3 Topic family gender marriage history UK
Barrett-Fox, Rebecca (2016) "Christian Romance Novels: Inspiring Convention and Challenge " Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom? 347-368 Topic Christian romance readers gender religion/spirituality marriage work
Francis, Conseula (2016) "Flipping the Script: Romancing Zane's Urban Erotica " Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom? 167-180 Topic Zane sex/sexuality romance and, or as, activism race/ethnicity emotions marriage love
Gordis, Lisa M. (2016) ""Jesus loves your girl more than you do": Marriage as Triangle in Evangelical Romance and Puritan Narratives " Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom? 323-346 Topic Christian romance religion/spirituality marriage Francine Rivers gender
Herendeen, Ann (2016) "Having it Both Ways; or, Writing from the Third Perspective: The Revolutionary M/M/F Ménage Romance Novel " Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom? 405-419 Topic LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors Ann Herendeen marriage metafiction Georgette Heyer
Roach, Catherine M. (2016) Happily Ever After: The Romance Story in Popular Culture Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press Topic authors religion/spirituality love sex/sexuality Beverly Jenkins gender rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse genre definitions BDSM J. R. Ward readers LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors happy ending romance scholarship marriage pornography Publishing feminism
Thierauf, Doreen (2016) Forever After: Desire in the 21st-Century Romance Blockbuster Journal of Popular Culture 49.3:604-26 DOI: 10.1111/jpcu.12423 Topic Jane Austen sex/sexuality marriage gender feminism readers psychology Twilight Fifty Shades rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse BDSM
Ali, Kecia (2017) Troubleshooting Post-9/11 America: Religion, Racism, and Stereotypes in Suzanne Brockmann’s Into the Night and Gone Too Far Journal of Popular Romance Studies 6: Topic Suzanne Brockmann religion/spirituality race/ethnicity United States of America war/armed forces Islam sheikh romance gender marriage
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Silva, Erotilde Honório Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia (2017) O casamento em perigo no romance sentimental de Corin Tellado e a imprensa feminina na ditadura militar brasileira 18º Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia26 a 29 de julho de 2017, Brasília-DFGrupo de Trabalho: Literatura e Sociedade : Topic Brazil Corín Tellado marriage fascism/right-wing authoritarianism
Arimbi, Diah Ariani (2017) "Women in Indonesian Popular Fiction: Romance, Beauty, and Identity Politics in Metropop Novels " Traditions Redirecting Contemporary Indonesian Cultural Productions 247-271 Topic Indonesia settings languages gender fashion/clothing marriage
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Silva, Erotilde Honório Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia (2017) O casamento em perigo no romance sentimental de Corin Tellado e a imprensa feminina na ditadura militar brasileira 18º Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia26 a 29 de julho de 2017, Brasília-DFGrupo de Trabalho: Literatura e Sociedade : Topic Brazil Corín Tellado marriage fascism/right-wing authoritarianism
Kohlman, Marla H. Simpson, Samantha N. (2017) "For the Sake of Hearth and Home: Gender Schematicity in the Romance Novel " Discourses on Gender and Sexual Inequality: The Legacy of Sandra L. Bem 115-128 DOI:10.1108/S1529-212620170000023006 Topic gender Harlequin Mills & Boon race/ethnicity work marriage family
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Silva, Erotilde Honório Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia (2017) O casamento em perigo no romance sentimental de Corin Tellado e a imprensa feminina na ditadura militar brasileira 18º Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia26 a 29 de julho de 2017, Brasília-DFGrupo de Trabalho: Literatura e Sociedade : Topic Brazil Corín Tellado marriage fascism/right-wing authoritarianism
Kohlman, Marla H. Simpson, Samantha N. (2017) "For the Sake of Hearth and Home: Gender Schematicity in the Romance Novel " Discourses on Gender and Sexual Inequality: The Legacy of Sandra L. Bem 115-128 DOI:10.1108/S1529-212620170000023006 Topic gender Harlequin Mills & Boon race/ethnicity work marriage family
Soler Gallo, Miguel (2017) "El juego amoroso en la novela rosa española femenina de los años cuarenta " O jogo do mundo: ensaios sobre o imaginário lúdico 433-454 Topic Spain love fascism/right-wing authoritarianism gender family marriage history
Abdullah-Poulos, Layla (2018) The Stable Muslim Love Triangle - Triangular Desire in African American Muslim Romance Fiction Journal of Popular Romance Studies 7: Topic Islam African American romance United States of America religion/spirituality race/ethnicity marriage Muslim romance
Gillis, Stacy (2018) "Manners, Money, and Marriage: Austen, Heyer, and the Literary Genealogy of the Regency Romance " After Austen: Reinventions, Rewritings, Revisitings 81-101 DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-95894-1_5 Topic Jane Austen Georgette Heyer Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) gender sex/sexuality social/economic class history trash/literary and or intellectual quality marriage historical romance
Güvendi Yalçın, Elif (2018) The Transformation of Romance Novels Based on the Theories of Sociologist Anthony Giddens PhD, Istanbul Aydin University Institute of Social Sciences Topic sociology gender love marriage Kathleen Woodiwiss Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse historical romance
McAlister, Jodi (2018) “Feelings Like the Women in Books”: Declarations of Love in Australian Romance Novels, 1859–1891 Emotions: History, Culture, Society 2.1:91-112 DOI: 10.1163/2208522X-02010005 Topic Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Australia love history national identity marriage
White, Bonnie Pope, Johnathan H. (2018) Spinsters, war widows, and wounded soldiers: the Great War novels of Berta Ruck Women's History Review 27.7:1085-1102 DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2018.1430003 Topic Berta Ruck war/armed forces gender disability marriage
Popova, Milena (2018) Rewriting the Romance: Emotion Work and Consent in Arranged Marriage Fanfiction Journal of Popular Romance Studies 7: Topic fanfiction sex/sexuality marriage emotions
Ramsdell, Kristin (2018) Encyclopedia of Romance Fiction Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood Topic Publishing paranormal/fantasy/time-travel romance comics/manga Christian romance marriage Jane Austen Charlotte Brontë Emily Brontë Barbara Cartland Janet Dailey Daphne du Maurier Ethel M. Dell erotic romance feminism science fiction/futuristic romance Elinor Glyn Margaret Mitchell Harlequin Mills & Boon Georgette Heyer Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert historical romance E. M. Hull romance scholarship LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors libraries/librarians romantic suspense Samuel Richardson rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb Bertrice Small Mary Stewart translation Patricia Veryan Phyllis A. Whitney Kathleen Winsor Kathleen Woodiwiss race/ethnicity
White, Bonnie Pope, Johnathan H. (2018) Spinsters, war widows, and wounded soldiers: the Great War novels of Berta Ruck Women's History Review 27.7:1085-1102 DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2018.1430003 Topic Berta Ruck war/armed forces gender disability marriage
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia Silva, Erotilde Honório (2019) Emoção e moralidade em tempos de ruptura: o estupro nas relações conjugais nos romances sentimentais e suas comunidades de leitura O público e o privado 34:137-161 Topic rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse marriage readers Brazil
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia Silva, Erotilde Honório (2019) Emoção e moralidade em tempos de ruptura: o estupro nas relações conjugais nos romances sentimentais e suas comunidades de leitura O público e o privado 34:137-161 Topic rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse marriage readers Brazil
Jones, Amanda (2019) Madness, Monks and Mutiny: Neo-Victorianism in the Work of Victoria Holt Neo-Victorian Studies 12.1:1-27 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470919 Topic Victoria Holt/Jean Plaidy/Eleanor Burford Hibbert gothic romance romantic suspense feminism Charlotte Brontë gender marriage family Wilkie Collins health/medical Mary Elizabeth Braddon India
Nikbakht, H. (2019) Female Agency in the Harlequin Romance Formula: developments within the timeframe of second wave feminism Bachelor’s thesis, Utrecht University Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon feminism family work sex/sexuality gender Carole Mortimer Roberta Leigh/Rachel Lindsay virginity rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse health/medical marriage
Rosanowski, Annika (2019) Can She Have It All? Pregnancy Narratives in Contemporary Category Romance Journal of Popular Romance Studies 8: Topic family gender Harlequin Mills & Boon marriage
Andrade, Roberta Manuela Barros de Feitosa, Ricardo Augusto de Sabóia Silva, Erotilde Honório (2019) Emoção e moralidade em tempos de ruptura: o estupro nas relações conjugais nos romances sentimentais e suas comunidades de leitura O público e o privado 34:137-161 Topic rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse marriage readers Brazil
Day, Sara K. (2020) "Reimagining Forever...: The Marriage Plot in Recent Young Adult Literature " Beyond the Blockbusters: Themes and Trends in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction 156-170 Topic YA/teenage romance marriage
Henderson, Aneeka Ayanna (2020) Veil and Vow: Marriage Matters in Contemporary African American Culture : University of North Carolina Press Topic African American romance Sandra Kitt race/ethnicity marriage
Randell, Karen Weedon, Alexis (2020) "Atlantic Liners, It Girls and Old Europe in Elinor Glyn’s Romantic Adventures " Love Across the Atlantic: US-UK Romance in Popular Culture 19-37 Topic Elinor Glyn social/economic class wealth/prosperity Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) marriage United States of America history
Vera-Cazorla, María Jesús (2020) "“And they Drive on the Wrong Side of the Road”: The Anglo-centric Vision of the Canary Islands in Mills & Boon Romance Novels (1955–1987) " Love, Language, Place, and Identity in Popular Culture: Romancing the Other 25-39 Topic UK Spain Harlequin Mills & Boon settings national identity history gender fascism/right-wing authoritarianism family marriage religion/spirituality
Vivanco, Laura (2020) Let’s Not Get Carried Away by The Sheik Journal of Popular Romance Studies 9: DOI: 10.70138/MSZX3922 Topic E. M. Hull Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Berta Ruck gender LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors marriage
Randell, Karen Weedon, Alexis (2020) "Atlantic Liners, It Girls and Old Europe in Elinor Glyn’s Romantic Adventures " Love Across the Atlantic: US-UK Romance in Popular Culture 19-37 Topic Elinor Glyn social/economic class wealth/prosperity Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) marriage United States of America history
Arnold-Forster, Agnes (2021) Racing Pulses: Gender, Professionalism and Health Care in Medical Romance Fiction History Workshop Journal 91.1:157–181 DOI: 10.1093/hwj/dbab011 Topic Harlequin Mills & Boon medical romance work gender UK romance and, or as, activism social/economic class readers authors romances in magazines and newspapers Elizabeth Gilzean Alex Stuart Hilda Pressley, pseudonym of Hilda Nickson Marguerite Lees family marriage Betty Neels
Izharuddin, Alicia (2021) Counterpublics of care: making space for mediated intimacy and romantic self-making in Malaysia Gender, Place & Culture : DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2021.1994928 Topic readers Malaysia gender emotions marriage Islam love
Izharuddin, Alicia (2021) “Redha tu Ikhlas”: The Social–Textual Significance of Islamic Virtue in Malay Forced Marriage Narratives Religions 12.5 (310): DOI: 10.3390/rel12050310 Topic marriage Malaysia Islam Fauziah Ashari readers religion/spirituality Muslim romance rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse gender
Murias, Rosana (2021) "In Grey and Pink: The Image of the Bride through the Spanish Postwar Novela Rosa " The Bride in the Cultural Imagination: Screen, Stage, and Literary Productions 17-34 DOI:10.5771/9781793616142-17 Topic Spain fascism/right-wing authoritarianism marriage Carlota O'Neill/Laura de Noves gender film/movies history
Naeej, Elham (2021) Parting the Curtain: The Virgin Heroine and the ‘Westoxified’ Villain in Contemporary Iranian Romance Novels Journal of Popular Romance Studies 10: DOI: 10.70138/CHKD6705 Topic Iran virginity national identity Fattaneh Haj Seyyed Javadi Nazi Safavi Roya Khosronajdi Parinush Saniee Simin Shirdel Maryam Riahi Homa Puresfahani gender Islam marriage
Ficke, Sarah (2022) "House, home and husband in historical romance fiction " The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love DOI:10.4324/9781003022343-11 Topic historical romance Jane Austen Cecilia Grant Anna Cowan Anna Harrington Courtney Milan history work family marriage settings
Jackson, Nicole M. (2022) Freedom’s Epilogue: Love as Freedom in Alyssa Cole’s Historical Novellas Journal of Popular Romance Studies 11: DOI: 10.70138/ZYOB2141 Topic Alyssa Cole historical romance history race/ethnicity African American romance United States of America emotions love family community marriage LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors happy ending
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2022) L’amour comme un roman. Le roman sentimental au Québec d’hier à aujourd’hui Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Harlequin Mills & Boon sociology love marriage sex/sexuality
O'Brien, Lee (2022) Telling Gaps and Domestic Tyranny: Georgette Heyer’s Regency Romances Journal of Popular Romance Studies 11: DOI: 10.70138/QSNM1860 Topic Georgette Heyer happy ending family history health/medical sex/sexuality gender social/economic class rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse marriage
Selinger, Eric Murphy (2022) "Disaggregating attraction: asexuality and genre critique in Alex Beecroft's Blue Steel Chain " The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love DOI:10.4324/9781003022343-29 Topic Alex Beecroft LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors sex/sexuality religion/spirituality love marriage Ann Herendeen metafiction trash/literary and or intellectual quality Christian romance food, drink metaphor/symbolism
Selinger, Eric Murphy (2022) "Disenchantment and its discontents: “modern love” and irony in popular romance fiction " The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love DOI:10.4324/9781003022343-30 Topic love Jennifer Crusie science/technology religion/spirituality marriage Alisha Rai feminism emotions Alexis Hall metafiction Francine Rivers fairytales/folktales health/medical
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2022) L’amour comme un roman. Le roman sentimental au Québec d’hier à aujourd’hui Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Harlequin Mills & Boon sociology love marriage sex/sexuality
Burge, Amy (2023) "Romantic Love across Borders: Marriage Migration in Popular Romance Fiction " Contemporary Love Studies in the Arts and Humanities: What's Love Got To Do With It? 39-49 DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-26055-1_4 Topic Helen Hoang Brigitte Bautista United States of America Philippines Vietnam marriage metaphor/symbolism
Ghosh, Srijani (2023) Diversity Sells: Uzma Jalaluddin’s Muslim Adaptation of Pride and Prejudice English Studies 104.3:539-558 DOI: 10.1080/0013838X.2023.2180896 Topic Uzma Jalaluddin Islam religion/spirituality Jane Austen race/ethnicity Canada marriage
Pierini, Francesca (2023) Towards a Regime of Authenticity. Reading A Room with a View through the Lens of Contemporary Romance Scholarship LEA - Lingue E Letterature D'Oriente E D'Occidente 12:217-228 DOI: 10.36253/lea-1824-484x-14273 Topic E. M. Forster Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Italy marriage emotions happy ending trash/literary and or intellectual quality
Santaulària, M. Isabel (2023) "The Part of the Iceberg That Doesn’t Show: Romance, Good Husbands, and Mr Julia Child " Detoxing Masculinity in Anglophone Literature and Culture: In Search of Good Men 283-298 DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-22144-6_17 Topic film/movies gender marriage
Teo, Hsu-Ming (2023) "Love Is Not Enough: Australian Romantic Fiction from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century " The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel 97-113 DOI:10.1017/9781009090049.007 Topic Australia Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) Rosa Praed Marie Bjelke Petersen marriage love work
Burge, Amy (2024) Marriage migration, intimacy and genre in Helen Hoang’s The Bride Test (2019) and Brigitte Bautista’s You, Me, U.S. (2019) Literature, Critique, and Empire Today ONLINE FIRST:ONLINE FIRST DOI: 10.1177/30333962241267810 Topic marriage love Helen Hoang Brigitte Bautista Vietnam Philippines United States of America LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse
Kies, Bridget (2024) Saying “I Don’t”: Queer Romance in the Post–Marriage Equality World Journal of Popular Romance Studies 13: DOI: 10.70138/YKLZ4173 Topic marriage happy ending LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors film/movies Alexis Hall
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2024) Love Stories Now and Then: A History of Les romans d'amour : Baraka Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) sociology love marriage sex/sexuality history Philippe Aubert de Gaspé Jr. Joseph Doutre metafiction Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau social/economic class religion/spirituality race/ethnicity Rosanna Leprohon Ernest Choquette family Virginie Dussault Albertine Laperle-Bernier dime novels Harlequin Mills & Boon YA/teenage romance chick lit Marie-Claude Bussières-Tremblay Micheline Perron rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse Raymond Plante Bertrand Gauthier LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors chick lit Suzanne Roy Chloé Duval BDSM
Luneau, Marie-Pier Warren, Jean-Philippe (2024) Love Stories Now and Then: A History of Les romans d'amour : Baraka Topic Canada Older and/or precursor texts (may not be "romance" as now defined) sociology love marriage sex/sexuality history Philippe Aubert de Gaspé Jr. Joseph Doutre metafiction Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau social/economic class religion/spirituality race/ethnicity Rosanna Leprohon Ernest Choquette family Virginie Dussault Albertine Laperle-Bernier dime novels Harlequin Mills & Boon YA/teenage romance chick lit Marie-Claude Bussières-Tremblay Micheline Perron rape and/or intimate partner violence/abuse Raymond Plante Bertrand Gauthier LGBTQ+ characters, readers and/or authors chick lit Suzanne Roy Chloé Duval BDSM